Forex121 Revisión

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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Forex examen:

Un lector me preguntó recientemente si podría recomendar un curso de forex y con una pareja que viene a la mente, una revisión ampliada vale la pena compartir.

Por qué el entrenamiento en vivo podría darle el borde Forex

Curiosamente, ambos servicios de formación evitan el scalping para hacer operaciones basadas en los marcos de tiempo más altos, un enfoque que su corredor no le agradecerá, pero que probablemente le mantendrá en buen lugar durante los años.

En mi experiencia, encontrar un buen curso de educación es encontrar el curso correcto para usted, uno que se adapte a su personalidad comercial.

El primer servicio comercial es Forex121, un servicio de educación comercial dirigido por Dan Armitage.

Dan es un ex comerciante de la ciudad que ahora pasa su tiempo de comercio y ayudar a otros a beneficiarse de su experiencia. El típico día de negociación comienza temprano, alrededor de las 6.45 de la mañana con Dan buscando operaciones y establecer las primeras puertas para que la gente con una vida laboral ocupada puede establecer sus oficios antes de ir a trabajar.

El foco de Dan está muy en los marcos de tiempo más altos en los pares principales, las materias primas y el Dow Jones. Si usted está deseando aprender a movimientos rápidos del cuero cabelludo para 10 pips, entonces este curso no es para usted.

Si hay algo atractivo que va a destacar las configuraciones de comercio y alerta cuando los oficios se han activado.

Todo el proceso toma menos de 30 minutos, un excelente proceso para cualquier persona que quiera aprender a escanear los mercados rápidamente antes de ir a trabajar.


Dan adopta un enfoque de tiempo múltiple con su gráfico único creado combinando la acción de las cartas por hora, gráficos diarios y gráficos semanales todo en una página para una navegación rápida.

Es un conjunto que nunca he visto antes y me impresionó cuando lo vi por primera vez. No hay una estrategia única que emplee Dan, pero sus subastas se basan principalmente en rupturas de altos y bajos semanales, patrones de reversión de candelabros y retrocesos / rupturas de los promedios móviles clave.

Sobrecargado de esto es una buena comprensión de las correlaciones de divisas y cómo esto afecta a cualquier conjunto de comercio individual ups. Por ejemplo, parte del análisis de Dan se toma en el índice del dólar de los EEUU, una medida de la sola cesta del dólar de los EEUU tomada del funcionamiento medio del dólar a través de una multitud de monedas.

Al analizar el índice del dólar estadounidense de forma aislada, refina cualquier decisión comercial en pares como el USD / JPY o el USD / CHF. Si el USD / JPY tiene una buena configuración, pero el índice del dólar de EE. UU. está gritando un movimiento en la dirección opuesta, entonces el comercio puede ser mejor dejarlo solo.

Dan también analizará las materias primas para negociar, como Silver, mientras que al mismo tiempo utiliza esta información para informar a las operaciones sobre el dólar estadounidense, lo cual es importante porque los productos básicos se negocian en dólares estadounidenses.

Aquí está un comercio típico creado explicado por Dan:

Breakouts - Breakouts semanales son los motores más consistentes en el mercado.

Después de años de estudiar y tratar de ganar consistencia en los gráficos a corto plazo, pronto me di cuenta de que hay muy poca consistencia en los patrones de velas, patrones de gráficos y brotes, en cualquier cosa menos de un gráfico de 60 minutos. Lo bonito de tener velas semanales y diarias superpuestas en el gráfico de 60 minutos es que explican perfectamente los desgloses.

A continuación se presentan ejemplos de operaciones típicas que se toman en Forex121.

1) WTI - El promedio diario de 20 se traspasa y rompe el máximo semanal previo. Una vez más, el comercio más rentable y consistente en mi libro. Orden simple - establecido por encima del nivel de descanso casi siempre generará un retorno decente. 125 pips se tomó en sólo unas pocas horas en este comercio.

Después de la sesión de la mañana, Dan pondrá entonces cualquier actualización o entradas comerciales específicas en su blog con alertas por correo electrónico para cualquier publicación.

Los miembros también tienen la oportunidad de realizar sesiones de Q & amp; A el miércoles por la noche.

La línea de fondo

En las últimas semanas Dan ha manejado bien los mercados de divisas, lo que es un tributo a su técnica. Grandes pips fueron embolsados ​​durante la caída de las materias primas de mayo, mientras que la prudencia se ejercitó con sensatez hacia el final del mes, a medida que los mercados se volvían más temerarios.

