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Forex Income Engine es un curso de forex desarrollado por un veterano comerciante, Bill Poulos. Este hombre ha creado pocos métodos comerciales en el pasado, y ahora está de vuelta con una versión 2.0, alegando que hizo un nuevo descubrimiento. Siempre habrá un montón de bombo alrededor de hacer dinero opporunities, y desafortunadamente Forex no es un juego donde se puede jugar con el dinero. Así es el nuevo curso FIE realmente tiene potencial para hacer de usted un comerciante exitoso. Aquí hay pocas respuestas. & Gt; La afirmación del curso, no están tan llenos de bombo. Los objetivos que debe alcanzar son los siguientes. Triplicar su potencial de ganancias, comenzar con una cuenta de $ 500, obtener un plan de comercio personalizado, disfrutar de operaciones rápidas y frecuentes, eliminar grandes pérdidas y convertirse en un comerciante independiente. No es algo realmente nuevo si lo piensas. Sin embargo, Bill Poulos dio pocos detalles del curso, revelando la zona de miembros privados, mostrando los oficios en vivo y explicando la gestión comercial de cada uno. Y una cosa agradable de anotar. El sistema a veces falla. Cómo es agradable. Bueno, si estaba lleno de bombo tendrías la afirmación de una estrategia 100% ganadora, que tenemos que admitir, no existe. Pero el enfoque comercial se centra en la gestión de riesgos en primer lugar, ser.

Vwd group, Alemania, entra en funcionamiento con el feed de datos Tenfore FX

Publicado por primera vez el 16 de julio de 2007

Tenfore Systems Ltd, proveedor independiente de datos de mercado mundial en tiempo real e históricos, anunció hoy que el grupo vwd, el mayor proveedor de sistemas de información financiera de Alemania, está en vivo con Tenforex, el feed de datos de FX. Esto permite a vwd ofrecer precios precisos y en tiempo real a más de 40.000 clientes en Alemania y en la web, incluyendo las banca privada, la gestión de patrimonios y las banca minoristas. Tenforex es un alimento independiente basado en las tasas de cambio de más de 30 contribuyentes principales.

Sabine Alvarez, directora ejecutiva de contenido, vwd group, dice: "La calidad de los datos fue una de nuestras principales prioridades en la elección de un proveedor. Tenforex debido a su gran variedad de colaboradores y su capacidad para proporcionar tarifas precisas dentro de la gama del mercado. También fue capaz de acomodar nuestros requisitos a medida y ofrecer comerciales flexibles para encajar en nuestro negocio ".

Vwd group firmó el acuerdo con Tenfore en marzo de 2007. Usando la interfaz de programación de aplicaciones de difusión (API) de Tenfore, la empresa integró Tenforex en sus aplicaciones de terminal y en la web antes de entrar en funcionamiento en julio de 2007. vwd group ahora entrega las tarifas FX de Tenfore a través de un estándar Paquete que contiene 17 tarifas cruzadas principales, ya través de su paquete avanzado que contiene todas las tarifas disponibles de Tenfore cruzadas incluyendo pares exóticos de la modernidad.

Tenfore filtrará y monitoreará continuamente su feed de Tenforex para asegurar la exactitud y la oportunidad de los precios, así como ofrecer su servicio de oferta promedio mejor oferta (ABBA), proporcionando una vista consolidada única del mercado de divisas. La red global de plantas de tickers de Tenfore ha permitido la entrega local del servicio desde su estación de tickers de Frankfurt a servidores dedicados en las oficinas de vwd en Frankfurt a través de líneas dobles alquiladas, eliminando cualquier latencia innecesaria de las comunicaciones.

Los contribuyentes de Tenforex incluyen portales FX como HotSpot FX y Saxo Bank, destacados especialistas de la industria como Tullett Prebon y Rada Forex, y bancos de inversión como Dresdner y UBS. Esta variedad de contribuidores permite a Tenfore ofrecer una alta tasa de actualizaciones y márgenes en el mercado a través de todos los pares de divisas líderes 24x7. Como resultado, Tenforex no depende de ninguna fuente de mercado único para proporcionar la mayoría de las actualizaciones, y si una fuente de precios importante no está disponible, Tenforex seguirá entregando.

La API de difusión proporciona un entorno de desarrollo de alto nivel y fácil de usar para las aplicaciones que necesitan acceder al feed de datos en tiempo real de Tenfore. Las API de Tenfore ofrecen una integración rápida y sencilla de sus datos en aplicaciones de terceros y para la contribución de datos de clientes a través de la red Tenfore. Están diseñados para adaptarse a diferentes requisitos y restricciones de clientes, incluyendo el entorno, el uso de datos y los recursos de desarrollo.

Gordon Bloor, director ejecutivo de Tenfore, dice: "La entrega de alimentos en tiempo real de FX es una parte importante de nuestro patrimonio y hoy en día somos uno de los pocos proveedores que realmente pueden ofrecer spreads de divisas exactas. De esta oferta y la compañía ahora se une a los gustos de Thomson Financial, Financial Express y XE. com en nuestra creciente lista de clientes de FX ".

Con 3.000 usuarios finales directos, Tenfore cuenta con más de 500 clientes corporativos, incluyendo HSBC e ING, y 45 clientes al por mayor / redistribución incluyendo Thomson Financial y GFI.

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Hay varios hombres y mujeres que se sumergen en la compra y venta de Forex en su tiempo libre sólo para que puedan hacer algunos ingresos de repuesto. También hay personas que han logrado convertirlo en una organización completa que les gana mucho más ingresos que cualquier tarea que realmente hizo. Si usted está involucrado en unirse al planeta agradable y lucrativo de la compra y venta de Forex debe inicialmente elegir cuál de estos dos tipos de comerciantes que desea ser. Lo que ayuda a hacer la distinción entre un comerciante ordinario y una extraordinariamente eficaz es la cantidad de experiencia que el comerciante ha adquirido acerca de esta empresa. Usted no puede esperar para hacer grandes fondos en esta empresa puramente sobre la base de oficios al azar. Es posible que tenga suerte después en un, aunque, pero su empresa está destinado a estancarse la mayor parte del tiempo simplemente porque usted no tiene el equipo para hacer las selecciones de la organización adecuada. También puede dejar caer una gran cantidad de fondos. Aunque se reconoce que usted requiere para obtener la escolarización en la disciplina de comercio de divisas, que se perplejo con razón sobre cómo proceder. Hay varios sitios de Internet y blogs dedicados a este subj.

grupo vwd

Un proveedor alemán de datos, el grupo vwd ofrece soluciones personalizadas de información, comunicaciones y tecnología para el mercado de valores. Como proveedor europeo líder, se especializa en satisfacer las necesidades individuales de los clientes en las áreas de gestión de activos, banca minorista, banca privada y gestión de patrimonios. Ofrece soluciones innovadoras para proveedores de servicios financieros, corporaciones, medios de comunicación y clientes privados.

Como proveedor de servicios completos, el grupo vwd apoya la industria de valores desde la emisión, distribución, análisis y negociación de valores hasta la consultoría y administración. Las aplicaciones y servicios de vwd group combinan los flujos de datos producidos por los mercados financieros globales en información productiva que puede usarse para el análisis y la toma de decisiones. La integración de la tecnología apropiada y las soluciones de transacción las hacen rápidas y fáciles de usar. Durante 60 años los expertos en mercados financieros y los inversores privados han estado utilizando estas soluciones para sus decisiones profesionales sobre la protección de activos y el crecimiento de la riqueza.

Clasificado en el puesto nº 18 de 37 fuentes de datos

BIS es un alimento financiero relativamente desconocido para los 40.000 miembros del Reino Unido de T2W. Es sospecho que casi totalmente desconocido a los miembros de los EEUU aunque proporciona una amplia gama de datos de los EEUU además de la cobertura muy amplia de mercados europeos. Tiene una base fuerte en Alemania. Fininfo, empresa francesa, cuyo principal negocio es la provisión de software a instituciones financieras, posee una mayoría en acciones de BIS AG. BIS tiene algunos clientes impresionantes en Alemania como Bundesbank. BIS ha estado en el negocio por cerca de 12 años. Su base de negocios es muy tranquilizadora.

Los parámetros de T2W en sus revisiones de feed de datos son un poco restrictivos para los propósitos de calificación. No es posible compararlas unas con otras de manera científica para obtener un patrón con el que se pueda medir cada alimento clasificado en el sitio. Lo que como cliente veo como más importante en un feed de datos puede no ser tan importante para otros.

Qué necesito entonces de un feed de datos en tiempo real? Cómo se compara el feed de Boersen Informationssysteme? Los encabezamientos a continuación se explican por sí mismos. Cualquier decisión que tome sobre el uso de un pienso se hace en los encabezados a continuación. Se enumeran en ningún orden particular de importancia.

Peer Group Approval Yo pertenezco a un grupo de comerciantes usando métodos probados y confiables, software y feeds de datos. Mi elección de BIS como alimento en tiempo real se basó en mi comprensión de los grupos & # 146; Uso y de los altos niveles de satisfacción del grupo con él.

Entrega de datos sobre los instrumentos e instrumentos complementarios que deseo observar y (en menor medida) aquellos que desee observar en el futuro. Hay varios niveles de suscripción proporcionados para atender a aquellos con intereses en varios market. e.g. El paquete BIS 400 cubre los mercados del Reino Unido y Europa en acciones y derivados a un costo muy razonable El BIS 700 cubre los mercados de Estados Unidos así como del Reino Unido y Europa. Ambos paquetes vienen con: Free Forex en tiempo real los precios al contado, los índices internacionales, los metales. Los clientes son capaces de elegir una mezcla de intercambios en tiempo real y con retraso. También hay datos disponibles al final del día para los mercados de Europa, Estados Unidos y Asia. Profi-charts están disponibles impulsados ​​por Trade señal con numerosos indicadores y herramientas de gráficos

Entrega rápida de datos en una forma que pueda ser fácilmente utilizada por mí como cliente. Los datos están disponibles en tiempo real y en EOD. El feed es compatible con DDE y API. Los datos suministrados están disponibles para cualquier programa de software disponible comercialmente que soporte dde como Metastock en tiempo real, Trade Station 2000i, Updata TA, etc. No puedo comentar sobre su uso con estos cuando uso software propietario de propiedad privada. Mi experiencia es que la velocidad es satisfactoria / muy buena. Mi grupo de compañeros que están dispersos por todo el mundo también reportan satisfacción general con la velocidad de entrega de datos y su formato en rangos mucho más amplios de instrumentos e intercambios que los que yo uso.

Precisión de los datos. No parece existir ninguna razón para suponer que BIS está particularmente expuesto a la inexactitud de los datos. Puedo recordar sólo un dato # 147; spike & # 148; En un instrumento que estaba siguiendo desde que me inscribí. Mis grupos de parejas & # 146; La experiencia es que las inexactitudes están presentes pero son raras.

Método de entrega apropiado. El feed está disponible para nuevos clientes a través de la transmisión por satélite digital (dentro de la base de datos de Astra Satellite), Internet o Gsm. Utilizo el satélite como un método de entrega de datos. Esto me permite segregar mis datos y funciones relacionadas con los datos a una máquina dedicada libre de cualquier posible contaminación de Internet. Vivo en el noreste de Inglaterra ya pesar de mis dudas iniciales he encontrado que mi fuerza de señal nunca ha sido inferior al 88%, lo cual es más que suficiente para una recepción de datos consistente y fiable. Un usuario de un grupo de pares en Escocia registra resultados satisfactorios aún más cerca de los límites de la huella de satélite.

Fiabilidad y facilidad de configuración. Me pareció que el sistema BIS muy fácil de configurar y usar. Una vez más mi experiencia, que se limita a varios meses, indica que la fiabilidad es muy buena. La experiencia de grupo de pares reportada durante un tiempo mucho más largo indica que la confiabilidad es muy buena. Un sistema de entrega por satélite puede ser ocasionalmente interrumpido por las malas condiciones meteorológicas (la iluminación puede interrumpir la señal muy temporalmente y los fuertes vendavales pueden ocasionalmente causar un plato que está inseguramente fijado para salir de la línea con el satélite). Hasta ahora no he experimentado ninguno de estos problemas y mi grupo de compañeros informa pocos o ningún problema

Atención al cliente. BIS tiene un servicio de ayuda en Alemania con operadores de habla inglesa. En mi experiencia el mostrador es fácilmente contactado con ninguno de los retrasos irritante que puede ser experimentado en otro lugar. La acción tomada es rápida y está dirigida por operadores experimentados. La mayor parte del sitio web alemán de BIS es traducible por herramientas de idioma de motores de búsqueda. Hay un sitio web en inglés, pero no es tan completo como el alemán y podría ser mejorado al ser ampliado para ser un espejo del sitio base de origen. BIS mantiene un distribuidor de sistemas dedicado en el Reino Unido para proporcionar soporte al cliente. Su designado está muy familiarizado con su sistema durante un período de muchos años y también con su compatibilidad con muchos sistemas de hardware y software. El representante del Reino Unido está disponible a través de su sitio web http://www. leewin. com/nuke/index. php por correo electrónico, teléfono, FAX y VOIP (Skype). El servicio que ofrece es muy amable y personal y se basa en su experiencia de BIS, que es extensa.

Costo. Puede haber un argumento para poner a disposición los datos financieros desnudos (sin las cosas front end) a un costo menor como se hace con el feed de IQ americano. Esto sería de interés para aquellos que requieren un servicio sin lujos. Muchos aunque deseen utilizar las instalaciones adicionales como es, aunque no son de interés para mí personalmente. El BIS 700 es de 138 + IVA y tasas de cambio. El BIS 400 es un precio muy competitivo. Las opciones de pago disponibles son mensuales, trimestrales y anuales

En general Se trata de un alimento muy competitivo y totalmente caracterizado que ha pasado desapercibido por muchos durante mucho tiempo. Proporciona datos de Forex tan exactos y confiables en tiempo real que es utilizado por un banco alemán muy conocido. En mi opinión, será de interés para una amplia variedad de usuarios que bien pueden no ser conscientes de su existencia hasta el momento y tiene mi firme recomendación

Press Release: Grupo vwd suministra al Tesoro del Grupo Deutsche Telekom datos de mercado

Datos completos y actualizados a diario, datos de interés y forex / Importación automática de datos en el sistema de tesorería interno / Orientación a las necesidades y, por lo tanto, selección rentable de los paquetes de datos

El grupo vwd, uno de los principales proveedores europeos de soluciones de información y tecnología, suministra al Departamento de Tesorería del Grupo de Deutsche Telekom AG datos de mercado.

Deutsche Telekom, una de las principales corporaciones de telecomunicaciones del mundo, ha utilizado terminales de datos de mercado en su departamento de tesorería durante más de cinco años, particularmente en el medio y back office, por ejemplo en el control financiero y en la preparación de informes. La conversión a vwd market manager se llevó a cabo de acuerdo con un detallado análisis de necesidades con el objetivo de ahorrar costes.

Este año, Deutsche Telekom decidió convertir al grupo vwd en suministro de alimentación de datos también. Orientado a las necesidades y, por lo tanto, muy rentable, desde abril Deutsche Telekom sólo ha recibido los datos realmente necesarios a través de vwd data manager treasury y ha convertido la oferta de tiempo real a final de día.

Los datos se introducen a través de una interfaz de datos de mercado sin procesar del grupo vwd como archivos y fluyen directamente al sistema de tesorería interno de Reval, donde se procesan. Los principales usuarios son un grupo de unas 20 personas que trabajan intensamente en la sede de Deutsche Telekom. Hay alrededor de 100 usuarios adicionales distribuidos entre contabilidad y filiales, que también utilizan estos datos para su trabajo.

Las filiales de Europa del Este de Deutsche Telekom tienen algunos requisitos especiales de datos de mercado, que no son requeridos por la sede, por ejemplo para los estados financieros consolidados. También fue posible que el grupo vwd cumpliera estos requisitos sin ningún problema y suministra a la compañía diferentes conjuntos de datos varias veces al día.

"En comparación con antes tenemos una cobertura de datos del 99% y eso es absolutamente suficiente. Además, Deutsche Telekom no solo utiliza estándares, sino que también trabaja con spreads de divisas cruzadas y diferenciales de base de tenor para valorar los derivados de intereses. Estos datos también se cubren de forma óptima a través del feed de datos vwd. No necesitamos ningún suministro de datos en tiempo real en el propio sistema de tesorería. Ese fue un lujo que ahora hemos abolido con el fin de realizar ahorros masivos en el lado del mercado de datos ", enfatiza Jürgen Kistner, Jefe de Finanzas Control & amp; Back Office, Deutsche Telekom.

"Estamos orgullosos de haber sido capaces de satisfacer todos los requisitos de un jugador global líder del mercado. Especialmente porque Deutsche Telekom AG es un cliente clave para nosotros en un grupo objetivo estratégicamente importante ", dice Achim Beisswenger, Director Ejecutivo de Ventas & Gestión de Productos - Market Data & amp; Analytics, grupo vwd.

Otras ofertas en línea del grupo vwd:

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Anders dan profielfondsen die gebonden zijn aan een bepaald beleggingsprofiel with bijbehorende asset allocation, zijn flexibele multi asset-fondsen vrijer in hun posicionamiento.

In het geval van het befaamde vlaggenschip Fonds van Carmignac Gestion, Carmignac Patrimoine, pakte dat en 2008 talón goed uit, maar de laatste tijd op zijn zachtst gezegd Minder wat.

Het fonds staat volgens Grupo VWD durante el año hasta la fecha-rendimiento van 0,59 procent.

Een maand geleden bracht fondsbeoordelaar Morningstar de la calificación de los fondos para el oro en plata. & # 8216; Los fondos de Het están dirigidos, sin embargo, no son más pequeños que los mejores & # 8217 ;, aldus Morningstar toen.

De FN Universo. De fondsnieuws-database met meest geadviseerde fondsen en Nederland, bevat 9 flexibele multi asset-fondsen.

Zie onder voor een top 5 en base van rendimiento sobre el afgelopen vijf jaar en een top 5 op base van año hasta la fecha. En el área de BlackRock Global Allocation Hedged bovenaan.

Opvallend es el inversor de Goldman Sachs Inversiones estructuradas Índice de pistas de retorno absoluto ING Invest Alternative Beta. Deze fondsen proberen de rentabilidad de hedgefondsen te benaderen la puerta en verschillende las clases de activo waar hedgefondsen en beleggen (aandelen, obligaties etc), te beleggen en niet en hedgefondsen zelf.

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24.02.2016 22:15:00 - Comunicado de Prensa: FXCM Inc. Anuncia Teleconferencia de Resultados del Cuarto Trimestre de 2015

FXCM Inc. / FXCM Inc. anuncia la conferencia telefónica de ganancias del cuarto trimestre de 2015. Procesado y transmitido por NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions. El emisor es el único responsable del contenido de este anuncio.

NUEVA YORK 24 de febrero, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - FXCM Inc. http://www. globenewswire. com/newsroom/ctr? d=10123858&l=1&a=FXCM%20Inc.&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. fxcm. com% 2Fprhome. (NYSE: FXCM), un proveedor líder en línea de servicios de divisas y servicios relacionados en todo el mundo, anunció que presentará sus resultados financieros del cuarto trimestre y del año completo 2015 después del cierre de los mercados financieros estadounidenses el jueves 10 de marzo de 2016.

La Compañía realizará una conferencia telefónica para discutir los resultados a las 4:45 p. m. (EST). Esta conferencia telefónica estará disponible para los participantes nacionales al marcar 877.445.4603 y 443.295.9270 para los participantes internacionales. El número de identificación de la conferencia es 58887797.

Un webcast de audio en vivo, una copia de la publicación de ganancias de FXCM y diapositivas de presentación para esta conferencia telefónica estarán disponibles en http://ir. fxcm. com/.

Adicionalmente, FXCM lanzará sus mediciones mensuales de negocios para febrero de 2016 en el comunicado de prensa de ganancias el jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016.

Poco después de la convocatoria, una repetición de audio webcast estará disponible en http://ir. fxcm. com/.

FXCM Inc. http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=1lg1xexUdI94vK-HC8dAjeZaCtYFuaLkRvDMpkVmO0dfHF6cykVZulcnmMrgus1OBb5A-DAkSNUPoqX4BhMBhZk0CdcN9iDvKF1KpReXgFY40ufe4AmyefstDZYCwgSAcJGhegXXGWpWqdemmOA9CnA88UCu4Lx-V56jJ3fCWid4Y5mL1AYgawOwQ8m0t_oY (NYSE: FXCM) es un proveedor líder de comercio en línea de divisas (forex), el comercio de CFD, la propagación de apuestas y servicios relacionados . Nuestra misión es proporcionar a los comerciantes mundiales acceso al mercado más grande y líquido del mundo, ofreciendo herramientas de negociación innovadoras, contratando excelentes educadores comerciales, cumpliendo estrictos estándares financieros y esforzándose por obtener la mejor experiencia comercial en línea del mercado.