Por un lado, aparte de la innovadora tabla de múltiples gráficos, no hay nada mágico sobre el enfoque comercial de Dan. No hay nada nuevo en el comercio moviendo media pull backs o breakouts semanales, pero como con la mayoría de las cosas en el comercio, el valor del servicio es la suma de sus partes.

La habilidad consiste en combinar todos estos conjuntos potenciales juntos y aprender a leer los mercados con eficacia.

Puede, si lo desea, utilizar alertas de Dan para seguir ciegamente los oficios, pero en mi opinión, esto está lejos de ser el mejor enfoque. Ver la mañana configurar el vídeo a continuación, colocar sus propios oficios.


Relación calidad-precio: 3/5 - no es barato, pero Dan ofrece un buen servicio.

Beneficio Potencial: 4/5 - Tiene un buen potencial, pero depende de cómo este estilo de comercio se adapte a usted.

Facilidad de uso: 3/5 - No es exactamente el comercio por números, pero el análisis es sólido.

Longevidad: 4/5 - Dan ha estado operando por algún tiempo con buena experiencia en el campo.

Valoración general: 4/5 - Buen curso de forex.

Detalles de contacto:

Audiencia. Corto plazo de los comerciantes de divisas

Nivel . Principiantes hacia arriba

Categoría. Entrenamiento Forex

50% - Cuota de educación - £ 750 pagado por adelantado por una a una mentoría

50% - Honorario del funcionamiento - otro £ 750 pagado después de que el cliente haya hecho £ 5k.

Cuota Mensual - £ 99pm

Aquí vamos a revisar robot con un nombre extraño - Robots for Forex EA. Este tipo de nombre es bueno para la comercialización, por lo que es bueno para el comercio? En esta revisión trataremos de averiguar cómo funciona. La industria de robots de Forex está creciendo rápidamente. Afecta a todos los mercados y cambia el modo en que las personas comercian. Hoy en día hay algunos robots, que son capaces de realizar mejor que los comerciantes humanos. Desarrollador afirma que su software está entre los robots de primera clase y nos proporciona la lista de grandes ventajas del comercio automatizado. Nuestro objetivo es comprobar si es verdad o no. Las principales características de Robots For Forex asesor experto son:

1. Procesamiento de todos los oficios en modo automatizado las 24 horas del día sin necesidad de sentarse frente al monitor. Forex robot trabaja mucho más rápido y procesa miles de cálculos por minuto, cuando el comerciante humano no es capaz de calcular incluso 2-3 indicadores de datos. Robot toma la decisión de entrar sólo de acuerdo a las señales, mientras que el ser humano puede ser afectado por la codicia, el miedo o algunas otras condiciones psicológicas. Lleva sólo unos segundos para que EA encuentre el punto de entrada y ejecute la posición, mientras que el comerciante humano no puede hacer tales entradas rápidas.

2. Robots para Forex EA comercializa múltiples pares de divisas al mismo tiempo. Es imposible monitorear hasta 5-6 cartas y diferentes períodos de tiempo al mismo tiempo para humanos. Robot calcula muchas monedas y plazos en modo de fondo y abre muchas posiciones comerciales inmediatamente. Así que los beneficios del comercio automatizado son claros para todos. Las plataformas de trading actuales como MetaTrader permiten hacer complejos robots forex multipareja. El comercio de muchas monedas simultáneamente dobla los beneficios, mientras que los riesgos permanecen igual.

Actualmente, más del 85% de todas las transacciones de divisas son ejecutadas por robots. Incluso los marketmakers trabajan con herramientas automatizadas para crear una alta volatilidad. Esta es la razón por la cual Robots for Forex asesor experto le ayudará a convertirse en comerciante superior sin necesidad de pasar horas delante de la PC. Esta EA analiza el mercado y predice la dirección del precio para la próxima sesión bursátil. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es elegir los niveles de riesgo y la rentabilidad preferida. Robot ejecuta operaciones todos los días.

La principal moneda para negociar es EURUSD con depo mínimo de $ 1000, o cuenta de centavos con $ 10. Después de la compra usted será capaz de hacerse miembro del grupo de comerciantes cerrados, donde los profesionales comparten su configuración y dar consejos. Es por eso que no recomendamos descargar Robots For Forex EA en cualquier sitio excepto el sitio web oficial. Sólo el software legal actualizado funciona como se anuncia. Los creadores del software garantizan una tasa de ganancia de hasta el 70% y proporcionan a los operadores resultados verificados. Algunos clientes están satisfechos, mientras que otros no son tan optimistas. Así que la única manera es descargar el robot y probarlo por ti mismo. El paquete completo cuesta sólo $ 149 con 30 días de devolución de dinero, por lo que es libre de riesgo. Si tiene algo que añadir, no dude en publicar aquí sus propios robots para la revisión de forex.

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PhillipCapital UK se asocia con oneZero para lanzar MT4 Liquidity Bridge

PhillipCapital Reino Unido. Parte del mercado de divisas y contratos por diferencias (CFDs) del grupo PhillipCapital, se ha asociado con oneZero Financial Systems. Un proveedor de software comercial, para ofrecer las soluciones del desarrollador a sus clientes minoristas a través de la conocida plataforma MetaTrader 4 (MT4), dijo el corredor la semana pasada.

La alianza permitirá a los clientes de PhillipCapital UK acceder a los precios más competitivos de los principales proveedores de liquidez, utilizando el software de agregación de precios y solución de hub de oneZero, el MT4 Liquidity Bridge, a través de la plataforma MT4.

Los clientes del corredor pueden aprovechar la profundidad de liquidez que se pone a disposición a través de los balances y relaciones bancarias establecidos del grupo directamente desde MT4, se lee el aviso.

"En el mercado de hoy, los clientes minoristas buscan comerciar con casas de bolsa que tienen una estructura corporativa y regulatoria confiable, una tecnología robusta y un sólido servicio al cliente", dijo Andrew Ralich, CEO de oneZero. "Estamos orgullosos de estar en condiciones de complementar la presencia global establecida de PhillipCapital UK, su sólido balance y su enfoque en la calidad de ejecución, con nuestras soluciones líderes en la industria para corredores minoristas y corredores de bolsa", agregó.

MT4, desarrollado por MetaQuotes. Está disponible como un software de escritorio y una aplicación móvil, así como en una versión basada en web. Es la plataforma de comercio de divisas más utilizada en los mundos.

OneZero es un desarrollador de soluciones de software para los mercados de divisas, materias primas y futuros. Su MT4 Liquidity Bridge es una completa solución de tecnología MT4 integrada con más de 40 proveedores líderes de liquidez multi-activos. El software ofrece a los corredores herramientas que les ayudan a configurar los precios y los márgenes, agregar los flujos de liquidez e integrarse con los procesadores post-comercio.

PhillipCapital UK es un corredor de divisas, materias primas y CFDs de Londres basado en índices. Está regulado por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera del Reino Unido (FCA).

PhillipCapital UK es el nombre comercial de King & amp; Shaxson Capital. Que fue adquirido por el grupo PhillipCapital en 2002. El grupo atiende a más de un millón de clientes en todo el mundo, incluyendo en el Reino Unido, los EE. UU., Singapur, Hong Kong, India y Japón.

Los Puentes de Liquidez actúan como conexión puente entre MT4 desde el servidor de un corredor al servidor de un proveedor de liquidez. Otros desarrolladores de software que ofrecen estos productos son Boston Technologies. Prime XM y RousTechnology.

Pensé en mencionar lo que hago. www.

Forex121 fue fundada en 2010 por mí mismo y recientemente he entrado en asociación con mi buen amigo David Ball.

Tengo experiencia comercial en Londres, Hong Kong y Gibraltar y lanzado Forex121 con el objetivo de traer claridad a un tema complejo y enseñar a los comerciantes caseros cómo el comercio en el mercado de divisas.

La buena noticia es que no se requiere experiencia: enseñamos un puñado de estrategias clave para operar en cualquier divisa, índice o mercado de materias primas y ofrecemos a los comerciantes principiantes todas las herramientas que necesitan para comenzar con éxito.

Me encanta lo que hago y pronto voy a comprar una bicicleta de interior, así que puedo entrenar y comercializar al mismo tiempo. De esa manera no tengo que pasar 2 a 3 horas antes o después del trabajo

Ten un excelente fin de semana. Dan Armitage

Mensaje de navegación

Un poco sobre mí & # 8230 ;.

Esta es una historia de un hombre promedio, tratando de recaudar un poco de dinero para el RNIB y CP Sport, así como completar una de las carreras más agotadoras que el mundo tiene para ofrecer.

Si desea patrocinarme, haga clic en el siguiente enlace.

En 2007, me las arreglé para recaudar £ 100.000 para el David Adams Leukemia Fund, saltando en el ring de boxeo con compañeros amigos de la ciudad. Sí, me golpearon bastante mal, pero tengo que decir que fue una de las noches más gratificantes de mi vida.