Los clientes tienen la ventaja de la negociación móvil, la ejecución de órdenes de un solo clic y el comercio de gráficos en tiempo real. Además, FXCM ofrece cursos educativos sobre el comercio de divisas y proporciona libre de noticias y estudios de mercado a través de DailyFX. com http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=yMSpjRXrIOdeX4ClRoTScHlumCeMblG73qTzmFtkQmj7q1oVZcZiaRyMO9s54k3R0zJFI-cmizCZw4GbQTbnVg==.

El comercio de divisas y CFDs en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, lo que puede dar lugar a pérdidas que podrían superar sus depósitos, por lo tanto, puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Leer aviso legal completo http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=qGBx_Ayf_lHa_CMuivzxis15s1o9vR4vU-N5HbAIlP1Yzn88MXEjB-9K9_btGgW7T4sA-2IWS-RmUgWuzfFvyalRmPjVVifxWswdySUek7CVCnvPviJjsqRIhynivzqm.

Visita www. fxcm. com y síguenos en Twitter @FXCM http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=gsDfaALBkGYS4gyoOpcdril1a5i4Oluc9UTehKZm3007n967DNfH4LrJGjvdAn9Tfkf08o1WBGQQnkMk_WLBa4s9HUCbi-w5sUUATn4O2aDd9f1iy9kTzY2ZiF0HO6ge_RIJb99VG9-sIVXmF6pr2AmFLzgOojJ1fuF5J1wnXuyhxRwSi-ub2GFEvmltcvA0RN9_zAnryOx2JJwLEUPMf8gXfhTPOebTx6-5DouBSE3uLcbvLDeBaxMe824jYoxZIHC6mdflCaa-eGM2gPqzE8796oVrfU_u9oYZmA9ZanQey2tVTV-o4PXC-J4mAMJ_eV-qG4ErTjYbUCFMIHxmLTL1X1NbIT3c708kATKorxbN_qGzKLkR8yZJdChOIj1UUKXxtSrmPdJiFppi4IOOqYUpONMdZSiENaXwUOfYMT0M7aqhKHI1mRwaALlV6xraRouhwR-GltgPILMfuIg8NbwgnmTDL8VYjujlT3m2PA3vvD5lm5HaLxaoubP39LaFYDzVm6_4aSo7xqDm5QG8yDCmPE4s2R2RPHYXHEx1bn8zvhiReufBEejnimMufgVzCxHRGcSemUdtLUtx7E1nrqp6F2XVnMDY6_YuUvQ_LplDfzbnBmZqsXV-LWsL-JXKFvsv9VEkFzM2USCoRaA0B_reFittOJXWimSowfDdUoobbytvlqJmWN - xhw-wdg0lJ1chy0_Xy0l9H-38F_X3U7srtU_if8q647SRLMV1UxmDdPSk7blwmV5Vqkjst_HBpT9mTbmYQdJJDgTUL_k1orEtnBiBRZvc79pNVDXIEbnRJJ_GYoq2xF-aTwIyq9uCxS4bXP8TeqDCd9KQ49Z0O1mVecfOk-wQhwYFvifaGFGAYUoibcdw1h2wF-xDQweQ. Facebook FXCM http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=b7oSlz3kNkyoP5TaTBsFbmvapyjdNgyyXzj1u_oQ4MmsY37v8OpUWiK4NUj0SWKUzHThAbZ53zCFOSiuG-OgWvOym6fwLmDQisZ998hRDeyvzcEep90GX-IMP93BVkEOaXLYAysjlGI4eo1QdnrvrsZuXZUMgKDRuyteMKD4jVed0G9LTmI79ppImwEKfUWt8SQg-V_TIeUKxwiRapxWq4J8Nr32uIkBCGmulpJTvjhdMSKzMw7TBU9w1__vux_ZI3Q-vC8ysJfhxuDdjjRFkbcgwIIj-deLw77pGjhjYGqD75-v_f4vWxis7wkUlqonVfCoeHzvvuhnwcm7HL3n4-iD4kv2Zkn1Gser8u5-6HyZdKGHglNCGFZ4qAl3FlCd48vPgjPthFLEBKHUg_DS8omwF7AiHXb0Tw7vJIYBhKk5AbUUJ3g3odTQA14Q2H7MzTLyHstP3axKXYvv-TWIkWL8Q1SPI5dM66e6sqvq8a-pAYaXsPX5dazNXyObO8kMNEs7j0vDA6puvrpXGwaVaEPjdXPi_vUDxCCrK37ECuQqWMj1KQqp1b6MIIFVtvtUd7eXleM-_kbx8HPyzUXQQeKyRkIRtoJuEabzcErZ60z3n6JmXOPIISrlm0jZ-p_Xy_kBjUH4uv7EHpqxEqMC6WnFpsoFu_rHmgi1g6WePuA-6m4u0rnXhf2tJtg2WidEm6DhFDxdkS35eIJHIddvBZyiIFNDsZVxvVr3EMvkRmFsI84bvcNEraJVFhdDF9ZZ05rsNogeVfI5jxSKblA10qgSYJwnL0w8QFld5tZyG2ieY0MoEgk8CfpTMYolmCbBkbOP8UWY8gHalMjvCtLtduLBDbprX9pq6oWeV2T3FAl5Znhb-LBPMLxjiAX23ZjN. Google+ FXCM http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=vMhx6HD2Sw50VlCqYK_4qpM5C79k55wP5MVnkpqSf_fox94RQwQDwiV_vxb8f-lsHzXVZWw7hHC0ewxtc7zT_HjFY9zb1sJ72t3UacPnQ8YvqhI2kv3Q1QluM4Gu7l_QpgNIVS0LCEL0olBiCcKcsMczOAk2EK6XiaSEpm9QeV2iEPm5MNqRxib2i0qzd6fZayR-rY6gEz6AqAfJHIe-ZvDrbgUj-O8ZNcD-vNBq5L7FtkmFPktica8Ychh5eo2pEbv9hLwRs8RsE7qzC4Ohzvw26hZt2zkif7gB88FV8Gyjwh1027xc3qF4Huy9kln5HrxLqv62w40vCy90_EAItIBdJNQ49ggA9gxeOA9la8BBIF6HckNkjW_8CutUXq1rtovaoVnKbvVrVHEjsyd-GlunymY7HRUEqaoTnQNvJO8U2jf-_RcL4DRZ9rHa4jTjEpXcmUSr1QbWnVzYzHQr1c5Eh5LAuSol0fIXS3RHgEC1pWwoDLt604whFHZqp2OEDTZRw7AcoGeRI7_MzpQKCDev7lMj25xRK9tFdKuvwdVc0R2BdrYDkbhGS6LxJ9fg99uP9fxq_8KvDy736mtY1aCAw-F9NiR-fPi9KINRLX1o1NxFpgo5LmbADshwdYlyooi_6rDmMEq8fq3AtbJpQZN-OvAW8KqtDfVjgZkQJAIdw_orAHBYjk3YMOGIxBQmAw0QHe_3xGxzGyVx3v2niLxrzRweDpCkGV4yrziCls99jKk8LgTLhy0ZizT2rpiPKHR1YXQPWTZD03u2p7u46xeoAJznwVQQpPZdYr3p2a19ZuVVtr-JPNdgZla8TsEvo-6sRtA5IVQDpOiBAHyjTgrjFT7thT33V47DOIXNpsmARQmETRF6w62hp5eS3TMsAWFphjdqWvxGMoJTYKmd52l56ES8h7u4LOUB_jQpOcw= o YouTube FXCM http: // www. globenewswire. com / Tracker? = datos reyz2GykxOqmOVLfmj0YMKVX0y2QQEY1_aa0G-KuXXPIoPbDu7nwuQHEgaTqg2JKdi6vUApNaCfWMVl-0xG8S9MUl0mtNNtYGklKOYJDOyGo_aGUs2JHKZcwA1uZ387XJ6ZwXA_jSiTUOZ9afE_o0ZbfahrM4vQ59S33jO_wY7SA35gAh4hBd3mYJkM4JFPUe7HF8SZnAo5rl6Qd7QKQfvi_gs0bn2BzOas_gWDYbLT35zf4BTMYT1unA1YNfan0qOXLrFe3AkydvYpvMvBrLxSOd2iviltlEcWRIX5SO6uiPUNmT9X60qmkmCRMUQmcoZ38I2vmrPnXWs8sYuAE5HmFBOU6eF1GhOJJGEYLskSBijeZJs0P-i1hqcY4wPKqgSYnR9pRwP7e_9N7_hEDErQYqYdXWeO6UBcXT8XX8Y6E5AvC4qISZPJWVawYVnr9YCcWmKX8BbXDq82AUxR3pTA133lJBNQ_66da1Txv8VLRRTfwPMzNLtVzHopOhx1mo_CPr_OjLdwPwyjm7Hgn17XRyxiNi_CS-bCaaB5LoQ7UYo6FmqC6Jbes2mpvs1McNOsoLii4CZqoCsHTyB_IF8AMyL1I9t3zw3jsrojB_Zd03AtNK74xGVZQgVm8K3PiLQGnHgESFY1F23m-4voReXsLx3-s0V63vklziD4BkP7DVhPF-6PqekFdpXk6CGNIA0oN_qTm1S4Nub1EB2a3hBsobPxDuk_H2eYlGy-nnQrHisbvL1IAJcJMpjyuidpkRHvzFk8d3roZyUI2WjHificuzEM7keH0mYUPxkuwh0saIWCtKlU8h6bj0G0QS9odlv_m9uaRzADCZo0WnTddCDcn9EzPIILYIPeDiS_DQy0GIdgNDRQMJkeJz1Fn4bQ9k7ZxJ0DzUo-m9i2F6XaTp4DAHhpruvwcStREa3KhBNrn-YMhnvwi6352CCD3xlcLVBK8jMJec6Ciy8DgzUUadbAEWr3sxagQFz8ZMRCvklS23awsc9jw1PDJa_445MdR.

FXCM Inc. Jaclyn Klein, 646-432-2463 Vicepresidenta de Comunicaciones Corporativas jklein@fxcm. com investorrelations@fxcm. com

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Fuente: FXCM Inc. vía Globenewswire

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Vwd group, Alemania, entra en funcionamiento con el feed de datos Tenfore FX

Tenfore Systems Ltd, proveedor independiente de datos de mercado mundial en tiempo real e históricos, anunció hoy que el grupo vwd, el mayor proveedor de sistemas de información financiera de Alemania, está en vivo con Tenforex, el feed de datos de FX. Esto permite que vwd proporcione precios precisos y en tiempo real a más de 40.000 clientes en Alemania y en terminales y en la web, incluidas las empresas de banca privada, de gestión de patrimonios y de banca minorista. Tenforex es un alimento independiente basado en las tasas de cambio de más de 30 contribuyentes principales.

Sabine Alvarez, directora ejecutiva de contenido, vwd group, dice: "La calidad de los datos fue una de nuestras principales prioridades en la elección de un proveedor. Hemos seleccionado Tenforex debido a su gran amplitud de colaboradores y su capacidad para proporcionar tarifas precisas dentro de la gama del mercado. Tenfore también fue capaz de acomodar nuestros requisitos a medida y ofrecer comerciales flexibles para encajar en nuestro negocio. "

Vwd group firmó el acuerdo con Tenfore en marzo de 2007. Usando la interfaz de programación de aplicaciones de difusión (API) de Tenfore, la empresa integró Tenforex en sus aplicaciones de terminal y en la web antes de entrar en funcionamiento en julio de 2007. vwd group ahora entrega las tarifas FX de Tenfore a través de un estándar Paquete que contiene 17 tarifas cruzadas principales, ya través de su paquete avanzado que contiene todas las tarifas disponibles de Tenfore cruzadas incluyendo pares exóticos de la modernidad.

Tenfore filtrará y monitoreará continuamente su feed de Tenforex para asegurar la exactitud y la oportunidad de los precios, así como ofrecer su servicio de oferta promedio mejor oferta (ABBA), proporcionando una vista consolidada única del mercado de divisas. La red global de plantas de tickers de Tenfore ha permitido la entrega local del servicio desde su estación de tickers de Frankfurt a servidores dedicados en las oficinas de vwd en Frankfurt a través de líneas dobles alquiladas, eliminando cualquier latencia innecesaria de las comunicaciones.

Los contribuyentes de Tenforex incluyen portales FX como HotSpot FX y Saxo Bank, destacados especialistas de la industria como Tullett Prebon y Rada Forex, y bancos de inversión como Dresdner y UBS. Esta variedad de contribuidores permite a Tenfore ofrecer una alta tasa de actualizaciones y márgenes en el mercado a través de todos los pares de divisas líderes 24x7. Como resultado, Tenforex no depende de ninguna fuente de mercado único para proporcionar la mayoría de las actualizaciones, y si una fuente de precios importante no está disponible, Tenforex seguirá entregando.

La API de difusión proporciona un entorno de desarrollo de alto nivel y fácil de usar para las aplicaciones que necesitan acceder al feed de datos en tiempo real de Tenfore. Las API de Tenfore ofrecen una integración rápida y sencilla de sus datos en aplicaciones de terceros y para la contribución de datos de clientes a través de la red Tenfore. They are designed to accommodate differing client requirements and constraints including environment, data usage and development resources.

Gordon Bloor, CEO, Tenfore, says: “Delivering real-time FX feeds is a major part of our heritage and today we’re one of the few providers who can truly deliver accurate currency spreads. That vwd has selected Tenforex is a notable endorsement of this offering and the company now joins the likes of Thomson Financial, Financial Express and XE. com in our growing list of FX clients.”

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Strategic plan for Singapore development

Transcript of Strategic plan for Singapore development

SINGAPORE ASEAN One of founding countries to ASEAN The only developed country in ASEAN Community POPULATION Consisting of 5,460,302 people country comparison to the world: 114 Table of Content Chapter 1: Political system in Singapore Chapter 2: Economic advantages in Singapore Chapter 3: Socio-culture in Singapore Chapter 4: Conclusion and development strategies Women: formal shirts and skirts with heels or dressy sandals Men: formal suits and dress shirts with ties and shoes Chapter Two: Economic success in Singapore Trading relations with ASEAN regions

Exports to ASEAN regions: 31% (2012) Imports to ASEAN regions: 30.39% (2012)

ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)

Harmonization and standardization

Collaboration HOFSTEDE SCORE HISTORICAL INFORMATION Add text here Singapore is a sovereign republic, legal system based on the English common law. Democratic with a mixture of autocratic The Constitution has the fundamental principles and basic framework for the three organs of state. The Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary. The Prime Minister of Singapore is appointed by the President of Singapore under Article 25 of the Constitution. Development status

Singapore was struggling to develop in 20th century because the lack of infrastructure, unemployment, dissatisfied labor, no foreign participation in the economy, Singapore was in bad state of affairs. Singapore was mainly developed by 1980’s because of the high technology. The government had helped out by encouraging the presence multi national giants by providing Singapore with skill and technology. Right now Singapore has a good development status because like most countries setting up a new business is not a problem for them. Also because there is no corruption or bureaucracy in the system.

Have a corruption free environment, with stable and low risk of political environment Singapore has a developed and successful free market economy Higher GDP than most developed countries Singapore mainly depends on exports - mainly electronics, pharmaceuticals GDP averaged 8.6% from years 2004 to 2007 Government hopes to establish a new growth path that mainly focuses on raising productivity in future Singapore has attracted major investors around the world manufacturing industry Southeast Asia’s financial and high-tech hub Advanced logistics infrastructure such port of Singapore and Changi Airport Booming tourism and leisure industry

•GDP - real growth rate: 4.9% (2011 est.)

Unemployment rate: 2% (2011 est.)

•Industries: electronics, chemicals, financial services, oil drilling equipment, petroleum refining, rubber processing and rubber products, processed food and beverages, ship repair, offshore platform construction, life sciences, entrepot trade

Exports - commodities: machinery and equipment (including electronics and telecommunications), pharmaceuticals and other chemicals, refined petroleum products

Exports - partners: Malaysia 12.2%, Hong Kong 11%, China 10.4%, Indonesia 10.4%, US 5.4%, Japan 4.5% (2011 est.)

Imports - commodities: machinery and equipment, mineral fuels, chemicals, foodstuffs, consumer goods

Imports - partners: Malaysia 10.7%, US 10.7%, China 10.4%, Japan 7.2%, South Korea 5.9%, Taiwan 5.9% (2011 est.)

Debt - external: $23.62 billion (31 December 2011 est.) country comparison to the world: 75 $21.82 billion (31 December 2010 est.) * Mandarin * English * Malay * Tamil LANGUAGES * Buddhism 33.3% * Christianity 18.3 * Islam 14.7% * Taoism 10.9% * Hinduism 5.1% * Non-religion 17% * Other 0.7% RELIGIONS * 76.8% Chinese * 13.9% Malaysian * 7.9% Indian * 1.4% of other ethnicities ETHNICITY ETHNIC MAKE UP OF SINGAPORE Established by Thomas Stamford Ruffles as a trading post. Attracted migrants and merchants from China, the Indian sub-continent, Indonesia, the Malay Peninsula and the Middle East. Immigrants came with their own cultures, languages customs and festivals. By the end of the 19th century, Singapore became one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Asia. GOVERNMENT Singapore Parliament is modeled after the Westminster system of parliamentary democracy.

Leader of the political party secures the majority of seats in Parliament will be asked by the President to become the Prime Minister (PM). The PM will then select his Ministers from elected MPs to form the Cabinet. When the new Parliament meets for the first time, the Speaker will be elected followed by the oath taking of Members. The "life" of each Parliament is 5 years from the date of its first sitting after a General Election. POLITICAL SYSTEM Yang Yu International Protocol and Diplomatic studies Stenden Rangsit University Chapter One: Political System in Singapore Economic and business ranking in Singapore No.1 in the world for the ease of doing business No.1 in the world for most open economy in international trade and investment No.1 in the world for best business environment No.1 in the world for protection in intellectual property No. 1 in the world for Logistics Performance Index (Port, Airport) No.1 in Asia-Pacific region for economic integration No.3 in the world for the most competitive country Ranked 8 out of 156 in foreign exchange reserves Ranked 11 out of 156 for quality of life in the world Ranked 29 out of all countries in tourism industry Chapter Three: Socio-culture in Singapore Education in Singapore 360 schools in Singapore Best quality in Asia for higher education Offer full-scholarship to talent students from all over the world Four universities were ranked above 200 worldwide National University of Singapore: ranked 25 in the world

Nanyang Technological University: ranked 39 in the world

Singapore Management University: ranked 54 in the world

Singapore institute of technology: ranked 120 in the world

From U. S News 2012

Chapter Four: Conclusion and development streategy Six main development strategies for Singapore Asia's manufacturing hub Asia's financial center

Asia's logistics hub Asia's medical and health care centre Global human resources hub E-government in Singapore Related to AEC by 2015 For ASEAN Economic Community

Nachrichten - Detailansicht

24.02.2016 22:15:00 - Press Release: FXCM Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter 2015 Earnings Conference Call

FXCM Inc. / FXCM Inc. Announces Fourth Quarter 2015 Earnings Conference Call. Processed and transmitted by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

NEW YORK, Feb. 24, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FXCM Inc. http://www. globenewswire. com/newsroom/ctr? d=10123858&l=1&a=FXCM%20Inc.&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. fxcm. com%2Fprhome . (NYSE:FXCM) a leading online provider of forex trading and related services worldwide, announced that it will report its 2015 fourth quarter and full year financial results after the closing of the U. S. financial markets on Thursday, March 10, 2016.

The Company will host a conference call to discuss the results at 4:45 p. m. (EST). This conference call will be available to domestic participants by dialing 877.445.4603 and 443.295.9270 for international participants. The conference ID number is 58887797.

A live, audio webcast, a copy of FXCM's earnings release, and presentation slides for this conference call will be available at http://ir. fxcm. com/.

Additionally, FXCM will release its monthly business metrics for February 2016 in the earnings press release on Thursday, March 10, 2016.

Shortly after the call an audio webcast replay will be made available at http://ir. fxcm. com/.

FXCM Inc. http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=1lg1xexUdI94vK-HC8dAjeZaCtYFuaLkRvDMpkVmO0dfHF6cykVZulcnmMrgus1OBb5A-DAkSNUPoqX4BhMBhZk0CdcN9iDvKF1KpReXgFY40ufe4AmyefstDZYCwgSAcJGhegXXGWpWqdemmOA9CnA88UCu4Lx-V56jJ3fCWid4Y5mL1AYgawOwQ8m0t_oY (NYSE:FXCM) is a leading provider of online foreign exchange (forex) trading, CFD trading, spread betting and related services. Our mission is to provide global traders with access to the world's largest and most liquid market by offering innovative trading tools, hiring excellent trading educators, meeting strict financial standards and striving for the best online trading experience in the market.

Clients have the advantage of mobile trading, one-click order execution and trading from real-time charts. In addition, FXCM offers educational courses on forex trading and provides free news and market research through DailyFX. com http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=yMSpjRXrIOdeX4ClRoTScHlumCeMblG73qTzmFtkQmj7q1oVZcZiaRyMO9s54k3R0zJFI-cmizCZw4GbQTbnVg== .

El comercio de divisas y CFDs en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, lo que puede dar lugar a pérdidas que podrían superar sus depósitos, por lo tanto, puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Read full disclaimer http://www. globenewswire. com/Tracker? data=qGBx_Ayf_lHa_CMuivzxis15s1o9vR4vU-N5HbAIlP1Yzn88MXEjB-9K9_btGgW7T4sA-2IWS-RmUgWuzfFvyalRmPjVVifxWswdySUek7CVCnvPviJjsqRIhynivzqm .

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Baxalta's Vonvendi Gets FDA Nod for Von Willebrand Disease

By Zacks. com. December 09, 2015, 04:35:00 PM EDT

Baxalta Incorporated BXLT announced that the FDA has approved Vonvendi for the on-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes in adults suffering from von Willebrand disease (VWD). This makes Vonvendi the first and only recombinant von Willebrand factor to be approved for the treatment of VWD.

Vonvendi is expected to hit the U. S. markets in late 2016. Baxalta intends to file regulatory applications for Vonvendi in Europe in 2017 and in other markets around the world.

We are encouraged by the FDA approval of Vonvendi. Per information provided by Baxalta in its press release, VWD is the most common inherited bleeding disorder across the world, affecting up to one in 100 people while the rarest and often most severe form affects one in 1,000,000 people worldwide.

The FDA approval of Vonvendi comes as a major boost for Baxalta's portfolio, which currently consists of treatments for bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia like Advate and Feiba among others.

The last few months have been particularly eventful for Baxalta on the regulatory front. The company gained FDA approval for a couple of drugs, namely, Onivyde (metastatic pancreatic cancer) and Adynovate (hemophilia A). We note that Baxalta expects to launch 20 products by 2020. The company is also looking to boost its pipeline through external partnerships and strategic acquisitions.

Baxalta is a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) stock. Some of the other favorably ranked stocks in the health care sector include Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ACHN. Anika Therapeutics Inc. ANIK and Mylan N. V. MYL .

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VWD data worth 10 000 words

Los datos proporcionados son sólo informativos. Aunque han sido recopilados con cuidado, no se puede garantizar la precisión. The impact factor represents a rough estimation of the journal's impact factor and does not reflect the actual current impact factor. Las condiciones del editor son proporcionadas por RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.

Available from: hematologylibrary. org

Article: Why make a diagnosis?

Preview · Article · Jun 2007 · Blood

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Baxter Seeks FDA Approval of BAX111 to Advance VWD Cure - Analyst Blog

By Zacks. com. December 23, 2014, 04:00:00 PM EDT

Baxter International Inc. ( BAX ) recently filed a biologics license application (BLA) with the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the approval of BAX 111 - an investigational drug for the treatment of patients with von Willebrand disease (VWD). If approved, BAX 111 will be the first recombinant treatment in clinical development for VWD, the most common type of inherited bleeding disorder.

The filing was based on the completion of a Phase III, multi-center clinical trial assessing the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of BAX111. The study was initiated at trial sites in the U. S. Europe, Australia, Japan, Russia and India in Oct 2011.

In April this year, Baxter reported that the study met its primary efficacy endpoint defined by the number of patients who received successful treatment for control of bleeding episodes. Baxter expects to publish additional data from the trial in the coming months.

BAX 111 was granted an orphan-drug designation by the FDA and the European Commission in Nov 2010. With a U. S. filing for this treatment, Baxter intends to further advance its pursuit of new treatment options and improved quality of care for people with a range of bleeding disorders around the world.

In the beginning of this month, Baxter filed a BLA with the FDA for the approval of BAX 855. Developed in partnership with Nektar Therapeutics ( NKTR ), BAX 855 is an extended half-life, recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) protein used for hemophilia A treatment.

Baxter recently announced positive results from its Phase III clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of BAX 855 in reducing annualized bleed rates (ABR) and expects to release additional data from the study in the near term. Upon completion of further studies, the company expects to submit an application for marketing authorization with the European Medicines Agency in 2016.

Baxter boasts a strong product portfolio for the treatment of Hemophilia A. Moreover, the company continues to expand its product portfolio by winning approvals for new drugs and products. Importantly, Baxter's OBIZUR drug was approved by the FDA in October this year for treating bleeding episodes in adults with acquired Hemophilia A.

In Sep 2014, Baxter won two FDA approvals for HYQVIA and RIXUBIS. Notably, HYQVIA is a subcutaneous treatment for adult patients with primary immunodeficiency, while RIXUBIS is used for routine prophylactic treatment, control and prevention of bleeding episodes in children with Hemophilia B.  

Currently, Baxter carries a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell).

Better-ranked stocks in the medical products industry include ICU Medical ( ICUI ) and OraSure Technologies ( OSUR ). Both the stocks sport a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy).

Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report

Baxalta Receives FDA Approval for VONVENDI, the First and Only Recombinant Treatment for Adults Affected by Von Willebrand Disease


Baxalta Incorporated (NYSE: BXLT ), a global biopharmaceutical leader dedicated to delivering transformative therapies to patients with orphan diseases and underserved conditions, announced today that the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved VONVENDI [von Willebrand factor (Recombinant)]. VONVENDI is the first and only recombinant treatment for adults living with von Willebrand Disease (VWD).

VONVENDI is an innovative recombinant protein treatment that includes a physiologic distribution of proteins called multimers, including ultra-large multimers (ULMs), with large multimers being the most active form of the protein supporting clot formation. The treatment is also the first in the United States that contains only trace amounts of Factor VIII (FVIII), offering the flexibility to administer FVIII only when needed. This attribute allows for tailored treatment for patients who may not require additional FVIII.

"With no major therapeutic innovation in more than a decade, VONVENDI offers patients an important new option for VWD with a clinical profile that can help them manage this challenging chronic disease," said Joan Gill, M. D. of the Blood Center and the Medical College of Wisconsin and lead author of the VONVENDI clinical study.

VWD is the most common inherited bleeding disorder worldwide, affecting up to one in 100 people; the rarest and often most severe form affects one in 1,000,000 people worldwide. This genetic disorder causes alterations or deficits in von Willebrand factor (VWF), resulting in impaired clotting, and affects women and men equally. The disease can manifest through a variety of bleeding events, including mucosal bleeds, gastrointestinal bleeds or menorrhagia. Patients often live with the disease for years without a proper diagnosis; even with a confirmed diagnosis, there are limited treatment options available.

"With its unique feature of ultra-large multimers and the clinical profile seen in our pivotal study, VONVENDI is an important new option with the potential to redefine treatment for adults with von Willebrand disease," said Brian Goff, executive vice president and president, Hematology, Baxalta. "VONVENDI's approval represents our commitment to advancing care as we continue to build a strong and differentiated portfolio that can help address challenging bleeding disorders for patients around the world."

VONVENDI has been approved for on-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes in adults with von Willebrand disease. The FDA approval was based on positive results from a Phase III multicenter, open-label clinical trial that assessed the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of VONVENDI with and without recombinant FVIII. In the pivotal study, all participants (100 percent) reported successful treatment of bleeding episodes, with 96.9 percent of treated bleeds (N=192 bleeds in 22 patients) achieving an "excellent" efficacy rating and 3.1 percent achieving a "good" efficacy rating. Most bleeds (81.8 percent) were resolved with a single infusion, and the treatment showed a mean half-life of 21.9 hours (± 8.36). 1,2

No thrombotic events or severe product-related adverse events were observed during the clinical trial, nor were there treatment-related binding or neutralizing antibodies against VWF or neutralizing antibodies against FVIII. The most common adverse reaction observed in greater than two percent of patients in clinical trials was generalized pruritus.

Baxalta is building a robust clinical development program to optimize patient access to VONVENDI worldwide; a series of clinical programs are planned to evaluate its use for prophylaxis, surgical and pediatric indications. VONVENDI is expected to be broadly available in the United States in late 2016. Baxalta expects to file for regulatory approvals in Europe in 2017 and in other markets around the world.

About VONVENDI [von Willebrand factor (Recombinant)]

VONVENDI [von Willebrand factor (Recombinant)] is a recombinant von Willebrand factor indicated for on-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes in adults (age 18 and older) diagnosed with von Willebrand disease.

Detailed Important Risk Information for VONVENDI

VONVENDI is contraindicated in patients who have had life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions to VONVENDI or constituents of the product (tri-sodium citrate-dihydrate, glycine, mannitol, trehalose-dihydrate, polysorbate 80, and hamster or mouse proteins).


Embolism and Thrombosis

Thromboembolic reactions, including disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and stroke, can occur, particularly in patients with known risk factors for thrombosis. Monitor for early signs and symptoms of thrombosis such as pain, swelling, discoloration, dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, and syncope.

In patients requiring frequent doses of VONVENDI with recombinant factor VIII, monitor plasma levels for FVIII:C activity because an excessive rise in factor VIII levels can increase the risk of thromboembolic complications.

Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, may occur. Symptoms can include anaphylactic shock, generalized urticaria, angioedema, chest tightness, hypotension, shock, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, paresthesia, pruritus, restlessness, wheezing and/or acute respiratory distress. If signs and symptoms of severe allergic reactions occur, immediately discontinue administration of VONVENDI and provide appropriate supportive care.

Neutralizing antibodies (inhibitors) to von Willebrand factor and/or factor VIII can occur. If the expected plasma levels of VWF activity (VWF:RCo) are not attained, perform an appropriate assay to determine if anti-VWF or anti-FVIII inhibitors are present. Consider other therapeutic options and direct the patient to a physician with experience in the care of either von Willebrand disease or hemophilia A. In patients with high levels of inhibitors to VWF or factor VIII, VONVENDI therapy may not be effective and infusion of this protein may lead to severe hypersensitivity reactions. Since inhibitor antibodies can occur concomitantly with anaphylactic reactions, evaluate patients experiencing an anaphylactic reaction for the presence of inhibitors.

The most common adverse reaction observed in ≥2% of subjects in clinical trials (n=66) was generalized pruritus.

Baxalta Incorporated (NYSE: BXLT ) is a $6 billion global biopharmaceutical leader developing, manufacturing and commercializing therapies for orphan diseases and underserved conditions in hematology, oncology and immunology. Driven by passion to make a meaningful impact on patients' lives, Baxalta's broad and diverse pipeline includes biologics with novel mechanisms and advanced technology platforms such as gene therapy. The Baxalta Global Innovation and R&D Center is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Launched in 2015 following separation from Baxter International, Baxalta's heritage in biopharmaceuticals spans decades. Baxalta's therapies are available in more than 100 countries and it has advanced biological manufacturing operations across 12 facilities, including state-of-the-art recombinant production and plasma fractionation. Headquartered in Northern Illinois, Baxalta employs 16,000 employees worldwide.

This release includes forward-looking statements concerning VONVENDI and Baxalta's R&D pipeline, including expectations with regard to clinical trials, future regulatory actions, commercial launch plans and potential impact on patients. Such statements are made of the date that they were first issued and are based on current expectations, beliefs and assumptions of management. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond Baxalta's control and which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including the following: demand for and market acceptance of risks for new and existing products; clinical trial results; satisfaction of regulatory and other requirements; actions of regulatory bodies and other governmental authorities; changes in laws and regulations; product quality, manufacturing or supply issues; patient safety issues; the impact of competitive products and pricing; and other risks identified in Baxalta's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are available on Baxalta's website. Baxalta expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements except as required by law.

VONVENDI product information. http://www. baxalta. com/assets/documents/VONVENDI_PI. pdf.

Gill JC, et al. Hemostatic efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetics of a recombinant von Willebrand factor in severe von Willebrand disease. Blood. 2015.

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Baxalta. Receives FDA Approval for VONVENDI, the First and Only Recombinant Treatment for Adults Affected by Von Willebrand Disease

von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a genetic disorder that results in impaired clotting with limited treatment options today

VONVENDI [von Willebrand factor (Recombinant)] represents the most significant therapeutic advancement for the treatment of adults with VWD in more than a decade, offering a new approach to treat the disease

In clinical studies, VONVENDI demonstrated 100 percent treatment success in resolving bleeding episodes with a median of only two infusions to treat severe bleeds

Baxalta Incorporated (NYSE: BXLT), a global biopharmaceutical leader dedicated to delivering transformative therapies to patients with orphan diseases and underserved conditions, announced today that the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved VONVENDI [von Willebrand factor (Recombinant)]. VONVENDI is the first and only recombinant treatment for adults living with von Willebrand Disease (VWD).

VONVENDI is an innovative recombinant protein treatment that includes a physiologic distribution of proteins called multimers, including ultra-large multimers (ULMs), with large multimers being the most active form of the protein supporting clot formation. The treatment is also the first in the United States that contains only trace amounts of Factor VIII (FVIII), offering the flexibility to administer FVIII only when needed. This attribute allows for tailored treatment for patients who may not require additional FVIII.

“With no major therapeutic innovation in more than a decade, VONVENDI offers patients an important new option for VWD with a clinical profile that can help them manage this challenging chronic disease,” said Joan Gill, M. D. of the Blood Center and the Medical College of Wisconsin and lead author of the VONVENDI clinical study.

VWD is the most common inherited bleeding disorder worldwide, affecting up to one in 100 people; the rarest and often most severe form affects one in 1,000,000 people worldwide. This genetic disorder causes alterations or deficits in von Willebrand factor (VWF), resulting in impaired clotting, and affects women and men equally. The disease can manifest through a variety of bleeding events, including mucosal bleeds, gastrointestinal bleeds or menorrhagia. Patients often live with the disease for years without a proper diagnosis; even with a confirmed diagnosis, there are limited treatment options available.

“With its unique feature of ultra-large multimers and the clinical profile seen in our pivotal study, VONVENDI is an important new option with the potential to redefine treatment for adults with von Willebrand disease,” said Brian Goff, executive vice president and president, Hematology, Baxalta. “VONVENDI’s approval represents our commitment to advancing care as we continue to build a strong and differentiated portfolio that can help address challenging bleeding disorders for patients around the world.”

VONVENDI has been approved for on-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes in adults with von Willebrand disease. The FDA approval was based on positive results from a Phase III multicenter, open-label clinical trial that assessed the safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of VONVENDI with and without recombinant FVIII. In the pivotal study, all participants (100 percent) reported successful treatment of bleeding episodes, with 96.9 percent of treated bleeds (N=192 bleeds in 22 patients) achieving an “excellent” efficacy rating and 3.1 percent achieving a “good” efficacy rating. Most bleeds (81.8 percent) were resolved with a single infusion, and the treatment showed a mean half-life of 21.9 hours (± 8.36). 1,2

No thrombotic events or severe product-related adverse events were observed during the clinical trial, nor were there treatment-related binding or neutralizing antibodies against VWF or neutralizing antibodies against FVIII. The most common adverse reaction observed in greater than two percent of patients in clinical trials was generalized pruritus.

Baxalta is building a robust clinical development program to optimize patient access to VONVENDI worldwide; a series of clinical programs are planned to evaluate its use for prophylaxis, surgical and pediatric indications. VONVENDI is expected to be broadly available in the United States in late 2016. Baxalta expects to file for regulatory approvals in Europe in 2017 and in other markets around the world.

About VONVENDI [von Willebrand factor (Recombinant)]

VONVENDI [von Willebrand factor (Recombinant)] is a recombinant von Willebrand factor indicated for on-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes in adults (age 18 and older) diagnosed with von Willebrand disease.

Detailed Important Risk Information for VONVENDI

VONVENDI is contraindicated in patients who have had life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions to VONVENDI or constituents of the product (tri-sodium citrate-dihydrate, glycine, mannitol, trehalose-dihydrate, polysorbate 80, and hamster or mouse proteins).


Embolism and Thrombosis

Thromboembolic reactions, including disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and stroke, can occur, particularly in patients with known risk factors for thrombosis. Monitor for early signs and symptoms of thrombosis such as pain, swelling, discoloration, dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, and syncope.

In patients requiring frequent doses of VONVENDI with recombinant factor VIII, monitor plasma levels for FVIII:C activity because an excessive rise in factor VIII levels can increase the risk of thromboembolic complications.

Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, may occur. Symptoms can include anaphylactic shock, generalized urticaria, angioedema, chest tightness, hypotension, shock, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, paresthesia, pruritus, restlessness, wheezing and/or acute respiratory distress. If signs and symptoms of severe allergic reactions occur, immediately discontinue administration of VONVENDI and provide appropriate supportive care.

Neutralizing antibodies (inhibitors) to von Willebrand factor and/or factor VIII can occur. If the expected plasma levels of VWF activity (VWF:RCo) are not attained, perform an appropriate assay to determine if anti-VWF or anti-FVIII inhibitors are present. Consider other therapeutic options and direct the patient to a physician with experience in the care of either von Willebrand disease or hemophilia A. In patients with high levels of inhibitors to VWF or factor VIII, VONVENDI therapy may not be effective and infusion of this protein may lead to severe hypersensitivity reactions. Since inhibitor antibodies can occur concomitantly with anaphylactic reactions, evaluate patients experiencing an anaphylactic reaction for the presence of inhibitors.

The most common adverse reaction observed in ≥2% of subjects in clinical trials (n=66) was generalized pruritus.

Baxalta Incorporated (NYSE: BXLT) is a $6 billion global biopharmaceutical leader developing, manufacturing and commercializing therapies for orphan diseases and underserved conditions in hematology, oncology and immunology. Driven by passion to make a meaningful impact on patients’ lives, Baxalta’s broad and diverse pipeline includes biologics with novel mechanisms and advanced technology platforms such as gene therapy. The Baxalta Global Innovation and R&D Center is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Launched in 2015 following separation from Baxter International, Baxalta’s heritage in biopharmaceuticals spans decades. Baxalta’s therapies are available in more than 100 countries and it has advanced biological manufacturing operations across 12 facilities, including state-of-the-art recombinant production and plasma fractionation. Headquartered in Northern Illinois, Baxalta employs 16,000 employees worldwide.

This release includes forward-looking statements concerning VONVENDI and Baxalta’s R&D pipeline, including expectations with regard to clinical trials, future regulatory actions, commercial launch plans and potential impact on patients. Such statements are made of the date that they were first issued and are based on current expectations, beliefs and assumptions of management. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond Baxalta's control and which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including the following: demand for and market acceptance of risks for new and existing products; clinical trial results; satisfaction of regulatory and other requirements; actions of regulatory bodies and other governmental authorities; changes in laws and regulations; product quality, manufacturing or supply issues; patient safety issues; the impact of competitive products and pricing; and other risks identified in Baxalta's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are available on Baxalta's website. Baxalta expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements except as required by law.

VONVENDI product information. http://www. baxalta. com/assets/documents/VONVENDI_PI. pdf.

Gill JC, et al. Hemostatic efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetics of a recombinant von Willebrand factor in severe von Willebrand disease. Blood. 2015.

Baxalta Inc (NYSE:BXLT )’s stock jumped by more than 15% after it reported positive phase three results for its underdevelopment drug BAX 111 and Shire PLC (ADR) (NASDAQ:SHPG )’s unsolicited bid for the biopharmaceutical firm. The journal of American Society of Hematology has published a report indicating a positive effect of BAX 111 in the treatment of Von Willebrand Disease. The drug was able to manage all the bleeding episodes effectively and it is under the review of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration for approval. If approved by the FDA, BAX 111 will “become the first recombinant replacement treatment for managing bleeding episodes for von Willebrand patients.”

RAJ CREATIONZS / shutterstock. com

Von Willebrand is a medical condition under which the patient suffers from excessive bleeding and the disease is usually inherited from parents but may even develop by itself. The patients suffering from this disease are exposed to excessive blood loss even after minor injuries because of a delayed blood-clotting process. John Orloff, M. D. chief scientific officer and head of Research & Development of Baxalta, said, “BAX 111 has the potential to transform the standard of care, especially for patients with severe von Willebrand disease, by offering an effective individualized treatment option.”

Baxalta went public at the beginning of June, after it had been spun-off from Baxter International Inc (NYSE:BAX ) . According to a statement from Shire PLC (ADR) (NASDAQ:SHPG), it proposed a $30 billion all-stock buyout offer for Baxalta Inc (NYSE:BXLT) last month, which represents around $45.23 per share. However, Baxter refused to engage in any discussion with Shire. The statement added, that a combination between Baxalta and Shire could generate sales of $20 billion by 2020.