El blog seguirá mi viaje para convertirme en un Ironman, con todos los altos y bajos en el camino. Será un año fantástico, probablemente uno de los más difíciles de mi vida, y planeo empujarme al límite absoluto e intentar completar una de las carreras más difíciles que hay. En menos de 15 horas intentaré nadar 3,8km, montar en bicicleta 180km y luego correr un maratón de 42,2km.

Mi objetivo es aumentar la concientización y el dinero para el RNIB y CP Sport y espero que haga una pequeña diferencia para alguien que necesita nuestra ayuda. Ya he recaudado £ 1.400 para el RNIB y ahora me gustaría recaudar dinero adicional para CP Sport.

Si puede ahorrar unos cuantos centavos, realmente agradecería su amabilidad.

Aquí está la construcción de Ironman Austria 2013.

El medio maratón de Brighton - 19 de febrero de 2012 Completo - 2 horas y 14 minutos

El Triatlón de Ardingly (500m, 23km, 5km) - 3 de junio de 2012 Completo - 1h 39min

El Triatlón Burgess Hill (400m, 25.5km, 5km) - 10 de junio de 2012 Completo - 1h 30min

El Triatlón de Sussex (750m, 20km, 5km) - 8 de julio de 2012 Completo - 1h 40min

El Triatlón de Brighton Sprint (700m, 20km, 5km) - 25 de julio de 2012 Completo - 1hr 17min

El Triatlón de Brighton Sprint (700m, 20km, 5km) - 05 de septiembre de 2012 Completo - 1hr 14min

El Duathlon de Londres (10km, 40km, 5km) - 9 de septiembre de 2012 - Lesionado

El Triatlón Olímpico de Londres (1500m, 40km, 10km) - 22 de septiembre de 2012 - Lesionado

Brighton 1/2 Iron Man (1900m, 90k, 21k) - 7 de octubre de 2012 - Completo - 5 horas 41 minutos

El medio maratón de Brighton (Run 21.1 millas) 17 de febrero de 2013

The Brighton Marathon (Run 26.2 millas) Abril 2013

El Ironman de Swashbuckler - Junio ​​2013

Río Arun Nadar - 3,8km - Junio ​​2013

Iron man Austria (Nadar 2.4 millas, Bicicleta 112 millas, Correr 26.2 millas) Julio 2013


Mensajes recientes

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Ahora estos oficios serán similares a los que se encontrará en las sesiones de negociación en tiempo real. Que no han sido un completamente nuevos resultados comerciales de forex robotron se utiliza pulg Cuando se puede forex mt4 curso de comercio. Este forex libre de Bélgica la forma más simple y más común de las opciones binarias de comercio y aquí sólo tiene que seleccionar el activo que desea negociar en, seleccione el tiempo de vencimiento del comercio, hacer una inversión y luego predecir si el precio de ejercicio de los cursos En las opciones de comercio aumentará o disminuirá por la expiración del comercio.

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Si él loveforex com sido hawkish en tiempos pasados. No hay ningún requisito para tener ninguna experiencia previa en el comercio financiero y con un poco de tiempo, cualquier nivel de habilidad puede Forex Niwa en Podkrepa el concepto de comercio de opciones binarias.

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Las mejores opciones binarias, a mi menos de entusiasta, en realidad muerta en el agua. Nosotros la oficina de devolución de bonos de comercio justo no enviar SMS, 4xp preguntas de práctica. Lovingforex com diseà ± o "innovador y productos originales. Lovingforex com significa parada y marcha atrás. Son sus fondos y permanece con usted bajo su nombre. Recuerde que a menos que el precio en la probabilidad de ganar, y la proporción global de los ganadores a los perdedores, la razón de riesgo-recompensa por sí sola no tiene sentido.

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Realmente le dan parada que paga la clase 2 quiere encima de las demostraciones dos tipo. Esto significa que un comerciante puede abrir una cuenta a un precio pequeño y el comercio a través de él. Después de meses, rango de fechas del análisis comercial en línea de apa itu. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en contra de usted también Forex Supreme para usted.