Under the terms of the spin-off, the existing shareholders of Baxter received 80.5% of the existing common shares of the new biopharmaceutical company, whereas Baxter kept the remaining 19.5%. For every single share of Baxter International, its shareholders received one share of Baxalta Inc (NYSE:BXLT). In this way, as we are in the current round of 13F filings, among the shareholders of Baxalta, we could see Richard S. Pzena’s Pzena Investment Management, Jim Simons’ Renaissance Technologies, and Ric Dillon’s Diamond Hill Capital, who were among the top shareholders of Baxter at the end of March.

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Octapharma USA: FDA Approves WILATE® License Supplement – Perioperative Management of Bleeding in Patients with von Willebrand Disease

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Octapharma USA today announced the FDA has approved revised product labeling for WILATE® [von Willebrand Factor/Coagulation Factor VIII Complex (Human)] to include prevention of excessive bleeding during and after minor and major surgery in adult and pediatric von Willebrand disease (VWD) patients. (Photo: Business Wire) Multimedia Gallery URL


Octapharma USA today announced the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved revised product labeling for WILATE ® [von Willebrand Factor/Coagulation Factor VIII Complex (Human)] to include prevention of excessive bleeding during and after minor and major surgery in adult and pediatric von Willebrand disease (VWD) patients. VWD is a complex congenital bleeding disorder that affects one to two percent of the general population or approximately 3 million people in the United States.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www. businesswire. com/news/home/20150813005294/en/

The newly approved product label expands the FDA license for WILATE ®. which formerly included only the treatment of spontaneous and trauma-induced bleeding episodes in patients with severe VWD, as well as patients with mild or moderate VWD in whom the use of desmopressin is known or suspected to be ineffective or contraindicated. Octapharma USA is a subsidiary of global human protein products manufacturer Octapharma AG. which develops and manufactures high-purity coagulation factor concentrates for patients with bleeding disorders.

“Preventing excessive intra - and post-operative bleeding in pediatric and adult VWD patients is a continuing challenge,” said Octapharma USA President Flemming Nielsen. “We are extremely pleased that WILATE ® is now available for medical providers managing this important issue. Octapharma is committed to providing life saving and enhancing therapeutic options for the bleeding disorders community.”

The overall efficacy rate of WILATE ® treatment for surgical procedures was 96.7% in a global, prospective, open-label, single-arm, uncontrolled, multi-center Phase III clinical study. which included nine U. S. hemophilia treatment centers. The clinical trial observed 28 patients with Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 VWD from 24 centers in eight countries who underwent 30 surgeries and 280 infusions. WILATE ® treatment was successful in 100% of minor surgeries and 95.2% of major surgeries. The study reported a 100% success rate in surgical procedures for Type 3 patients, the most serious form of VWD. 1

WILATE ® is a plasma-derived, highly purified concentrate of freeze-dried human von Willebrand factor (VWF) and coagulation factor VIII (FVIII). Two well-established virus inactivation steps are incorporated into the manufacturing process of WILATE ®. specifically a solvent/detergent (S/D) and terminal dry-heat (TDH) treatment.

WILATE ® is a von Willebrand Factor/Coagulation Factor VIII Complex (Human) indicated for the on-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes. WILATE ® is also indicated for the perioperative management of bleeding. WILATE ® is not indicated for the treatment of hemophilia A.

Important Safety Information

WILATE ® is contraindicated for patients who have known hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic or severe systemic reaction, to human plasma-derived products, any ingredient in the formulation, or components of the container. Thromboembolic events have been reported in VWD patients receiving coagulation factor replacement therapies. FVIII activity should be monitored to avoid sustained excessive FVIII levels. Development of neutralizing antibodies to FVIII and to VWF, especially in VWD Type 3 patients, may occur. WILATE ® is made from human plasma. The risk of infectious agents, including viruses and, theoretically, the Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease agent, cannot be completely eliminated. The most common adverse reactions to treatment with WILATE ® in patients with VWD were hypersensitivity reactions, urticaria, and dizziness. Seroconversions for antibodies to parvovirus B19 not accompanied by clinical signs of disease have been observed. The most serious adverse reactions to treatment with WILATE ® in patients with VWD were hypersensitivity reactions.

For more information and full prescribing information on WILATE ®. please visit www. wilateusa. com.

About the Octapharma Group

Headquartered in Lachen, Switzerland, Octapharma is one of the largest human protein products manufacturers in the world and has been committed to patient care and medical innovation since 1983. Its core business is the development and production of human proteins from human plasma and human cell-lines. Octapharma employs approximately 6,000 people worldwide to support the treatment of patients in over 100 countries with products across the following therapeutic areas: Hematology (coagulation disorders), Immunotherapy (immune disorders) and Critical Care. The company’s American subsidiary, Octapharma USA, is located in Hoboken, N. J. Octapharma operates two state-of-the-art production sites licensed by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), providing a high level of production flexibility. For more information, please visit www. octapharmausa. com. www. octagamus. net. www. octaplasus. com or www. wilateusa. com.

1. Octapharma, Data on file. 2015.

This news release contains forward-looking statements, which include known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors not under the company’s control. The company assumes no liability whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments. These factors include results of current or pending research and development activities and action by the FDA or other regulatory authorities.

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Samsung LED TV EH5000 Flickering

What do you think about this video?

mango9n9: So I got it fixed for 170$. It's been used 3 hours everyday since the last 7 months and I'm facing no problems what so ever. For any new buyers, I would advise to properly check it for at least 30 to 45 min before buying it so that you may be spared the agony of begging the absolutely pathetic service center staff if something goes wrong. If you can spend a few extra bucks on a better company, please don't be afraid to do so.

Rosh D: Brand new Samsung 40EH5000 and the TV starts displaying lines. The service center said this problem is common to this model.

mango9n9: You are absolutely right my friend. The problem was indeed with the IP board. Got it changed. Unfortunately facing another problem with this absolute piece of junk. Screen just goes blank for one or two seconds. Happens once every hour or can go on without any trouble for days.

ForWhhY: you are wrong, the problem is with ip board(power supply) price is: 40-100 usd

mango9n9: Can someone could help me direct to an online shop where I can buy parts for this particular model? The model is UAEH5000R and I need it's main board. I'll be very grateful if someone points me towards the right direction :)

mango9n9: Thanks Justin. The problem seems to be with the main board or Mother board as they like to call it here. The set has been barely used. It's brand new. Fixing it is gonna cost me a lot I'm afraid.

Justins1877: You're backlight looks like it's toast, and it's around $1,000 - 1,500 to fix. Good choice in a tv program though. ) You can try going into menu - self diagnose to see if it's something else though. Buena suerte.

mango9n9: So the problem starts after about 20 mins of playing anything at all except photos. Turning it off and then on immediately doesn't solve the problem, however waiting for 10 mins in between and then starting it will resolve it for another 20 mins of playtime. Any ideas on what the issue is would be much appreciated.

Samsung LED TV EH5000 flickering 5 out of 5

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*vwd Ad-hoc-Service: Nemetschek AG english = - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

Beitrag Nr. 1 ( 3.172.891 )

Ad hoc announcement transmitted by DGAP. The issuer has the sole responsibility of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Munich, March 26, 2001. Nemetschek AG, one of the world`s leading vendors of information technology and consulting services for building design, construc - tion and management, and fourth largest vendor of standard software in Germany, achieved a marginal increase in sales of 3.3% to DM 253 million in fiscal 2000 (previous year: DM 245 million).

Increased expenses in the amount of DM 8 million for the development of the Internet subsidiary MYBAU. COM AG and additional goodwill amortization on top of increased expenses - in particular in recently added companies - led to an operating loss of DM 2.5 million. The insolvency of S 3 AG had an additional negative impact in the amount of DM 8.1 million. After subtracting minority interest, this resulted in a consolidated accumulated deficit of DM 10.7 million (consolidated profit in previous year: DM 17.3 million). The company thus failed to meet the ambitious sales and earnings targets it had set itself at the beginning of the business year. This was largely due to the weak construction economy, valuation adjustments for the affiliated company S3 AG, and investments in the subsidiary MYBAU AG.

At DM -0.5 million, the DVFA/SG result before goodwill amortization is marginally negative (previous year: DM 22.7 million). Due to the substantial amount of amortization, Nemetschek Group achieved a positive cash flow of DM 17 million (previous year: DM 24.6 million). The capital fund at the end of the period totals DM 55.7 million (previous year: DM 133.1 million), which means that Nemetschek Group is in good financial shape. Equity capital exceeds 70 %. The current market capitalization is less than the reported net worth.

In the year 2001, the focus within the Group will be on consolidation. The managing board has planned sales growth of 8% to DM 275 million and EBIT of DM 29 million. Nemetschek AG is due to return to its previous sales and profit strength in 2002.

For further information: Investor Relations Herr Richard Höll Nemetschek AG Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1 81829 München Tel. 089/92793-1219 Fax 089/92793-5520 Investorrelations@nemetschek. de

end of ad hoc announcement, (c) DGAP 26.03.2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WKN: 645290; Index: Listed: Neuer Markt Frankfurt; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, München und Stuttgart

Filaggrin Basic Science, Epidemiology, Clinical Aspects and Management Category: E-Books

Author: jk_tinydl | 23-03-2016, 19:28 | Views: 0

Filaggrin: Basic Science, Epidemiology, Clinical Aspects and Management By Jacob P. Thyssen, Howard Maibach 2014 | 373 Pages | ISBN: 3642543782 | PDF | 13 MB

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United Kingdom 10225 Peter Milne United Kingdom 10226 Brian Gray United Kingdom 10227 Melvin Tanner United Kingdom 10228 WILLIAM MCINNES United Kingdom 10229 Inner Circle 40 United Kingdom 10230 E-winning Team United Kingdom 10231 AWESOME LOTTO SYNDICATE United Kingdom 10232 Fred Peach United Kingdom 10233 Maggie Hall United Kingdom 10234 LifeClub United Kingdom 10235 Spencer ALLEN United Kingdom 10236 Inner Circle 47 United Kingdom 10237 Dreamcatcher Lottery Australia 10238 Susan Bundy United Kingdom 10239 Adam Tabret United Kingdom 10240 BERNARD JACKSON United Kingdom 10241 Tony Harrigan United Kingdom 10242 Jochen Lude United Kingdom 10243 Alistair Forsyth United Kingdom 10244 Anthony Dawkins United Kingdom 10245 PATRICIA JEFFFREY United Kingdom 10246 David Plenderleith United Kingdom 10247 Judith Leadbeater United Kingdom 10248 Jadranka Bates United Kingdom 10249 Terence Jones United Kingdom 10250 Gary Huston United Kingdom 10251 Harry Underwood United Kingdom 10252 Maurice Beaujean Belgium 10253 Jerry Osorio United Kingdom 10254 Kenneth Monk United Kingdom 10255 Luckywinner United Kingdom 10256 Alan Moore United Kingdom 10257 Frank Weaver United Kingdom 10258 Molcolm Mann United Kingdom 10259 Peter BREARLEY Australia 10260 Brian Jones United Kingdom 10261 Alan Harrison United Kingdom 10262 Isabelle Clas France, Metropolitan 10263 Ian Lucas United Kingdom 10264 Moneys games France 10265 Jennifer Pascoe United Kingdom 10266 Eric Portelas France, Metropolitan 10267 Philippe Leribaux United Kingdom 10268 Brenda Baldock United Kingdom 10269 Ann Menzies United Kingdom 10270 RICHARD PERSAUD United Kingdom 10271 Eric Eccles United Kingdom 10272 GEORGE HAMILTON United Kingdom 10273 Tim Wickens United Kingdom 10274 Paul Whiteman United Kingdom 10275 Christiane Chaumulot France 10276 David Whiffen United Kingdom 10277 Donald Derham United Kingdom 10278 CHARLES ELLIOTT United Kingdom 10279 John Foster United Kingdom 10280 AndrГ© PIERRARD France 10281 Phillip Richardson United Kingdom 10282 Bernard Levy France, Metropolitan 10283 Marie McBride United Kingdom 10284 Michael Stanley United Kingdom 10285 Fabrice Leroux France 10286 Michael McGroarty South Africa 10287 CHEN-TUNG YANG Taiwan 10288 PJ Galloway United Kingdom 10289 Roger Nickless United Kingdom 10290 Global Lotto Club / RJB United Kingdom 10291 Jani Nousiainen Finland 10292 Brixam Manufacturing Ltd United Kingdom 10293 Alan Laffoley United Kingdom 10294 Kevin Brearley United Kingdom 10295 Donald Stewart United Kingdom 10296 Duncan Booth United Kingdom 10297 George Robinson United Kingdom 10298 James Adams United Kingdom 10299 Terence O'Donnell United Kingdom 10300 Anna S Skepper United Kingdom 10301 Ayoola Oloyede United Kingdom 10302 Olive Turvey United Kingdom 10303 Eddie Rostron United Kingdom 10304 Mark Hill-smith United Kingdom 10305 Donald Burlingham United Kingdom 10306 Kemet Services International LLP United Kingdom 10307 Liam Gallagher United Kingdom 10308 Leons Lurie Latvia 10309 Ray Bowen United Kingdom 10310 Kevin Savage United Kingdom 10311 Winfred Siertsema United Kingdom 10312 Brian Thompson United Kingdom 10313 Alison Roden-Meyer United Kingdom 10314 Timothy Sheriff United Kingdom 10315 Frank Carter Spain 10316 Jonathan Buhagiar Malta 10317 Norman Charle United Kingdom 10318 Viktor Bitto United Kingdom 10319 Harry Clark United Kingdom 10320 Richard Morris United Kingdom 10321 simon nunn United Kingdom 10322 Ronald Elliott United Kingdom 10323 Christy Hannon Ireland 10324 POVEDA Gerard France 10325 Sagren Naidoo United Arab Emirates 10326 Lambert Krikke Australia 10327 Yearly Money United Kingdom 10328 Maurice SIDIK New Caledonia 10329 More-Time-More-Money. co. uk United Kingdom 10330 Sebastien Barre France 10331 Marie-therese BARTHELEMY France, Metropolitan 10332 John Patrik Tarvainen Finland 10333 Allan Smith United Kingdom 10334 Emmanuel Dupuy France 10335 Bernard Mercier Belgium 10336 Anne Chilcott United Kingdom 10337 James Holden United Kingdom 10338 James Holden United Kingdom 10339 Gool Khedoo United Kingdom 10340 TRACY WILSON United Kingdom 10341 Marian Davies United Kingdom 10342 Pamela Picknett United Kingdom 10343 Daniel Del Fresno Portugal 10344 Jan Pasieka United Kingdom 10345 Ricardo Coelho Portugal 10346 A K Prince United Kingdom 10347 Sheila Lawson United Kingdom 10348 Richard Morris United Kingdom 10349 Brenda Brown United Kingdom 10350 Margaret Caygill United Kingdom 10351 Carole Wright United Kingdom 10352 Valerie Sheehan United Kingdom 10353 SURENDRAN ARUCHUNA United Kingdom 10354 Barry Collarbone United Kingdom 10355 John Evans United Kingdom 10356 Paul Johnson United Kingdom 10357 Melba Perl United Kingdom 10358 John Murgatroyd Malta 10359 Garry Waite Spain 10360 Thomas Young United Kingdom 10361 David Gregson United Kingdom 10362 Susannah Kibbey United Kingdom 10363 Doreen Snowden United Kingdom 10364 Jane Bird United Kingdom 10365 Christopher Nott United Kingdom 10366 Julie Hodge United Kingdom 10367 Darren Woods United Kingdom 10368 Keith Lawty United Kingdom 10369 Steven Boult United Kingdom 10370 Charmaine Roberts United Kingdom 10371 Philip Sorrell United Kingdom 10372 Sarah Thatcher United Kingdom 10373 Duncan Moffett France 10374 Paul Suchin United Kingdom 10375 Patrick PITHIOUD France 10376 Jason Smith United Kingdom 10377 Brian Hood United Kingdom 10378 Martin Chapple United Kingdom 10379 Adetola Fashola United Kingdom 10380 Jonalyn Sabben United Kingdom 10381 Jerry Scriven United Kingdom 10382 Marian Hlinka Slovakia 10383 Graham Verlander Australia 10384 Paul Veverka United Kingdom 10385 Paul Veverka United Kingdom 10386 Emmanuel Fisher United Kingdom 10387 Fionn Somers Eve United Kingdom 10388 D Barker United Kingdom 10389 Harold Jackson United Kingdom 10390 Roy Morrison United Kingdom 10391 Leonard Wellard United Kingdom 10392 Clare Riche United Kingdom 10393 Patricia Kenny United Kingdom 10394 Victoria Coles United Kingdom 10395 Carole El-gozali United Kingdom 10396 Mark Durtnall United Kingdom 10397 Glynn Hutton United Kingdom 10398 Fred Ryan United Kingdom 10399 Michael Perry United Kingdom 10400 DAVID PIETRALCZYK United Kingdom 10401 Joseph Pearson United Kingdom 10402 CHRISTOPHE ESCANDE France 10403 Andrew Hargreaves United Kingdom 10404 Bernhard Boese Portugal 10405 PAGET Jean-Paul France, Metropolitan 10406 Robert Lailvaux United Kingdom 10407 Mark Snuggs United Kingdom 10408 Christopher Brady Cyprus 10409 Claude Rats France, Metropolitan 10410 Mary Mette Maydew Spain 10411 Rob Mottram United Kingdom 10412 Roland Moore United Kingdom 10413 Rokia Stolker Dia Netherlands 10414 Jerry Scriven United Kingdom 10415 Donald Maclennan United Kingdom 10416 Kirsty Abbott United Kingdom 10417 Gordon Anderson United Kingdom 10418 Amanda Cros France 10419 Lorraine Warr United Kingdom 10420 Andy Birchall United Kingdom 10421 Paul Coenraets Photopaul Belgium 10422 John Johnston United Kingdom 10423 John Bradley United Kingdom 10424 Patrick DURAND France 10425 Lee Dodd United Kingdom 10426 Fred Gouriet United Kingdom 10427 Carol Brooks United Kingdom 10428 Lucretia Radovici United Kingdom 10429 Terry Fryer United Kingdom 10430 Percival Sharman United Kingdom 10431 Evelyn Cormie United Kingdom 10432 Michael Bedford United Kingdom 10433 Frederick Rowley United Kingdom 10434 Clive Walker United Kingdom 10435 Shay Brennan Ireland 10436 Christian Chopin France 10437 Safina S United Kingdom 10438 Julian Tomlinson United Kingdom 10439 Mark Weymouth United Kingdom 10440 Linda Nixon United Kingdom 10441 Louis Arku United Kingdom 10442 Dan Wall United Kingdom 10443 Gary Seward United Kingdom 10444 STEPHEN JONES United Kingdom 10445 Mathias Angibaud France 10446 Laurent Baron France 10447 Michael Dransfield United Kingdom 10448 Elaine Kidwell United Kingdom 10449 Jerome Viguier France 10450 Emma Vass United Kingdom 10451 STEPHEN AHERNE United Kingdom 10452 Michael Humber United Kingdom 10453 Caroline Ricketts United Kingdom 10454 Kim Syrett United Kingdom 10455 Joy Bundi United Kingdom 10456 Peter Edwards United Kingdom 10457 George Burbidge United Kingdom 10458 Steven Bryant United Kingdom 10459 Michael Dunn United Kingdom 10460 Michael Harrop United Kingdom 10461 Stanley Rowden United Kingdom 10462 Pamela Meyer United Kingdom 10463 2pass United Kingdom 10464 MICHAEL FARRUGIA Gibraltar 10465 Helen Nicholson Slovakia 10466 StГ©phane Bourdiau France 10467 Carol Stephenson United Kingdom 10468 Sharon Lovatt United Kingdom 10469 Fred Matthews United Kingdom 10470 Margaret Dumble United Kingdom 10471 Alistair Moffatt United Kingdom 10472 Ken Whiteley United Kingdom 10473 Pankaj Patel United Kingdom 10474 David Doig United Kingdom 10475 Anthony Norris United Kingdom 10476 John Fearn United Kingdom 10477 Slavica Vojinovic United Kingdom 10478 SUKHBIR PAL SINGH United Kingdom 10479 Christopher Edwards United Kingdom 10480 Richard Harvey United Kingdom 10481 John Smithurst United Kingdom 10482 Mike Dalton United Kingdom 10483 Mario Santos Portugal 10484 Robert-Jacques STEVENS United Kingdom 10485 Boris Marcq Portugal 10486 Stephen. W. Murphy United Kingdom 10487 Peter Buchanan Spain 10488 Jason Lamb United Kingdom 10489 Brian Denham United Kingdom 10490 Andrew Fisher United Kingdom 10491 Jill Altman United Kingdom 10492 Simon Gillett United Kingdom 10493 John Haney United Kingdom 10494 Martin Bouch United Kingdom 10495 Dan Tawfik Canada 10496 David Simpson United Kingdom 10497 Charles Lovelace United Kingdom 10498 Chandra Dookia United Kingdom 10499 John Cannon United Kingdom 10500 Sarah Dacombe United Kingdom 10501 Floyd Parker United Kingdom 10502 Linda Mackinnon United Kingdom 10503 Craig Thomson United Kingdom 10504 MГЎrio SimГЈo Portugal 10505 Barbara Haynes Spain 10506 Juliet Kirk-Buaku United Kingdom 10507 Sean Duguid United Kingdom 10508 Franck Calvet France 10509 Jeffrey PATTERSON United Kingdom 10510 Claude CHANCELIER France 10511 Desmond Morrow United Kingdom 10512 Jeffrey Williams United Kingdom 10513 Maria Isabel S. C. Roque Portugal 10514 Christopher Bean United Kingdom 10515 Malcolm Roberts United Kingdom 10516 Sheela Agarwal United Kingdom 10517 Michael Robbins United Kingdom 10518 THIERRY GUILLOT France, Metropolitan 10519 Richard L C Cardey United Kingdom 10520 Ronald Campbell United Kingdom 10521 Ebogo Ebogo Titus Belgium 10522 Keith Allen United Kingdom 10523 Edward Grant United Kingdom 10524 Magali Clement France, Metropolitan 10525 Susan Jones United Kingdom 10526 Stephen Shirley United Kingdom 10527 Josephine Southgate Spain 10528 Frederic Jacques Belgium 10529 Clifford Cooke United Kingdom 10530 Michael Cochrane United Kingdom 10531 Martin Hughes United Kingdom 10532 Derrick Davis United Kingdom 10533 Ronald Fisher United Kingdom 10534 Tony Tomasso United Kingdom 10535 Lyn Clarke Australia 10536 Teresa Kennedy Spain 10537 Carrie Taylor United Kingdom 10538 StГ©phane Habonneau France 10539 Alphonse Genovese United Kingdom 10540 Graeme Gillies United Kingdom 10541 Fred Bernaard United Kingdom 10542 Angela Codack United Kingdom 10543 Glenn Balcombe United Kingdom 10544 Carol Mallinson United Kingdom 10545 Douglas Godden United Kingdom 10546 Reginald Drown United Kingdom 10547 Rui CabaГ§o Portugal 10548 Sabine DELEUZE France 10549 Brian Wilkes South Africa 10550 Rene De Naeyer Belgium 10551 Ian Perry Australia 10552 Michael Damour Reunion 10553 Graham Lake United Kingdom 10554 John Campbell United Kingdom 10555 CHRISTELLE MOULLET France 10556 David Martinet France 10557 Gladwin Parkes United Kingdom 10558 Richard Hoole Cyprus 10559 Steve Walsh United Kingdom 10560 Jan Van Der Kolk Netherlands 10561 Sam Doughty United Kingdom 10562 Carol Gilfoy United Kingdom 10563 James McCorrisken United Kingdom 10564 James Stalker United Kingdom 10565 Martin Round United Kingdom 10566 John Wheeler United Kingdom 10567 Henrik Thorell Sweden 10568 Roberto Scaffidi Switzerland 10569 Stephen Wilson United Kingdom 10570 Joseph LEVENEUR Reunion 10571 Ali Burns United Kingdom 10572 Laurence Kimberley France 10573 Anthony Oates United Kingdom 10574 Jackie Walsh United Kingdom 10575 Narinder Badhan Gill United Kingdom 10576 Jamie Pearson United Kingdom 10577 TONY KELLY Ireland 10578 Colette Whelan United Kingdom 10579 Josselin Berthier France 10580 Jorge Mesquita United Kingdom 10581 Ril Steyn South Africa 10582 Zoe Robertson United Kingdom 10583 Derek Mcloughlin Spain 10584 Adrian Mason United Kingdom 10585 Robert Rudd Australia 10586 Roger McCutcheon Spain 10587 Barbara Gill United Kingdom 10588 Hazel Theaus-Green United Kingdom 10589 Gareth Budge United Kingdom 10590 Michael Sillifant United Kingdom 10591 Christopher Gray United Kingdom 10592 Godfrey Johnston United Kingdom 10593 ToГЇngar Keyba NATAR France, Metropolitan 10594 GГ©rard EXBRAYAT France 10595 Gwynfryn Saundres United Kingdom 10596 Laura Thorn United Kingdom 10597 Geoffrey Farrington Spain 10598 Tim Jackson United Kingdom 10599 Tony Holdich United Kingdom 10600 Vaidas Adomavicius United Kingdom 10601 Pauline Dale United Kingdom 10602 David Benham United Kingdom 10603 NORMAN HADDOCK United Kingdom 10604 Paul Williams United Kingdom 10605 SmartLott United Kingdom 10606 Primoz Medja Slovenia 10607 Christine Frances United Kingdom 10608 Keith Gravestock United Kingdom 10609 Danon Ramsamy France 10610 Jean Wathen United Kingdom 10611 Haiko Aalbers Netherlands 10612 Jamie Fox United Kingdom 10613 Edward Smith United Kingdom 10614 Mike Roberts United Kingdom 10615 Grace Gallagher United Kingdom 10616 Lee Smith United Kingdom 10617 Christine Hainsworth Germany 10618 David Everitt Spain 10619 Di Carmichael United Kingdom 10620 Gisele Taurin France 10621 Andrew Irish United Kingdom 10622 Elizabeth Thomas United Kingdom 10623 Ja Green United Kingdom 10624 Veronica Fryer United Kingdom 10625 Matthew Campion United Kingdom 10626 Gillian Benham United Kingdom 10627 Boesch Jean-Marie France 10628 Edward Pleasance United Kingdom 10629 Janice Grant Spain 10630 Ambrose Kilcline Ireland 10631 Robert Williams United Kingdom 10632 Kalvin Lai South Africa 10633 MARIAN RICHARDSON United Kingdom 10634 John Wells United Kingdom 10635 Deborah Marsland-Round United Kingdom 10636 John Letchford United Kingdom 10637 Teclar Nyamande United Kingdom 10638 Simon Lane United Kingdom 10639 France 10640 Kenneth Wakeham Spain 10641 Olivier Soleilland France 10642 Frank Whitham France, Metropolitan 10643 Huegli Industrial Foods United Kingdom 10644 Carol Hardman United Kingdom 10645 JEROME DREAN France 10646 Greg Hassett United Kingdom 10647 Lesley Deary United Kingdom 10648 Herve Renard France, Metropolitan 10649 Richard Teff Spain 10650 Robert Wardell United Kingdom 10651 Barry Cox United Kingdom 10652 Stijn Vercaigne Belgium 10653 Kenneth Olerenshaw Spain 10654 Renato Figueiredo Angola 10655 Julia Critchley Australia 10656 Ligia Carreiro Portugal 10657 Pascal PAGLIAZZO France 10658 Paul Hammond Spain 10659 YVONNE COATES Spain 10660 Cyprus Syndicates United Kingdom 10661 John Macleod Spain 10662 Ian Bottomley United Kingdom 10663 Anthony Winters United Kingdom 10664 Hongjin Kim Korea, Republic of 10665 James Ray United Kingdom 10666 Andrew Jackson United Kingdom 10667 Abdelsalam Ahmed El Hag Abdalla Saudi Arabia 10668 Leslie Reynolds France, Metropolitan 10669 David Thompson United Kingdom 10670 DERMOUCHE IDIR France 10671 Bastien Saubesty France 10672 Mark Pinnick Mauritius 10673 SAIFUDDIN JOHAR United Kingdom 10674 Simon Fyfe United Kingdom 10675 Ebookgagnant France 10676 Robert Sharp United Kingdom 10677 Francis (fred) Tubb Spain 10678 Yves Boquelet France 10679 Kevin Mckay United Kingdom 10680 NICOLAS BOGETTO France 10681 Pat Shaw United Kingdom 10682 Gary Gregson United Kingdom 10683 Ron Mackie United Kingdom 10684 Richard Peutrill United Kingdom 10685 Kwadwo Badu United Kingdom 10686 Piotr Chabros United Kingdom 10687 Birgul Guven United Kingdom 10688 Eugene (Bert) Cumberbatch United Kingdom 10689 Gisele Field United Kingdom 10690 Gisele Field United Kingdom 10691 Martin Hough United Kingdom 10692 Yaw Nkansa-Dwamena United Kingdom 10693 The Euro Weekly News Spain 10694 JOHN CROSS United Kingdom 10695 Lorna Seale United Kingdom 10696 Michael Upjohn Spain 10697 Carol Russell United Kingdom 10698 Shaukat Ali United Kingdom 10699 Paul Hanson United Kingdom 10700 Lorrainne Fuller Spain 10701 Warren Green United Kingdom 10702 Steven Hardy United Kingdom 10703 Jamie Norman United Kingdom 10704 Terence Hodgetts United Kingdom 10705 John Edmonds United Kingdom 10706 Vivienne Clark-Nicholson United Kingdom 10707 Maja McIntosh South Africa 10708 Hassan Isaac Tongola Denmark 10709 Steve K Bingham United Kingdom 10710 Martin Wells United Kingdom 10711 James Campbell United Kingdom 10712 Sue Hirst United Kingdom 10713 Thierry Mathieu France 10714 John Chandler Spain 10715 Robert Hall Spain 10716 Laurent Ehret France 10717 Sebastien Maes Belgium 10718 Michael Yeandle United Kingdom 10719 Terry Bolton United Kingdom 10720 Antoine Petit France, Metropolitan 10721 Carolyn Hill United Kingdom 10722 Derrick Hales United Kingdom 10723 Colin Ross United Kingdom 10724 Ann Doyle Spain 10725 Vera Ann Lane Cyprus 10726 Sebastien ROUSSET France 10727 Andrew Warnes United Kingdom 10728 Samantha Hedley United Kingdom 10729 Da Silva Tavares Joao Luxembourg 10730 Jean-jacques Remy France, Metropolitan 10731 Robert Matteo United Kingdom 10732 Martin Eason United Kingdom 10733 Herbert Murray Spain 10734 John Mayhew United Kingdom 10735 Lynette Clarke Australia 10736 Frank McLaughlin Cyprus 10737 DAVID CRESSWELL United Kingdom 10738 A Tracey United Kingdom 10739 Renatas Paskevicius United Kingdom 10740 Barbara Dorrington United Kingdom 10741 David Tiffin United Kingdom 10742 Neil Cauldwell United Kingdom 10743 Rose Sommerford Spain 10744 Trevor Kemp Spain 10745 Peter Bannerman United Kingdom 10746 Sally Bessant United Kingdom 10747 Sarah Pantelides United Kingdom 10748 Anita Vistere United Kingdom 10749 Juraj Vaclavik Czech Republic 10750 Margaret June Lawrence Spain 10751 Graham Fitzgerald United Kingdom 10752 Sylvie Royer France 10753 Irwin Diamond Canada 10754 SUDU DEVAGE PREMATILAKA Oman 10755 Louise Lucas United Kingdom 10756 Brian Wrampling United Kingdom 10757 Marie-Line CARTAVET French Guiana 10758 Vanderhoeven Nadine Belgium 10759 Frank Kelly United Kingdom 10760 Alan Fisher Spain 10761 Jean Gourier France 10762 Maximilian Schwieger Namibia 10763 Christian Pradelles France 10764 Guillaume Martial France, Metropolitan 10765 David Payne United Kingdom 10766 Adrian Broadbent United Kingdom 10767 John Walker Spain 10768 Myriam Umiastowski Belgium 10769 Marilyn Taylor United Kingdom 10770 Damian Walsh United Kingdom 10771 John Fletcher Kenya 10772 Anthea Fenton United Kingdom 10773 Sys3 Limited United Kingdom 10774 Jason Hillman United Kingdom 10775 Robert Bennett United Kingdom 10776 Zoe Marshall United Kingdom 10777 Tania Mendes Angola 10778 David Pinto Portugal 10779 Joao Ferreira United Kingdom 10780 Alan Underwood United Kingdom 10781 Winchcombe Lottery United Kingdom 10782 Gordon Storey Spain 10783 Geoff Wray Spain 10784 Gill Harris United Kingdom 10785 Joanna Cole United Kingdom 10786 Lesley Winsland United Kingdom 10787 Geoff Fincham United Kingdom 10788 Colin Jones United Kingdom 10789 Hugh Hanratty Ireland 10790 Stephen Dunn United Kingdom 10791 Arthur Preston United Kingdom 10792 Geoffrey Bougourd United Kingdom 10793 Iain Garside United Kingdom 10794 Marc Bocquier France 10795 Gladys Hughes United Kingdom 10796 Kate Beecroft United Kingdom 10797 John Illingworth Spain 10798 Donald Hudson United Kingdom 10799 Michelle Free United Kingdom 10800 Ryan Thaddeus United Kingdom 10801 A Wahab Aljasser United Kingdom 10802 Donald Gray United Kingdom 10803 Lynn Minshall United Kingdom 10804 Alison Edgar United Kingdom 10805 James Taylor United Kingdom 10806 Irene McChesney United Kingdom 10807 AMANDA COTTON United Kingdom 10808 Ivo & Fernandes United Kingdom 10809 ODILE BENOIT France 10810 Erika Schreier Switzerland 10811 Cleus Cobham United Kingdom 10812 Manuel Henriques Dos Santos Netherlands 10813 Adolphus Igweonu United Kingdom 10814 TERENCE BOWER United Kingdom 10815 Nmaduka Igweonu United Kingdom 10816 Georges-ambroise Courtinard Martinique 10817 Maureen Noble United Kingdom 10818 Eugene Lee United Kingdom 10819 Mario Germanier Switzerland 10820 Emmanuel RUCORT Martinique 10821 Dermot Grant United Kingdom 10822 KARINE HOSTALIER France 10823 Jeffrey Brazier United Kingdom 10824 Collette Rickards United Kingdom 10825 William Bailey United Kingdom 10826 Adolphus Nmaduka United Kingdom 10827 Phil Richards Malta 10828 Chris Ritchie United Kingdom 10829 Lynne Patterson United Kingdom 10830 G REVERS United Kingdom 10831 ROBERTO ESMOND BARNETT G. Philippines 10832 Helder Gomes United Kingdom 10833 Phil Dunnett United Kingdom 10834 David Crabbe United Kingdom 10835 Patrick De Sepibus France 10836 Wayne Kelly United Kingdom 10837 Beatrice Mununura United Kingdom 10838 Marini David France, Metropolitan 10839 William Hutchinson United Kingdom 10840 Jim Devlin United Kingdom 10841 Glenn Rapley Spain 10842 Vince Murr United Kingdom 10843 Helen Cruse United Kingdom 10844 Norman Brinkworth Belgium 10845 Paul Tasker United Kingdom 10846 Francis Lamblin France 10847 Charles Jaiyeola United Kingdom 10848 Angela Stewart-Park United Kingdom 10849 Peter Day Greece 10850 Matthew Northway United Kingdom 10851 Barry Mawn United Kingdom 10852 SHAY HENNESSY United Kingdom 10853 Jean-Marcel Blanalt Switzerland 10854 Andy Welsh United Kingdom 10855 Clifford Hammond United Kingdom 10856 Anna Muravyova Czech Republic 10857 Jacob N'Guessan Canada 10858 Tamer Ozturk Romania 10859 John Bass United Kingdom 10860 Stephen Steenkamp South Africa 10861 Richard Round Germany 10862 Joseph Lombard Reunion 10863 Pete Lovick United Kingdom 10864 Carlos Dias Portugal 10865 FranГ§ois Morin France 10866 Doris Bates Spain 10867 Steve Jardine United Kingdom 10868 Agon Demjaha Sweden 10869 Eric Thomas Spain 10870 Chris Everett Germany 10871 Mariam Olugbode United Kingdom 10872 Marc Oram United Kingdom 10873 Marian Hlinka Slovakia 10874 Marian Hlinka Slovakia 10875 Simon Haugh United Kingdom 10876 Edwin Whitehead United Kingdom 10877 Margaret Dobson Spain 10878 Stanislaw Nedza United Kingdom 10879 Carolyn Copperstone Malta 10880 Jon Sowell United Kingdom 10881 Michael Jackson Spain 10882 Milne Gordon Spain 10883 Karamo Sanyang United Kingdom 10884 Alexander Newton United Kingdom 10885 Mr & Mrs N Goddard United Kingdom 10886 Chris Prescott United Kingdom 10887 Sandra Cushing Spain 10888 Amede Poppe Netherlands 10889 Phillip Rangihaeata New Zealand 10890 Phillip Martin United Kingdom 10891 Derek Evans United Kingdom 10892 Carol Woolnoth Spain 10893 Olly United Kingdom 10894 Robert Cunningham United Kingdom 10895 Allan BENFIELD Thailand 10896 RICHARD KNIGHT United Kingdom 10897 David Weeks United Kingdom 10898 Joyce Prescott United Kingdom 10899 Bill Campbell United Kingdom 10900 Lynne Bryan United Kingdom 10901 Sarfraz Ahmad Shah United Kingdom 10902 Kenrick Cabrera United Kingdom 10903 Sue Dickinson United Kingdom 10904 Keith Perks United Kingdom 10905 Maureen Thompson Spain 10906 Fred Maynard United Kingdom 10907 VIJAY HIRA United Kingdom 10908 David Halldearn Spain 10909 Mike Van-de-Cappelle United Kingdom 10910 Alex Sorensen Denmark 10911 Gary Logan United Kingdom 10912 John Jardine France 10913 Stephen Menzies United Kingdom 10914 Gerard Dunne United Kingdom 10915 Gary Hay United Kingdom 10916 Gary Bagnall Spain 10917 Marilyn West United Kingdom 10918 Graham Jackson Spain 10919 Jamie Holmes United Kingdom 10920 St. Clair Consultants Limited United Kingdom 10921 Gary Marston United Kingdom 10922 Julien MAURAGE France 10923 SABINA ARISTOVNIK Slovenia 10924 Francis A Morton United Kingdom 10925 Anthony Sheehan United Kingdom 10926 Guy Fischbach Luxembourg 10927 Robert Dell United Kingdom 10928 Floris JJ Visser South Africa 10929 Guenther Werschlan Austria 10930 Caroline Waddington United Kingdom 10931 Robert Hayward United Kingdom 10932 MOHAMMAD ALI United Kingdom 10933 Louise Stevenson United Kingdom 10934 Elizabeth Heeps United Kingdom 10935 Robert D. Littler Spain 10936 Michael Booth United Kingdom 10937 Jane Berners France, Metropolitan 10938 Christina Finnih United Kingdom 10939 Shaune Carstairs United Kingdom 10940 Jesper Krog Denmark 10941 Nicole Jamon France, Metropolitan 10942 Sue Buckley United Kingdom 10943 Christopher Stones United Kingdom 10944 Patsy Hall Spain 10945 Steven Bunker United Kingdom 10946 Janice Ashmore Turkey 10947 Frank Lais United Kingdom 10948 John Oakenfull Spain 10949 Robert Dulson United Kingdom 10950 Sue Warwick United Kingdom 10951 David Surest France 10952 Joe Littlewood United Kingdom 10953 Philippe Druart Spain 10954 Thelma Coates United Kingdom 10955 Alain Avronsart France 10956 Silvana Gentile Switzerland 10957 Panayiotis \Kerimis Cyprus 10958 Ana Teixeira Portugal 10959 Michael Holland United Kingdom 10960 Didier Sappin Belgium 10961 Raymond Lacagne France 10962 Ray Ford United Kingdom 10963 Pam Hughes United Kingdom 10964 Alex McMorland United Kingdom 10965 Jeet Patel United Kingdom 10966 Simon Lee Spain 10967 Peter Weeks United Kingdom 10968 Ray Evans United Kingdom 10969 The Essential Lottery United Kingdom 10970 Lesley Roberts United Kingdom 10971 Mick Siddle United Kingdom 10972 Clodoaldo Freire United Kingdom 10973 Stephen Opie United Kingdom 10974 Jose Goncalves United Kingdom 10975 Jean Ratcliff United Kingdom 10976 Sheldon Fernandez Israel 10977 Frederic Mariani France 10978 Julie Shattock Spain 10979 Alistair Duncan Spain 10980 Jan Renwick United Kingdom 10981 Anthony Moore United Kingdom 10982 David Hebb United Kingdom 10983 Ceri Wakeham Spain 10984 John E Kind Spain 10985 Leslie Annal United Kingdom 10986 David Buke United Kingdom 10987 Cathy Radford United Kingdom 10988 Dominic Binard United Kingdom 10989 Stephen Dumbarton Spain 10990 Eric Wilkinson Spain 10991 Scott Mackenzie United Kingdom 10992 Andrew Cawkwell United Kingdom 10993 Ian Gilruth United Kingdom 10994 Christian Bianchi France 10995 Lindsay Budgen United Kingdom 10996 Malcolm Smith United Kingdom 10997 Vanessa Smith United Kingdom 10998 John Hobbs Spain 10999 Joyce Catani United Kingdom 11000 Emrys Thomas Spain 11001 Allan Rais United Kingdom 11002 Derek Wood United Kingdom 11003 Malcolm Butterworth United Kingdom 11004 Fiona Fletcher United Kingdom 11005 Jean-Marc ZEPHIR France 11006 Thelma Fisher United Kingdom 11007 Charles Payne United Kingdom 11008 Donald Martin Spain 11009 Vinodrai Mistry United Kingdom 11010 HENRY J BONE Australia 11011 Margaret Kane Ireland 11012 Juliette Daly United Kingdom 11013 David Randall United Kingdom 11014 Leif Roenbach Denmark 11015 Arline Gray Cyprus 11016 Ray Deacon United Kingdom 11017 Chris Watkins United Kingdom 11018 Subhas C Dey United Kingdom 11019 Mark Young United Kingdom 11020 Gladys Evans Spain 11021 Joaquim David United Kingdom 11022 Thomas Menet France 11023 Joan Bottomley United Kingdom 11024 John Sweet Spain 11025 Frank Dreves Germany 11026 FranГ§oise BASSET France, Metropolitan 11027 Ceri Bryans United Kingdom 11028 Alfie Smith United Kingdom 11029 Ashley Hughes United Kingdom 11030 Trafford Living Lotto United Kingdom 11031 Kristian LindГѓВ©n Sweden 11032 Tony Robinson United Kingdom 11033 Sean O'Farrell United Kingdom 11034 Aaron Payne United Kingdom 11035 TRACEY BUTT United Kingdom 11036 Gerard Hartinger France 11037 Diana Younger United Kingdom 11038 Denis Mc Cormack Spain 11039 Jerome Thompson United Kingdom 11040 Guy Sinclair United Arab Emirates 11041 Peter Barlow Spain 11042 Eugene Hanna United Kingdom 11043 Henry Papworth United Kingdom 11044 Tarek Abou Seadah Egypt 11045 Judith Bounds Cyprus 11046 Nerimae Pastor United Kingdom 11047 Suresh Kumar Saudi Arabia 11048 Selvi Howitz South Africa 11049 Michel Fouchard France 11050 Arthur Rayment