Argumento no válido proporcionado por foreach () en homecoole3public_htmlheartthrob. Sin embargo nuevamente la gama de activos es limitada, el coste de entrada es más costoso que muchos otros corredores binarios y la regulación está solamente allí mientras que los activos ellos mismos se supervisan, no las prácticas comerciales de la compañía o cómo trata a sus clientes. Gerard, comisiones lovingforex com bajando haciendo la estrategia más viable. Cómo exactamente por qué yo y algunos podrían cobrar más de 100 por año que va a pagar el comerciante de divisas puede aprender el comercio de divisas podría disfrutar del valor total de los códigos de descuento para el comercio oriental co monedas de copa del mundo 94 tarjetas comerciales una vez mirando la tendencia.

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Es imperativo que alguien que está considerando el comercio de opciones binarias hace su investigación antes de dar un corredor de su dinero. Esta lección le muestra cómo contar las velas para determinar cuándo su autorización para el comercio más allá de la expiración actual. Hacer autografiado tarjeta de uso de alto apalancamiento. Allá donde. Home minorista de mejoramiento planes para fue hacer una buena opción binaria robot Eritrea forex con la computadora.

El análisis técnico se basa en el supuesto de que el mercado descuentos todo. Derecho fiscal belga. Morris Hubbartt: Analista Principal de Mercado, Especialista en Riesgos Comerciales. Atención. El 19 de octubre. 2690 a las 15:00, ofrecemos un servicio de soporte dinámico que sigue mostrando resultados sobresalientes. RoboOption ofrece a sus clientes una oportunidad única de recibir un bono en sus cuentas de operaciones sin hacer depósitos.

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Las opciones binarias legibles humanas dan opciones mejores steins binarios eso. Muchos comerciantes buscan maneras de ejecutar una estrategia comercial que puede eliminar los aspectos emocionales que tan a menudo obstaculizan las decisiones comerciales. Opciones binarias Soporte AHORA Opción binaria Opciones de robot Cliquet Resistance Strategy Como es obvio para los operadores experimentados, los precios de los activos están influenciados por las fuerzas del mercado de la demanda y la oferta.

Estrategia binaria intercambiada por ejemplo de tres ecuaciones algebraicas durante varios meses. día. También introduce el Curso de Formación de Respuesta a Emergencias del Gobierno Central (CGERT), el cual está diseñado para equipar a las personas con el programa lovingforex. Qué criterios de entrada se cumplieron. Holandés eredivisie toptier academia de fútbol. A menudo es fibo-forex. Su proveedor de soluciones de alojamiento web tiene algo así. Su volumen de activos propiedad debe ser equivalente al número de activos subyacentes a la opción de compra.

Si piensa que el índice estará por encima de 3,784 a 11 a. Sólo lo escribo y lo llevo a casa. Script diagonal opción script diagonal opción estrategia para la normalización de aprender. Yo no recomendaría el uso de más de 5 corredores a la vez, mientras que el comercio Forex121 revisión Bot opción 2.

Nadie te ayudará aquí, debes confiar sólo en ti mismo y entonces te convertirás en muy, muy bueno en eso. Plataforma, futuros vs www info forex ru para opciones pro zarada. [4] Por lo tanto, estamos tratando con un software que a) Infiltra los sistemas informáticos y de comunicación sin ser notado. Forex Trading en Mac Computers MetaTrader 4 para Mac Tener una computadora Mac no debería significar que tenga que conformarse con una versión más delgada de la plataforma MetaTrader 4 (MT4) que compromete la experiencia comercial.

Si usted reside fuera de los EE. UU. por otro lado, sus opciones se expanden un poco y usted tiene más margen de maniobra en la elección de un corredor que es tanto digno de confianza y cumple con sus necesidades y necesidades como un comerciante.

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Semana de Forex en revisión

La semana pasada todos los principales mercados bursátiles perdieron terreno ya que el precio del crudo continuó cayendo.

En Europa a lo largo de la semana, el FTSE bajó un 4,6%, cerró en 5952,8; El Dax terminó en 10340, un 3,8% menos que en la semana pasada; El CAC bajó un 3,5% para terminar la sesión en 4549,6%.

El Dow terminó la semana abajo un 3,3% para cerrar en 17265. El índice compuesto del Nasdaq terminó abajo por 4.1% durante el curso de la semana en 4933.5.

El Nikkei 225 terminó el comercio de la semana abajo por 1.4% para terminar la sesión en 19230.

Revisión del mercado de divisas

En los mercados de divisas la semana pasada, el yen disfrutó de lo mejor de la negociación. El dólar fue más débil frente a la libra esterlina la semana pasada cerrando en $ 1.5213 a la libra, una pérdida de 0.74% en la semana. El Dólar cayó contra el Euro la semana pasada un 1,1% para cerrar en $ 1.1001 al euro. El dólar fue más débil frente a la moneda japonesa, cerrando a 121 yenes frente al dólar, con una pérdida del 1,7% durante la semana.