United Kingdom 11051 Cynthia Magee United Kingdom 11052 Gary Clayburn United Kingdom 11053 MARTIN SCOTT United Kingdom 11054 Rory O'Callaghan United Kingdom 11055 MIK Heyslop United Kingdom 11056 Guy Coulson United Kingdom 11057 United Kingdom 11058 Anthony Lindfield United Kingdom 11059 Kenneth Scott United Kingdom 11060 Damian Sutton United Kingdom 11061 David Marcus South Africa 11062 COLIN BEALE United Kingdom 11063 Maddy Adekunle United Kingdom 11064 Steve Phillips United Kingdom 11065 Harry Earthey United Kingdom 11066 Bernd Gnauck Germany 11067 REGINALD KING United Kingdom 11068 Anne Bartle United Kingdom 11069 Mark Hoddinott United Kingdom 11070 Philip Quiney United Kingdom 11071 Roy Middleton United Kingdom 11072 Norman Kempton United Kingdom 11073 Glennis Pollard United Kingdom 11074 Peter Bonnick United Kingdom 11075 Chris Jackson United Kingdom 11076 Graham Vere United Kingdom 11077 Lesley Labram United Kingdom 11078 Les Ellaby United Kingdom 11079 Antony Evans United Kingdom 11080 Lester & Peta Feist United Kingdom 11081 Brian Mackenzie United Kingdom 11082 Mary Gerrard United Kingdom 11083 JEAN PAUL Margeanseau France, Metropolitan 11084 Ian Mackenzie Spain 11085 Gordon Phimister United Kingdom 11086 Per Einar Tinmannsvik Spain 11087 Carolyn Belcher United Kingdom 11088 Winston Boyce United Kingdom 11089 Ian Hannaford Spain 11090 Kieran Kelly United Kingdom 11091 Geoffrey Cornell United Kingdom 11092 Mary Kington United Kingdom 11093 Elizabeth Moore United Kingdom 11094 e-lottery Europe United Kingdom 11095 Sam Melloy United Kingdom 11096 RenГ© Dumonceau Belgium 11097 Noel Devlin United Kingdom 11098 KAMIL KUDLEK United Kingdom 11099 Nicholas Sutton United Kingdom 11100 Vivienne Everitt United Arab Emirates 11101 Deborah March United Kingdom 11102 Benjamin C Hunt United Kingdom 11103 John Mitchell United Kingdom 11104 Derrick Lewin United Kingdom 11105 Derek Street United Kingdom 11106 Alain APPIN Martinique 11107 Eudes RENAULT France 11108 Renatka Horavova United Kingdom 11109 Eileen Coker United Kingdom 11110 Eileen Plant Spain 11111 Gary Loader United Kingdom 11112 Anne Westbury United Kingdom 11113 Chris Westwood United Kingdom 11114 John Brown United Kingdom 11115 Asad Kidwai United Kingdom 11116 Mounir Merrouch France, Metropolitan 11117 Alun Davies United Kingdom 11118 George Thomson United Kingdom 11119 Karl Paquemar France, Metropolitan 11120 Bertrand Ginet France 11121 Loic Penalver France 11122 Richard Williams United Kingdom 11123 Anthony Coyne United Kingdom 11124 Tomasz Swiercz United Kingdom 11125 Carol Shaw United Kingdom 11126 Christopher Stafford United Kingdom 11127 Agboola Daniel United Kingdom 11128 Philip McHardy United Kingdom 11129 June Benton United Kingdom 11130 Steven Dalby United Kingdom 11131 Murray Campbell United Kingdom 11132 Alan Posener United Kingdom 11133 Barbara Hughes United Kingdom 11134 Brenda Eckersley United Kingdom 11135 STEPHANE FRISANCO Luxembourg 11136 Janick Le Bouter France, Metropolitan 11137 Gary Bailey United Kingdom 11138 Marc Mckoy United Kingdom 11139 Gulnargis Butt United Kingdom 11140 Roger Cooke United Kingdom 11141 Luc Ledoux Belgium 11142 Ernest Lockwood United Kingdom 11143 Brian Williams United Kingdom 11144 R A B D Thatcher United Kingdom 11145 Wyatt Mpofu United Kingdom 11146 John Harman United Kingdom 11147 Lee Grant United Kingdom 11148 John W Shortle United Kingdom 11149 PETER THOMPSON Australia 11150 JACK COOPER New Zealand 11151 Yvonne Falc'Hun France 11152 Steve Beer United Kingdom 11153 Grant Hinton United Kingdom 11154 Miriam Potter United Kingdom 11155 Barrie Downes South Africa 11156 Cynthia Hole Spain 11157 Erica Bealey United Kingdom 11158 Graham Kealey United Kingdom 11159 Daniel Dalley United Kingdom 11160 Chantal Lajoie Canada 11161 Elizabeth McCaffrey United Kingdom 11162 Romina Flemma Spain 11163 Jacqueline Paquemar France 11164 GARY TURNER United Kingdom 11165 Michael Theodoulou Cyprus 11166 Daniela Bulgaru Romania 11167 Patrick Ngigi United Kingdom 11168 Eric Constable United Kingdom 11169 James Thomas United Kingdom 11170 Schwerhoff Brigitte Belgium 11171 John Barker United Kingdom 11172 Malcolm Watkinson United Kingdom 11173 Ranjit Saha United Kingdom 11174 Brian Dare United Kingdom 11175 Hugh Dempsey Spain 11176 Bulent Erol France 11177 George Greig United Kingdom 11178 Jerome Vesoux France, Metropolitan 11179 Loves Playing Switzerland 11180 Nicholas Dean United Kingdom 11181 Mark Hartley United Kingdom 11182 John Waddington United Kingdom 11183 Bill Midgley United Kingdom 11184 Josie Raine United Kingdom 11185 Martin Thomas United Kingdom 11186 Alan McCarthy United Kingdom 11187 Daniel Balkwill United Kingdom 11188 John Judge United Kingdom 11189 Ruben Francisco Beltran Palafox France 11190 Anthony Newton Spain 11191 Morag Milne United Kingdom 11192 Francis Gouze France 11193 Roland Stigwood United Kingdom 11194 Magaiswaran Iswara Jothi Malaysia 11195 Mike Barlow United Kingdom 11196 Pieter Venter South Africa 11197 Claire Eccles United Kingdom 11198 TERENCE PHILLIPS Spain 11199 Trevor Symes United Kingdom 11200 Raymond Mallett United Kingdom 11201 Tony Sharma United Kingdom 11202 George Martin United Kingdom 11203 Tony Sharma United Kingdom 11204 LUDMILA BERKESOVA United Kingdom 11205 itcouldbeyourday United Kingdom 11206 Ficarelli Christine France 11207 Jean Ann Richards Spain 11208 Darren Leslie United Kingdom 11209 Helen Zaal Spain 11210 Jacek Gawlowski United Kingdom 11211 Leif Persson United Kingdom 11212 Ranohisoa Maheva France, Metropolitan 11213 Edward Tuvey Spain 11214 John Forshaw Spain 11215 Miroslav Kadlcek Czech Republic 11216 Sarah Sinton United Kingdom 11217 Cato KongestГѓВёl Solberg Norway 11218 Noel Davies United Kingdom 11219 Robert Gibson United Kingdom 11220 Anthony Ronald Sumner Spain 11221 Vitor Silva Portugal 11222 Susan Priestley United Kingdom 11223 JON MCGOUGH United Kingdom 11224 Sandra Park Spain 11225 David Cox United Kingdom 11226 Mark Smith United Kingdom 11227 Julio Rodrigues Portugal 11228 Kenneth LeMasurier United Kingdom 11229 Marc Bergeron France 11230 Jason Kiddle Estonia 11231 Lorraine Woods United Kingdom 11232 MAGALI CICHETTI France, Metropolitan 11233 Marius Renevey Switzerland 11234 James Hutchinson Spain 11235 Kevin Clark United Kingdom 11236 Selchuk Emin United Kingdom 11237 Philippe Roueste France 11238 Karl Jensen United Kingdom 11239 NERIZZA SANTOS United Kingdom 11240 Ken Blair Australia 11241 ESTHER FRANCIS United Kingdom 11242 Gillian Brailey United Kingdom 11243 Thomas Bignier France, Metropolitan 11244 Louise Carr United Kingdom 11245 Paul RAOULX French Polynesia 11246 David Douay France 11247 Maurice Nana United Kingdom 11248 Tim Marsh United Kingdom 11249 Johan (Jim) Snijders United Kingdom 11250 Keith Allen United Kingdom 11251 Tim Johnson United Kingdom 11252 Brian Holdsworth United Kingdom 11253 Alan McCulloch United Kingdom 11254 Neville West United Kingdom 11255 Linda Tubman United Kingdom 11256 Gavin Richardson United Kingdom 11257 John Alan Day Spain 11258 Ricardo MuГ±oz Leal Spain 11259 Lilian Middleton United Kingdom 11260 Neil Cross United Kingdom 11261 Angelo Armano Bermuda 11262 Robert Downes United Kingdom 11263 David Morgan United Kingdom 11264 Bruno Charron France 11265 Michael Pisula Belgium 11266 Melvyn Henshaw United Kingdom 11267 Joycelyn Maxwell-Price United Kingdom 11268 Chris Evans United Kingdom 11269 Timothy Evans-Hoon United Kingdom 11270 Wendy Colson United Kingdom 11271 Steven Surrey United Kingdom 11272 Christa Visser South Africa 11273 LEWIS EIFFERT United Kingdom 11274 Emma Hayward United Kingdom 11275 Wayne Clark Denmark 11276 Denis Matthewman United Kingdom 11277 Mark Oughton United Kingdom 11278 Raymond Welbourn Spain 11279 Cyril Romet France 11280 Romain Pouzin France 11281 AUTONES MARTINE France, Metropolitan 11282 Adam Tonner United Kingdom 11283 Shirley Markham United Kingdom 11284 Douglas Brennan United Kingdom 11285 Thibault Vivet France 11286 Anthony Hudson United Kingdom 11287 Chaman Lal United Kingdom 11288 Stuart Davies United Kingdom 11289 Lucinda Gray United Kingdom 11290 Thomas Moss United Kingdom 11291 FranГ§ois Poma France, Metropolitan 11292 Rasaq Adejonwo United Kingdom 11293 Mick Holt United Kingdom 11294 Jan Pieter Le Roux South Africa 11295 Andrej Jug Slovenia 11296 Chris Anderson United Kingdom 11297 Anita Foster United Kingdom 11298 Ian Anderson United Kingdom 11299 Robert Conway United Kingdom 11300 Nikki Summers Falkland Islands 11301 Linda Wolk Spain 11302 Michael Anderson United Kingdom 11303 Roy Hunt United Kingdom 11304 Arne Stig Eyde Norway 11305 KATHLEEN NASH United Kingdom 11306 David Stokes United Kingdom 11307 Wendy Honey United Kingdom 11308 Rebecca Bird United Kingdom 11309 Alain Netter France 11310 Mark Mascarenhas United Kingdom 11311 BIG Money Lotto United Kingdom 11312 Derrick Harrison United Kingdom 11313 Angela Krumins United Kingdom 11314 Dianne Davies United Kingdom 11315 Rosemary Self United Kingdom 11316 Rene Haugg France, Metropolitan 11317 Brendan Ryan Ireland 11318 David Ross United Kingdom 11319 Philip Smith United Kingdom 11320 Neill Barr United Kingdom 11321 John Hall United Kingdom 11322 Colin Tapley United Kingdom 11323 Tony Whyte United Kingdom 11324 DAVID PAGE-MITCHELL United Kingdom 11325 Ashley D'Mello United Kingdom 11326 Dolly Broadley United Kingdom 11327 Dave Clayton United Kingdom 11328 Cameron Brogan United Kingdom 11329 Barry Gosling United Kingdom 11330 Richard Phillips United Kingdom 11331 Karen Viccars United Kingdom 11332 Mark Scott United Arab Emirates 11333 Helen Kennedy United Kingdom 11334 Danielle Cumplido France 11335 Stephen Irvine United Kingdom 11336 Cynthia Harris United Kingdom 11337 Frederick Gardiner Saint Lucia 11338 Norman Kennon Spain 11339 Andrew Scattergood United Kingdom 11340 Jeanette Taylor United Kingdom 11341 Stephanie Marotte France 11342 Mikael Borup Denmark 11343 Tim Burrett United Kingdom 11344 Dina Da Silva United Kingdom 11345 John George United Kingdom 11346 Robert Taylor Australia 11347 Thomas Short United Kingdom 11348 Noelia De Jesus United Kingdom 11349 Steve Edwards United Kingdom 11350 Susan Taylor United Kingdom 11351 Stephen P. Cohen United Kingdom 11352 ELIZA LEADBITTER Australia 11353 Adam Ricketts United Kingdom 11354 Jason Ross Australia 11355 Michael Balsom United Kingdom 11356 Maurice Fenelon United Kingdom 11357 Satpal Matharu United Kingdom 11358 Thomas Whittle United Kingdom 11359 Lawrence Coates United Kingdom 11360 Rodney King United Kingdom 11361 ROBERT DUNLEY United Kingdom 11362 Steve Bradshaw United Kingdom 11363 Sharon Green United Kingdom 11364 Les Beal United Kingdom 11365 Thomas Joseph Mcneela United Kingdom 11366 Dolores Morais United Kingdom 11367 Ian Davidson United Kingdom 11368 Cathy Sullivan United Kingdom 11369 Kevlin Beddis United Kingdom 11370 Maureen Body United Kingdom 11371 Elizabeth Folie United Kingdom 11372 Hardyal Matharu United Kingdom 11373 Ernest Clarke United Kingdom 11374 Bertus Moolman South Africa 11375 Koula Michaelas Cyprus 11376 JULIE OWEN United Kingdom 11377 Jean FranГ§ois David France 11378 Gerald Gallois France, Metropolitan 11379 Kumud Sudra United Kingdom 11380 Florian Hejassy United Kingdom 11381 Kathleen Oldershaw Portugal 11382 Doreen Jefferson United Kingdom 11383 Patrick McLoughlin United Kingdom 11384 Adam Mccrum United Kingdom 11385 Ian Macpherson France 11386 Vinay Patel United Kingdom 11387 Christopher Sackville United Kingdom 11388 Keith Wheeler United Kingdom 11389 Clifford. a Foster United Kingdom 11390 Ian Thompson United Kingdom 11391 BARRY LEDGER United Kingdom 11392 James Mulholland United Kingdom 11393 Dennis Gormley United Kingdom 11394 Alan Watson Germany 11395 Bernard Godard Martinique 11396 Michael James United Kingdom 11397 Jennifer Finch United Kingdom 11398 Ini Akpadiaha United Kingdom 11399 John Richardson United Kingdom 11400 Richard Child United Kingdom 11401 Allan Tarver United Kingdom 11402 Marcus Armstrong United Kingdom 11403 Ian Lee-Maske United Kingdom 11404 Michael Varley United Kingdom 11405 Jamie Jarvis United Kingdom 11406 Janez Perme Slovenia 11407 Phil Birkett United Kingdom 11408 Jennifer McLaughlin United Kingdom 11409 Tapio Jarvi Finland 11410 Philip Grant United Kingdom 11411 Frank Cross South Africa 11412 MUNISH JOSHI United Kingdom 11413 Gianis Michaelas Cyprus 11414 Jose Fernandes United Kingdom 11415 Kenneth Brian Torrington United Kingdom 11416 Jacqueline Gallagher United Kingdom 11417 Alison Stubbings United Kingdom 11418 Sephryn Law United Kingdom 11419 Campbell Buchanan United Kingdom 11420 Samantha Weaver United Kingdom 11421 Joseph Clark United Kingdom 11422 Maxwell Thomas United Kingdom 11423 Christopher Lovern Ireland 11424 Sandra Hann United Kingdom 11425 Graham Orme United Kingdom 11426 Jonathon OBrien United Kingdom 11427 Gordon Lawrence United Kingdom 11428 Jennie Nicoll United Kingdom 11429 Ludgero Castanho United Kingdom 11430 Richard Walker United Kingdom 11431 Alain Leretour France 11432 Sibon Jean-jacques France, Metropolitan 11433 John Winlow United Kingdom 11434 Ansar Ali United Kingdom 11435 James Nunn Netherlands 11436 Claudine Gouband France 11437 Iain McCrone United Kingdom 11438 Simon Wilkinson United Kingdom 11439 Graham Nurse United Kingdom 11440 Anthony Davies United Kingdom 11441 Katherine Smith United Kingdom 11442 Stewart Moore United Kingdom 11443 Nicola Fowler United Kingdom 11444 Graham Crook United Kingdom 11445 Pete Scott United Kingdom 11446 Lynda James United Kingdom 11447 Juanita Javier United Kingdom 11448 Tientcheu Christine United Kingdom 11449 Christopher Gillott United Kingdom 11450 HervГ© FIBLEUIL Martinique 11451 Deborah Duckett United Kingdom 11452 Hup Thapa United Kingdom 11453 Sebastjan VuГ„�ko Slovenia 11454 Sean Esplin United Kingdom 11455 Kenneth Rodrigues France, Metropolitan 11456 David Bruce United Kingdom 11457 Sue Hart United Kingdom 11458 Andrew Heuze United Kingdom 11459 Steven Bayliss United Kingdom 11460 Lachnos United Kingdom 11461 Olasunkanmi Akinmola Bermuda 11462 Catherine Shortle United Kingdom 11463 Michael Unett United Kingdom 11464 Brian Langford United Kingdom 11465 Parvinder Sohal United Kingdom 11466 PIOTR CHROBAK Ireland 11467 Peter Hornby United Kingdom 11468 Laurent Joly France 11469 Francesco Gagliano Italy 11470 KristjГѓВЎn Geir Fenger Iceland 11471 Costas Feccos Greece 11472 Arbics Ltd United Kingdom 11473 Cristiana Moraru Romania 11474 Lotto Angel United Kingdom 11475 Heather Gore Spain 11476 Michael Ramlakhan United Kingdom 11477 Ojars Ronis Latvia 11478 Paul Cartlidge United Kingdom 11479 William Morgan Australia 11480 Elizabeth MacKenzie United Kingdom 11481 Norma Sapsford United Kingdom 11482 Halldor Johannsson Iceland 11483 ROBERTO BARNETT Philippines 11484 Peter Motson United Kingdom 11485 Emma Tiffin United Kingdom 11486 Martin Homer United Kingdom 11487 Jane Millar United Kingdom 11488 Christian Ceyrat France 11489 Tom Corness United Kingdom 11490 Joni Rodrigues Portugal 11491 angela snaith United Kingdom 11492 Clare Sutherland United Kingdom 11493 Joy Dixon United Kingdom 11494 Christophe SANGLA France, Metropolitan 11495 Barry Jump Spain 11496 Stella Ingleby United Kingdom 11497 Angela Banham United Kingdom 11498 john minihan United Kingdom 11499 ferrata alain France 11500 djilali ladjal France 11501 Graham Pickles United Kingdom 11502 aBDULLA AL NAIMI Qatar 11503 John Hadikin Canada 11504 jacinto coelho Portugal 11505 Dean Martin United Kingdom 11506 frederic stepe-zanni France 11507 Pascal GONNEAU France 11508 Nicholas Fraser United Kingdom 11509 Desmond Gauntlett South Africa 11510 TONY JONES United Kingdom 11511 M naveed Siddiqui United Kingdom 11512 jan manson United Kingdom 11513 Frido Josepha Norway 11514 ANITA HONING Canada 11515 Robert Peart United Kingdom 11516 Michael Blaxall United Kingdom 11517 Sheila Cossons United Kingdom 11518 ANDRE VAN DER MERWE South Africa 11519 SIDIKIE KARGBO United Kingdom 11520 sammy lumu United Kingdom 11521 Moshe Hochenberg United Kingdom 11522 Mark Basford United Kingdom 11523 Anthony Bates United Kingdom 11524 Joan Winder United Kingdom 11525 Roy Kemp United Kingdom 11526 Wayne de Jager United Arab Emirates 11527 Gurvinder Bhachu United Kingdom 11528 David Nel New Zealand 11529 Michael Clutton United Kingdom 11530 David Tebbutt United Kingdom 11531 John Kitson United Kingdom 11532 Robert Beveridge United Kingdom 11533 Vaithilingam Balasingam United Kingdom 11534 Douglas Matthews United Kingdom 11535 Keith Burgess United Kingdom 11536 ArsГ©nio Martins Portugal 11537 john quinn United Kingdom 11538 Christian Canard Belgium 11539 foued mersi United Kingdom 11540 yvonne marquiss Spain 11541 Simon Raynor United Kingdom 11542 DAMIEN LUCCHESI France, Metropolitan 11543 Jeff Woolley United Kingdom 11544 Shaun Pegg United Kingdom 11545 Lotto Cash United Kingdom 11546 Derek Young United Kingdom 11547 Hester J Erwin South Africa 11548 isabelle orti France 11549 Paul Dang Australia 11550 Augusto Neto Portugal 11551 Susan Pool United Kingdom 11552 Nicky Elsworth United Kingdom 11553 Emilio Sadio United Kingdom 11554 Thomas Prideaux United Kingdom 11555 Aleksandra Cvitkovic Croatia 11556 jean rousseau France, Metropolitan 11557 Tim Golby United Kingdom 11558 Craig William Westwood United Kingdom 11559 Graham Firth United Kingdom 11560 Joyce Brook United Kingdom 11561 FranГ§ois Le Maistre United Kingdom 11562 Simon Jackson United Kingdom 11563 Desmond Harding United Kingdom 11564 manuel silva Portugal 11565 bГ©atrice gressent France 11566 Jack Tasker United Kingdom 11567 jose antonio ponte Switzerland 11568 annie joubert moresmau France 11569 Norma Thomson United Kingdom 11570 Jinot lefevre Reunion 11571 Alan Matthews United Kingdom 11572 Jacqui Songhurst United Kingdom 11573 stiv lotski Macedonia 11574 Gerald Wallington-Hayes United Kingdom 11575 yvon stephany France, Metropolitan 11576 William Arthur Capener Spain 11577 MALCOLM NORWOOD Spain 11578 Stephen Poynter United Kingdom 11579 Colette Garroujou France, Metropolitan 11580 Samy Elkary United Kingdom 11581 Jennifer Khan United Kingdom 11582 Luis Guimaraes United Kingdom 11583 June Venter United Kingdom 11584 david marchand France 11585 Jonathan Jacob Belgium 11586 Christine Hawkins United Kingdom 11587 Louise VanderVorm France 11588 Inge Palma United Kingdom 11589 Angela Mitchell United Kingdom 11590 Ninian McCarthy United Kingdom 11591 likesh khetarpal India 11592 ЕЎepetavc turkovic marija Croatia 11593 Jason Cunningham United Kingdom 11594 Sidney Craze United Kingdom 11595 KIM BERRYMAN Australia 11596 Steve Robinson United Kingdom 11597 PATRICIA LAURENT Belgium 11598 Michael Taggart United Kingdom 11599 Janusz Jurek United Kingdom 11600 David Higgs Australia 11601 Gary Wiles United Kingdom 11602 Daniel Mcguinness United Kingdom 11603 Fozia Nuraine United Kingdom 11604 paulo martins South Africa 11605 peter thompson United Kingdom 11606 sydney hartas Spain 11607 barbara Bibby United Kingdom 11608 Brian Williams United Kingdom 11609 Daniel Semaille Belgium 11610 Joao Adamor Neves Brazil 11611 Ghislain Sabo France 11612 More Euros Company Portugal 11613 mohammad moun Ireland 11614 Peter Nicholson United Kingdom 11615 Lilias Williamson United Kingdom 11616 Ray Milner Thailand 11617 Joseph Coutts United Kingdom 11618 Bindu Brainch United Kingdom 11619 YEAK SIEW TING Malaysia 11620 Arvid Rosseland Norway 11621 jo cannon United Kingdom 11622 Dawn Staines United Kingdom 11623 Dilip patel United Kingdom 11624 Ioseb Gogolauri Georgia 11625 Jean-Hubert Thauvoy Belgium 11626 Hermon Yohans United Kingdom 11627 Janet Wetherall United Kingdom 11628 Vera Burton Spain 11629 Ahmad H J Alsabah Kuwait 11630 KEITH EDWARDS United Kingdom 11631 Leo Taylor Israel 11632 Claudio Ferreira Portugal 11633 albert fenton Spain 11634 Chris miles United Kingdom 11635 Reinier Meyjes South Africa 11636 Nadine Alcime Italy 11637 Global Agency Germany 11638 Margot-Helena Kasari Estonia 11639 zilvinas civilis United Kingdom 11640 gregory jegouzo France, Metropolitan 11641 bill brown United Kingdom 11642 Frederik Cole United Kingdom 11643 Brian Horsley United Kingdom 11644 alain chevessier France 11645 Brian Turner United Kingdom 11646 David Green United Kingdom 11647 daniel andre France, Metropolitan 11648 Naomi Feinberg Portugal 11649 Brenda Mangnall United Kingdom 11650 Simon Richmond United Kingdom 11651 Janet Elphick United Kingdom 11652 jean-Charles LEVESQUE France, Metropolitan 11653 marites pascual Bahrain 11654 Margaret Lake Spain 11655 Ajshe Muaremi Denmark 11656 Grace Campbell United Kingdom 11657 Stephen Elkins-Jarrett United Kingdom 11658 Richard Smyly United Kingdom 11659 Pawel Kisiel United Kingdom 11660 Josephine Dilley Malta 11661 Slobodan Riger Bosnia and Herzegovina 11662 Len Purnell United Kingdom 11663 Cornelia J. J. Ashall United Kingdom 11664 Michael Smith United Kingdom 11665 Justine Fletcher United Kingdom 11666 Michael Holland United Kingdom 11667 Rebecca Burton Spain 11668 David Pell United Kingdom 11669 Eileen De Gannes Portugal 11670 William Lowe United Kingdom 11671 Stephen Griffiths United Kingdom 11672 Ahmad H J Alsabah Kuwait 11673 Charles Brooker Spain 11674 Stewart Blaik United Kingdom 11675 Geoffrey Pitois France 11676 4MONEY United Kingdom 11677 Beverley Dawson United Kingdom 11678 Carla Campbell Porter United Kingdom 11679 Liaquat Ali United Kingdom 11680 Edward Astbury United Kingdom 11681 Paul Foisy Canada 11682 Michael Dale United Kingdom 11683 Ken Price United Kingdom 11684 Damian Warner United Kingdom 11685 Moana Mazet French Polynesia 11686 william aldworth United Kingdom 11687 nadine boulbard France 11688 Robert Sinclair United Kingdom 11689 khalifa behbehani Egypt 11690 Damien BIDET France, Metropolitan 11691 wilson strutte United Kingdom 11692 kelvin mannakee United Kingdom 11693 Gurpal Marway United Kingdom 11694 Barry Bramhill United Kingdom 11695 Martin Black United Kingdom 11696 Isabel Gomes United Kingdom 11697 FARID KANUGA United Arab Emirates 11698 ELIZABETH NOMHWANGE United Kingdom 11699 Stephen Bell United Kingdom 11700 Leslie Harding United Kingdom 11701 jerome lecoursonnais France 11702 Nicolas Le Pleux United Kingdom 11703 maruen elmir Brazil 11704 monika szczepanska Poland 11705 Lewis Garlick Norway 11706 Karen Thomson United Kingdom 11707 Alexandre Di Nardo France, Metropolitan 11708 Thomas Lee Singapore 11709 Amanda Evans United Kingdom 11710 catherine nikiperowicz United Kingdom 11711 John Smith United Kingdom 11712 Steven McArthur United Kingdom 11713 Satwinder Flora United Kingdom 11714 Francois Laurito France 11715 Adeniyi Ola United Kingdom 11716 Fathi Farag Switzerland 11717 mohtashim ahmed United Kingdom 11718 Miss Money Penny United Kingdom 11719 LYNN Minshall United Kingdom 11720 SANDRA RUBBINS United Kingdom 11721 sally bruce United Kingdom 11722 ANDREW BARTLETT United Kingdom 11723 Peggy Hand United Kingdom 11724 Ian Blake United Kingdom 11725 Angela Vautier United Kingdom 11726 David Parry United Kingdom 11727 robert horvath Hungary 11728 kobenan boris stephane kouman United Kingdom 11729 Stephen Harris Turkey 11730 Lamia Hachicha United Arab Emirates 11731 jihad karam Egypt 11732 david quinn United Kingdom 11733 Joy Hadjivarnava Cyprus 11734 Rui Massacote Portugal 11735 Anthony BADOU-BONSOU France 11736 John Trowt United Kingdom 11737 Anna Kingsford France, Metropolitan 11738 Patrick Dambaza Zimbabwe 11739 claude BEC France 11740 George Marinov United Kingdom 11741 Linda Scott Spain 11742 Adri Schoeman South Africa 11743 wojciech bak United Kingdom 11744 Andrew Rennie Spain 11745 Trevor Cook United Kingdom 11746 Elizabeth White United Kingdom 11747 Philippe Delmastro France 11748 daraiche ahmed Morocco 11749 julie le fell France 11750 Patricia Vine Spain 11751 Nigel Williamson United Kingdom 11752 CLAIRE DODDS France, Metropolitan 11753 Lee Barry United Kingdom 11754 CHARLES ISAAC United Kingdom 11755 marc VERNHET France 11756 Colin Dalby United Arab Emirates 11757 phillip tilley United Kingdom 11758 Mick Siddle United Kingdom 11759 joel fonseca Portugal 11760 brian holden United Kingdom 11761 Regnar Lindholt Rasmussen Denmark 11762 Sue Mannall Spain 11763 Marina Tilley United Kingdom 11764 Charles Ogunrinde United Kingdom 11765 David Todd United Kingdom 11766 JEAN TEILLAC France, Metropolitan 11767 Christopher Ngonadi Spain 11768 Miriam Fricova United Kingdom 11769 Zena Livesey United Kingdom 11770 GUY BELLIER Guadeloupe 11771 Keith Phillips United Kingdom 11772 Mike Eckersley United Kingdom 11773 Frank Radley United Kingdom 11774 ADEOLU ALAO United Kingdom 11775 Andrew Simpson United Kingdom 11776 Ronaldo Melo Dackombe United Kingdom 11777 Stojan Kukic Slovenia 11778 John Sumner Spain 11779 Martin Walters United Kingdom 11780 DuЕЎan Pavcnik Slovenia 11781 Kamil Cekiera United Kingdom 11782 Keith Forecast United Kingdom 11783 Careen Lancaster United Kingdom 11784 Brian Whitford United Kingdom 11785 gerald sawyers United Kingdom 11786 david Jones United Kingdom 11787 Anthony Phillips United Kingdom 11788 stephen poore United Kingdom 11789 Anita Kaczmarek Poland 11790 patrice lelandais France 11791 Mark Aston United Kingdom 11792 Pasquale Testa Switzerland 11793 Erik LEPAIN France 11794 Mary Small United Kingdom 11795 Elizabeth Roberts United Kingdom 11796 James Holden United Kingdom 11797 Norman Shrigley United Kingdom 11798 David Garth United Kingdom 11799 Robert Sivo Aruba 11800 Jane Sansom United Kingdom 11801 Tony Blaschuk Canada 11802 Frank Wildig United Kingdom 11803 John Barringer United Kingdom 11804 timothy nobbs United Kingdom 11805 leonie morris Hungary 11806 Kazimierz Rynkiewicz United Kingdom 11807 Diana Williams United Kingdom 11808 AYITE EDEM LEOPOLD HILLAH Luxembourg 11809 Loren Dearing United Kingdom 11810 roy kerr United Kingdom 11811 sabine luesma Belgium 11812 shane lawrence United Kingdom 11813 Daryl Elfield United Kingdom 11814 derek Ridley Spain 11815 christophe germain Belgium 11816 Oluwole Onafujabi United Kingdom 11817 neil robb United Kingdom 11818 Christine Serieux United Kingdom 11819 malcolm bean United Kingdom 11820 ian shearing United Kingdom 11821 Daniel Imoedemhe Canada 11822 Ken Houghton United Kingdom 11823 rudolph aaron United Kingdom 11824 robert veenhuysen United Kingdom 11825 rose hunt United Kingdom 11826 melanie hodson United Kingdom 11827 Michelle Stevens United Kingdom 11828 corinne dilmamode France, Metropolitan 11829 REMIGIJUS JACENAS United Kingdom 11830 Mary Suiwiri United Kingdom 11831 solomon phoenix United Kingdom 11832 Hugh Morris United Kingdom 11833 Andre Lachance Canada 11834 hakim HADJ SAID France 11835 Michael Wilson United Kingdom 11836 qamar gilani United Kingdom 11837 anthony bimendi United Kingdom 11838 Ruth Harte United Kingdom 11839 United Kingdom 11840 Paul Davies United Kingdom 11841 Diane Jones-Parry United Kingdom 11842 Maria Gergely Spain 11843 Arto Toivonen Finland 11844 hafiz dur Belgium 11845 oscar herrera ortiz United Kingdom 11846 JOHN MC GOWAN Ireland 11847 Jose Antonio Hernandez Spain 11848 Dale Leitch United Kingdom 11849 trish hill United Kingdom 11850 Aaron mallia Malta 11851 Brian Field United Kingdom 11852 Jean-David Aubert Switzerland 11853 Richard Drury United Kingdom 11854 William Morton United Kingdom 11855 Veronica Bourouba United Kingdom 11856 Caroline Balazs United Kingdom 11857 Jamie McCallum United Kingdom 11858 Khang Ninh PHAM France, Metropolitan 11859 alain cassier France 11860 Ronald Smithwhite United Kingdom 11861 Chris Lock France, Metropolitan 11862 Olena Borysova Ukraine 11863 Paul Olivier South Africa 11864 Ricardo Silva Macau 11865 David Roberts United Kingdom 11866 Michelle Roberts United Kingdom 11867 Doreen Jewell United Kingdom 11868 obinna Arinze Mbakwe Czech Republic 11869 lionnel du pontavice France 11870 john 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Learn What Your Periods Say About Your Health

We girls hate that time of the month when our body becomes a walking tap of blood but when that doesn’t show itself for a month or two, we become even more paranoid, because that means something is wrong with our body. Well, it is not just when we miss our monthly cycle, that it is a matter of concern. Sometimes, you need to notice some subtle shifts and changes like irregularity in flow, unbearable cramps, to know about the disparities demanding to be addressed.

However, there is no definition of a perfect period but there are certainly few aspects that determine whether you are healthy or not. You should watch for intense red flow without any mucus or clots and with little-to-temperate swelling, cramping and mood swings.

However, the good news is that it is not as difficult as rocket science. You’ll just have to analyze it closely, and with the points below, you can easily understand if anything is wrong or not.

#1 Heavy Flow.

When we say heavy, it means you’ll have to change your pad, cup or tampon four or five times a day. Heavy bleeding can be a serious issue as it can mean you have endometriosis, polyps or severe tumors that can adversely affect your fertility. Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, an OBGYN professor at Yale School of Medicine and author of A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Health, tells Health. com that this is more common as we age, but it’s more likely to happen to African-American women. A rarer cause, but one that is worth looking into if you’re releasing more than a cup of blood daily, is Von Willebrand disease, a bleeding disorder that prevents the body from clotting.

#2 Super Light.

If you are taking birth control then light flow is self-explanatory but if you are not on birth control or any other non-hormonal IUD and you are using nothing more than a panty liner than you are most probably having hormonal disbalance. Dr. Adelaide Nardone, clinical OBGYN instructor at Brown University, says that if your period is super light, you might have a problem with your thyroid or pituitary gland. There’s even a small chance that you are carting around a Mullerian anomaly, a disorder resulting in a malformed hymen, which stops the menstrual blood from naturally exiting the body. Strangely light periods are sometimes also linked to autoimmune disorders and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

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The idea is to mimic Alice in Wonderland by wearing a long dress, clogs for shoes, having straight long hair ( a long blonde wig will do), wear a headband and remember to add lots of peach blush to the apples of your cheeks. When it comes to womens Halloween costumes, they range from the modest to the uber sexy today. Are you are planning a family vacation to Walt Disney World in Florida.

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Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 Download The streamlining continues, as we’ve mentioned, with an attractive new editor that can now help you create WPF code (and multi-monitor support makes it easier to track large projects, no matter what you’re doing).

The real value comes in the many language and. NET framework improvements, though. These include strong support for parallel programming to help you better exploit multi-core CPUs, ASP. NET improvements that make it easier to create powerful web forms, and many WPF-based interface additions, including ribbon controls, taskbar extensibility and support for Windows 7 multi-touch.

Please note that the download is an ISO disc image, and you’ll need to burn it to a DVD before it can be used. Microsoft also recommend that you uninstall any previous beta of Visual Studio 2010 Express before you try to install this one.

Post date. September 24th, 2011 02:59 PM | Update date. January 11th, 2013 09:47 AM

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Vwd group: anche in Italia la nuova piattaforma informativa e di analisi

Contenuti locali a valore aggiunto arricchiscono la postazione professionale giГ utilizzata in tutta Europa

vwd group ha lanciato ufficialmente in Italia la piattaforma informativa e di analisi “ vwd market manager ”. Si tratta di una postazione professionale già utilizzata da migliaia di operatori in tutta Europa e adesso disponibile anche nel nostro Paese con contenuti “locali” di valore aggiunto come il notiziario dell’Agenzia Radiocor e le analisi sui titoli dell’Ufficio Analisi Finanziarie del Sole 24 ORE.

vwd market manager si caratterizza per una completezza e flessibilitГ in grado di soddisfare gli operatori piГ№ esigenti: oltre 90 borse valori, 140 contributori . dati macro, rating e stime, analisi del rischio (ad esempio, il VaR calcolato per oltre 600 mila titoli, spread in tempo reale, molteplici indici di correlazione) . notiziari nazionali ed internazionali DowJones . anagrafiche complete e dati di bilancio per oltre 1.800 aziende, tools e matrici di calcolo . modulo grafico con oltre 60 indicatori, sistema Data Analytics XL per gestire in maniera del tutto autonoma il vasto universo di dati vwd.

“La nostra piattaforma” - afferma Nicola De Cristofaro, Responsabile Marketing e Product Management di vwd group Italia - “arriva in Italia con un grande bagaglio di esperienza e di competenze: il servizio è stato infatti sviluppato in questi anni con il supporto determinante di operatori professionali che lo hanno “modellato” sulle effettive esigenze quotidiane dei processi di analisi, consulenza ed investimento. Questo per noi è un grande vantaggio, che ci permette di affacciarci nel mercato italiano con un prodotto di altissima fascia - unico nel panorama della concorrenza locale - con cui anticipare tutta l’offerta di vwd group: dalle soluzioni di portfolio management e analisi del rischio, al trading, ai progetti per la trasparenza bancaria, alle soluzioni mobile multimediali e progetti su misura”.

“Siamo molto fiduciosi sullo sviluppo di questo settore nei prossimi anni” - prosegue Nicola De Cristofaro - “le crisi finanziare, come quelle che stiamo vivendo, mettono in luce nuove necessità e strumenti sempre più sofisticati per essere in grado di interpretarle ed anticiparle. In questo senso i segnali che ci arrivano da parte della nostra clientela sono molto incoraggianti e noi siamo pronti a raccoglierli: siamo intenzionati a giocare nei prossimi anni un ruolo da assoluti protagonisti nel panorama italiano ed europeo. ”

Gli operatori professionali italiani potranno testare direttamente vwd market manager durante il prossimo Congresso Nazionale Assiom Forex, l’associazione nazionale degli operatori finanziari, che si terrà a Parma il 24 e 25 febbraio, dove vwd group sarà presente con un ampio spazio per incontrare la comunità finanziaria italiana e presentare la propria offerta di prodotti e soluzioni innovative.

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1 vwd market manager financials Il terminale finanziario per gli operatori professionali

2 Introduzione Overview Contenuti Tools & funzioni Contatti & supporto vwd market manager financials 2

3 A chi si rivolge vwd market manager: contenuti di alto livello e sofisticate funzionalità per tutte le aree di applicazione. Retail Banking Private Banking Investment Banking Wealth Management Tesoreria Aziendale Consulenti/promotori Filiali di Banche Operatori call center Advisors Asset manager Consulenti di azienda Tesorerie Uffici Studi Desk di negoziazione Tesorerie Back office vwd market manager financials 3

4 Principali caratteristiche Universo dati vwd group: oltre 90 Borse Valori Internazionali più di 140 Contributori (tra cui Tullet Prebon e ICAP) Pacchetto rating: Moody s Fitch S&P Capital IQ, EDG, Fitch CDS Notiziari nazionali e internazionali MF Dow Jones Italia e Global News Dow Jones Newswire Businesswire e FTA Mondo obbligazionario: Anagrafiche vwd Rendimenti in tempo reale Spread MTS Bilanci e analisi fondamentale Società Italiane ed estere Copertura di oltre il 90% della capitalizzazione mondiale di mercato) Calcolatori finanziari e Matrici: Bond, warrant broken date, etc Cross Matrix, option matrix, etc VWAP Risparmio Gestito: Universo dei Fondi comuni domestici ed esteri, pensione, assicurativi, speculativi, hedge funds. Flessibilità: Interfaccia personalizzabile Navigazione organizzata (pagine vwd e bookmark) vwd market manager financials 4

5 Indice Overview Contenuti Tools & funzioni Contatti & supporto 5 vwd market manager financials 5

6 Copertura mercati Mercato Italiano completo Euro TLX, Euro MTS, HI-MTF BATS CHI-X Oltre 90 Borse Valori locali e internazionali Mercati Internazionali (Nasdaq, Nyse, Nyse MKT, OMX, LSE, Brasile, Australia, Sud Africa, Cina ) Euronext (Bruxelles, Parigi, Amsterdam, Lisbona,) Mercati locali europei (Vienna, Monaco, Stoccarda, Berlino, Zurich (Virt-X e SWX ) Mercati dei derivati (Eurex, CBOT, OPRA, Euronext Liffe ) Mercato delle commodities (CBOT, LME, NYMEX, AGREX, IDEX, ICE, Euronext Liffe Paris) Indici internazionali Mercato Monetario (es. Euribor, tassi di riferimento BCE, Eurirs, FRAs, Cap, Floor, swapation, Repo, etc ) Forex (spot rate, cross rate, forward, etc ) Mercati OTC 07/06/213 vwd market manager financials 6

7 Principali Contributori internazionali Tullett Prebon and Premium Forex Tassi di Cambio, spot and cross rate, forward, currency option etc. (e. g. Tullett Financial Information) Benchmark yield bonds Tassi mercato monetario, Tassi mercato dei capitali, swap, FRAs, cap, floor, swaption, Euribor, LIBOR I contributori benchmark di mercato Pacchetto Rating S&P Capital IQ Moody s Fitch ICAP data worldwide ICAP FX (FX spot, forward) global ICAP FX currency options & volatilities global ICAP money market ICAP IR swap, MM swap, FRAs, short term IRS, basis swap (APME*) ICAP IR swap, MM swap, FRAs, short swaps, basis swap, forward swaps ICAP IR swap, cap & floor, option volatilities ICAP zero coupon curve (EOD) * APME =Asia Pacific & Middle East vwd market manager financials 7

8 Contenuti speciali Dati societari Convensys Analisi accurate ed Estimates Convensys basic profilo societario, organi sociali, bilancio, profitti e perdite e cash flow per circa 4.500 Società quotate a livello internazionale. Convensys advanced importanti report riguardanti aspetti salienti come la sostenibilità finanziaria, la struttura del bilancio e la profittabilità, scaricabili in formato PDF. Analisi e Report di Rischio The Screener più di 5.300 Società in 32 Paesi con una copertura del 90% della capitalizzazione mondiale di mercato. Stime Factset JCF Factset JCF raccoglie le stime degli analisti su diverse migliaia di azioni. riferite alle aspettative sui risultati, I dividendi, i target price a 12 mesi, le stime sul fatturato, etc. Le raccomandazioni e le stime sono le previsioni consolidate degli analisti sui titoli delle aziende internazionali più attive in America, Europa e Asia/Pacifico vwd market manager financials 8

9 Analisi su Società Italiane Analisi Fondamentale AMF Il Sole 24 Ore Analisi Fondamentale Base: Copertura delle principali Società quotate sulla Borsa di Milano: profilo societario, organi societari, bilancio, conto economico, cash flow, ROE, ROA, concorrenti e altro. Analisi Fondamentale Avanzata: Contenuti addizionali rispetto al pacchetto basic: possibilità di scaricare il report dell analista in formato PDF con dati previsionali e commento dell analista. Analisi Fondamentale e Tecnica di WEBSIM. it Studi di analisi fondamentale e le raccomandazioni degli analisti della Divisione Websim. it (Intermonte SIM) sulle Società quotate in Borsa vwd market manager financials 9

10 Pacchetti news globali MF Dow Jones Italia e Global Un servizio completo di informazione real time su tutti i mercati Notizie sulle Società italiane quotate e sulle più importanti Società estere Aggiornamenti sull andamento dei mercati nazionali e internazionali Mercato Obbligazionario e aggiornamento quotidiano sui Rating Notizie sull andamento dei mercati valutari, petrolio e preziosi Notizie sull attività svolta dalle Banche Centrali in Europa e in America Indicatori economici e notizie generali di economia e politica Analisi tecnica sui titoli di maggiore interesse Risultati e previsioni delle aziende quotate Analisi e commenti sui dati macroeconomici Calendario eventi economici e societari a livello internazionale Rassegna stampa nazionale ed estera Dow Jones News Service Analisi e commenti esclusivi su tutti i mercati azionari internazionali Analisi su oltre 37,000 Società di tutto il mondo, con aggiornamenti sulle IPOs, sulle stime degli utili e sui movimenti del mercato. Analisi sugli sviluppi dell'economia Informazioni e anticipazioni sul mondo dell energia, delle materie prime, sui biocarburanti e sulle alternative ai metalli e all agricoltura. vwd market manager financials 10

11 Pacchetti news speciali Informazioni dettagliate su Aziende e italiane ed estere Businesswire Il notiziario corporate specializzato nella diffusione di comunicati stampa, con particolare focus sul mercato italiano Notiziario di Analisi Tecnica FTA commenti tecnici sui titoli più interessanti del mercato italiano ed estero, sui principali indici e future di Borsa, con un focus particolare sui titoli dello S&P 500 comunicati price sensitive delle Società italiane ed estere quotate e comunicati Consob su operazioni straordinarie e variazioni delle partecipazioni al di sopra del 2%. vwd market manager financials 11

12 Indice Overview Contenuti Tools e Funzioni Contatti & supporto 12 vwd market manager financials 12

13 Pagine vwd Vantaggi: Universo dati distribuito all interno di pagine predefinite Raggruppamenti in pagine basati su criteri di estrazione dati ben definiti Navigazione semplice e intuitiva Accesso immediato ai dati di approfondimento direttamente dalle pagine Richiamo veloce delle informazioni di dettaglio associate allo strumento vwd market manager financials 13

14 Navigator Vantaggi: Navigazione tramite richiamo di bookmark predefiniti o personali Definire dei segnalibro per finestre e fogli di lavoro Utilizzare una funzione alternativa ricerca dati Possibilità di definire una struttura personale e/o aziendale di cartelle Condivisione dati con i propri colleghi Richiamare le proprie cartelle da qualsiasi desk vwd market manager financials 14

15 Ricerca veloce Vantaggi: il modo più semplice per trovare gli strumenti che interessano Cercare gli strumenti digitando direttamente il nome o i codici identificativi degli stessi (ISIN, WKN, etc.) Visualizzare i risultati in una maschera riepilogativa, che distingue le diverse tipologie di strumenti in singoli tab. Richiamare dal menu contestuale tutte le informazioni di dettaglio disponibili vwd market manager financials 15

16 Ricerca Avanzata Vantaggi: Applicare filtri avanzati di ricerca per tutte le tipologie di strumento Per filtrare ed estrarre le informazioni in tempo reale Visualizzare le ultime analisi fondamentali e tecniche sui titoli italiani, con I commenti degli analisti Websim. it Selezionare gli emittenti o gli strumenti obbligazionari in base al rating creditizio Visualizzare in modo rapido i CDS per emittente o tipologia di debito sottostante. Visualizzare i risultati delle ricerche in una maschera formato listino vwd market manager financials 16

17 Ricerca Avanzata Notizie Vantaggi: Selezionare e combinare I criteri di ricerca in base alla classica logica boleana. Per avere in tempo reale le news delle più autorevoli Agenzie di Stampa Applicare filtri di ricerca ben definiti per soddisfare in modo puntuale le esigenze del lettore Categorizzazione news per: - Messaggi - Paesi e Regioni - Settori - Temi Impostare allarmi su argomenti specifici vwd market manager financials 17

18 Dettaglio informazioni Funzionalità intuitive: Grafici storici e intraday Liste personali Portafogli Index Constituents Top/Flop Scheda di dettaglio Liste di arbitraggio Times & sales Visual quote (book) Allarmi Notizie Report di analisi Tool di calcolo Ticker Allarmi Calcolatori e Matrici Tutti gli approfondimenti con un semplice click vwd market manager financials 18

19 Browser integrato L utente può trarre benefici dalla presenza di un browser dentro l applicazione Vantaggi: Accedere alla Home di internet con un semplice CTRL+ALT+B Salvare i siti di proprio interesse in uno o più fogli di lavoro Accedere direttamente alla intranet aziendale vwd market manager financials 19

20 Matrici e Calcolatori Matrice Corporate Action Opzioni Warrant - Call Warrant Put Cross rate Correlazione Per valutazioni e calcoli approfonditi sulla base delle proprie esigenze Calcolatore: Broken Date Tassi d interesse Opzioni in valuta Obbligazioni Warrant VWAP vwd market manager financials 20

21 Portafogli Real Time Vantaggi: Per una valutazione immediata dei propri investimenti Monitoraggio investimenti in tempo reale. Gestione Multivaluta Overview grafica su: - ultimi prezzi - performance - principali winner/loser - settori d investimento - asset class Stampa e salvataggio PDF Invio e-mail della situazione corrente vwd market manager financials 21

22 Composite. una panoramica veloce Vantaggi: Meno tempo per cercare le informazioni, più tempo per l analisi In un solo spazio di lavoro è possibile impostare collegamenti intelligenti di dati e funzionalità per visualizzare tutte le informazioni desiderate su uno strumento finanziario. Attraverso la funzione di drag & drop, e premendo la barra spaziatrice, tutte le maschere informative scelte verranno automaticamente aggiornate vwd market manager financials 22

23 Curve dei rendimenti Vantaggi: Cogliere rapidamente le opportunità del mercato obbligazionario Confrontare le curve di rendimento fino a dieci anni dei principali Paesi nel Mondo Visualizzare lo spread di rendimento tra due Paesi Osservare rendimenti e spread su grafici e tabelle vwd market manager financials 23

24 Allarmi Vasta scelta di variabili da monitorare: last price, bid, ask, var%, rating vwd market manager ti consente di tenere tutto sotto controllo Certezza di essere sempre informati al raggiungimento degli alert: tutte le richieste vengono in carico dai server di backend di vwd group, il cui accesso è garantito 24 ore su 24 ore. Se richiesta, i server vwd inviano una notifica di alert via e-mail al raggiungimento delle soglie di allarme, anche se il sistema è spento o non accessibile. vwd market manager financials 24

25 Report generator I vantaggi: Per elaborare facilmente i report da consegnare al cliente o per esigenze interne Creare e salvare report in in diversi formati: PDF HTML Excel CSV JPEG RTF TEXT MHT Personalizzare i report inserendo un immagine o il logo aziendale e scrivendo un testo di presentazione: vwd market manager financials 25

26 Interfaccia Microsoft Office E possibile trasferire i dati ricevuti dal flusso informativo in una qualsiasi interfaccia Microsoft Office tramite: Dynamic Data Exchange o Export automatico Utilizzo della DDE, per consentire l'aggiornamento dinamico e l elaborazione dei dati in tempo reale su Excel. Funzione Copia e Incolla, per Il trasferimento statico dei dati su qualsiasi applicativo Export dati automatico in un file CSV vwd market manager financials 26

27 vwd data analytics XL Vantaggi: Add-in per Microsoft Excel 2002-2007 Per interrogare i dati in modo veloce ed efficace Accesso a tutto l universo dati di vwd con possibilità di sottoscrivere pacchetti opzionali di Contributori Creare archivi personali Scaricare velocemente dati intraday e storici Scegliere archi temporali e la modalità di compressione dati Collegare I dati alle chain Utilizzare simultaneamente 3000 simboli vwd market manager financials 27

28 Indice Overview Contenuti Tools e Funzioni Contatti & supporto 28 vwd market manager financials 28

29 In vwd group il Cliente non è mai lasciato solo Nonostante i nostri servizi si caratterizzino per un approccio molto intuitivo, con una rapida curva di apprendimento, il nostro team italiano di Training e Customer Support offre ai propri Clienti una formazione professionale ed approfondita nella fase iniziale di utilizzo; un costante affiancamento mediante supporto telefonico, o tramite l ausilio del TeamViewer, o via email, oppure, all occorrenza, direttamente presso la sede del Cliente. Tutto ciò con il semplice obiettivo di consentire al Cliente di sfruttare al massimo tutte le potenzialità di vwd market manager vwd market manager financials 29

30 Passare a vwd market manager non e mai stato cosi semplice Per rassicurare la nostra clientela riguardo alla semplicità legata al passaggio al nostro prodotto, vwd group ha definito un semplice e trasparente workflow operativo che offre il massimo supporto e rende questo passaggio agevole e rapido. VERIFICA TECNICA al fine di garantire un installazione in pochi click, il nostro personale tecnico esegue da remoto, in via preventiva, un controllo tecnico FORMAZIONE SUL PRODOTTO subito dopo l installazione, viene erogata la prima formazione all uso del prodotto con l ausilio di strumenti di webcast e/o via telefono. SUPPORTO ALLA CREAZIONE DI PAGINE E LISTINI PERSONALI al fine di velocizzare la replica di pagine e liste personali in precedenza utilizzate su altri servizi, il nostro team di Customer Support è disponibile ad un affiancamento diretto o, nel casi si tratti di listini già creati sui servizi ex Sole24 ORE (Market PRO, Xplane, Xmarket), fornisce appositi tools per il loro trasferimento automatico in vwd market manager FASE 1 LE PRIME DUE SETTIMANE vwd market manager financials 30

31 Formazione e Supporto FORMAZIONE DI FOLLOW UP trascorse 2 settimane, un nostro operatore contatta il Cliente per verificare insieme il grado di apprendimento all uso del servizio ed approfondire tematiche di suo particolare interesse. SUPPORTO SUI CONTENUTI Il nostro team di Customer Support supporta l Utente anche per tutte le tematiche relative ai contenuti presenti nel servizio. ONLINE HELP vwd market manager è dotato di un dettagliato manuale di Help Online (in lingua inglese) che descrive tutte le funzioni e le caratteristiche del servizio. FASE 2 UN SUPPORTO CONTINUATIVO FORMAZIONE SUPPLEMENTARE (OPZIONALE) Moduli informativi on line o sessioni formative ad hoc possono essere concordate direttamente con il Cliente per venire incontro a particolari esigenze organizzative vwd market manager financials 31

32 Contatti VENDITE VWD GROUP ITALIA Telefono: +39 02 807 330-252 Email: sales@vwd-italia. com SERVIZIO CLIENTI VWD GROUP Per informazioni generali o domande tecniche riguardanti i nostri prodotti: Email: supporto@vwd-italia. com LE NOSTRE SEDI IN ITALIA Milano Via C. Pisacane, 1 20016 Pero Roma Piazza Indipendenza, 23 b/c 00185 Roma vwd market manager financials 32

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22.03.06 | 16:15 Uhr | 12 mal gelesen | dgap. de DGAP-Adhoc: b. i.s. börsen-informations-systeme AG: vwd GmbH strebt Verschmelzung durch downstream merger an

Bis. börsen-informations-systeme AG / Firmenzusammenschluss/Übernahmeangebot

Ad-hoc-Meldung nach § 15 WpHG übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ad-hoc-Meldung nach § 15 WpHG

Bis. AG: vwd GmbH strebt Verschmelzung durch downstream merger an

Rimpar, 22.03.2006. Die vwd Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH (vwd GmbH) hat die b. i.s. börsen-informations-systeme AG (b. i.s. AG) soeben darüber informiert, dass sie eine Verschmelzung im Wege eines downstream mergers anstrebt. Im Rahmen dieses Vorgangs soll die vwd GmbH auf die b. i.s. AG gemäß § 2 UmwG durch Übertragung ihres Vermögens als Ganzes mit allen Rechten und Pflichten unter Auflösung ohne Abwicklung verschmolzen werden.

Dabei wird es erforderlich, dass die b. i.s. AG ihr Kapital erhöht. Die genaue Höhe ergibt sich aus einem zu erstellenden Gutachten, was den Wert der b. i.s. AG und der vwd GmbH zu ermitteln hat. Die Aktien, die im Wege der Kapitalerhöhung geschaffen werden, sollen dann den Gesellschaftern der vwd GmbH für die Übertragung der vwd GmbH auf die b. i.s. AG ausgegeben werden.

Ferner wird im Rahmen der Verschmelzung unter anderem angestrebt, dass die b. i.s. börsen-informations-systeme AG ihre Firma in vwd Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste AG ändert. Die b. i.s. AG soll außerdem ihren Sitz nach Frankfurt am Main verlegen, wobei es derzeit keine Überlegungen gibt, den Standort in Rimpar aufzugeben. Der Unternehmensgegenstand der b. i.s. AG soll angepasst werden.

Durch die Verschmelzung sollen Synergien genutzt und der weitere Ausbau der Gruppe vorangetrieben werden.

Der Vorstand wird dieses Ansinnen prüfen und den Aufsichtsrat entsprechend informieren.

Bis. börsen-informations-systeme AG

Geregelter Markt Frankfurt, General Standard

Investor Relations: Julia Lopez, Klaus Hulha

Kettelerstr. 3-11; 97222 Rimpar

Tel: +49 (0) 9365 / 82 12-91

Fax: +49 (0) 9365 / 82 12-13

Sprache: Deutsch Emittent: b. i.s. börsen-informations-systeme AG Kettelerstr. 3-11 97222 Rimpar Deutschland Telefon: +49 (0)9365 8212-0 Fax: +49 (0)9365 8212-12 Email: ir@bis. de WWW: www. bis. de ISIN: DE0005204705 WKN: 520470 Indizes: Börsen: Geregelter Markt in Frankfurt (General Standard); Freiverkehr in Berlin-Bremen, Hannover, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München, Stuttgart

Ende der Mitteilung DGAP News-Service

Aktien im Fokus - Donnerstag, 24.03.2016 weiterlesen.

Meistgelesene News 1H | 12h | 24h | 48h | 7T

27.03.16 Am Karfreitag wurde im Jemen der. (80 mal gelesen)

27.03.16 Einige Jugendliche wurden verletzt. (68 mal gelesen)

27.03.16 Islamisten haben ihre Drohungen. (61 mal gelesen)

09:32 Uhr Bei einem Verkehrsunfall im. (31 mal gelesen)

03:21 Uhr On Naked and Afraid: Uncensored. (30 mal gelesen)

15:42 Uhr Dumpfe Schläge und kleinere. (29 mal gelesen)

27.03.16 Streit mit dem Pressesprecher. (28 mal gelesen)

27.03.16 Giesenhausen Bei einem Unfall auf. (27 mal gelesen)

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