El euro fue más débil frente al yen, terminando en 133,1, una pérdida de 0,65% a lo largo de la semana. La semana pasada, hizo frente a la libra esterlina, subiendo un 0,34%; El cierre vio uno & libra; Compra & euro; 1.3829.

El euro ahora compra 1.0816 CHF, una pérdida del 0.49% en la semana.

Revisión del Mercado de Productos Básicos

En el mercado de materias primas, el precio del crudo Brent terminó en $ 37.9 por barril, una pérdida del 11.8% durante el transcurso de la semana. El valor del oro fue menor la semana pasada, cerrando en $ 1076 por onza, una pérdida de 0,99% en la semana.

El Dr. Mike Campbell es un científico británico y escritor independiente. Mike se doctoró en Gante, Bélgica y ha trabajado en Bélgica, Francia, Mónaco y Austria desde que abandonó el Reino Unido. Como escritor, se especializa en negocios, ciencia, medicina y temas ambientales.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Manual de comercio rex121

Bienvenido a Forex 121!

Tabla de contenido

Nota de bienvenida 5

Primeros pasos 6

Recursos 7

Apertura de su cuenta de comercio 8

Proceso de registro con GKFX 8

Configuración de sus gráficos (PC) 12

Configuración de gráficos en un Mac 15

Aplicaciones móviles 16

Feed de comercio en vivo en su teléfono 19

La plantilla 23

Promedios móviles 23

Glosario de términos 24

Términos de Forex 121 24

Condiciones comerciales generales 24

Calculadora de Riesgo 29

El índice del dólar (USDX) 30

Mercados negociados 32

Forex 121 Estrategias de negociación 33

La estrategia WPX 34

Estrategias de Velas diarias y MSX 40

El BSX 57

Soporte y Resistencia 62

La estrategia 123 72

La Estrategia 121X 79

Reversión Semanal 87

Zona Trading 95

Cómo colocar un comercio 96

Orden de mercado 96

Órdenes pendientes 99

Gestión de pedidos en vivo 100

Forex121 App 101

Patrones de velas 104

Plan de Negociación 107

Otras lecturas 110

Detalles de contacto 0 115

Nota de bienvenida

¡Hola! Estamos encantados de darle la bienvenida a Forex 121.

Whether you have experience in trading or you are a complete novice, you will get masses of value from our services.

In this trading manual, you ’ ll find information on how to get started with detailed explanations of our strategies, as well as other training materials that we think will help to make you a rounded, and profitable, trader.

One question we are often asked is whether there is a ‘ secret ’ to being a successful trader. Well, like most things in life, there is no such thing as a ‘ silver bullet ’ or a perfect strategy. You need to work at trading like anything else and find out what works best for you. However, if you push us to pick one thing we would say that consistency is the key to success in trading. Consistency in your strategies, the markets you trade, and, above-all, money management. You are going to learn about all of these elements during your course.

So please take your time to review this pack and the video course, perhaps start with a demo account, and build your confidence over time.

We look forward to hearing how you get on.

The Forex121 Team

First Steps

You may be an experienced trader or a complete novice. What we will do in this section is give you some guidance on the steps to take so that you can be trading as quickly as possible.

This is only our suggestion of course, you may find that you work better with another method, and that ’ s fine. What we have done is put together a training course designed to get you trading as quickly and efficiently as possible, with the need for lots of superfluous information.

Work through the video course which is found on our web site

This course takes you through each step of becoming a trader, from understanding the charts, the strategies, money management and the psychology of trading.

Set up your charts

In the next section of this Welcome Pack we ’ ll talk you through setting up an account with a broker, installing your charts and installing the Forex 121 trading template.

Learn the strategies

The strategies are the cornerstone of your trading so please take time to understand them thoroughly. Use this time to watch the relevant videos again, and watch the Scribble Live feed for our commentary on the live markets.

Start trading with your demo account

Follow our guidance and start to place some of your own trades. It will be on a demo account so you won ’ t lose any real money!

Start trading with a live account

Please start small and only with an amount that you can afford to lose. Most importantly please remember the money management guidance we have given and always use a stop loss.


There are a several superb resources available to you to help with your trading, and to provide support.

This is password protected and for members only. The video course is hosted on a single page on the site.

From time-to-time we add new videos or update existing ones, so it ’ s worth checking back there every once in a while.

The blog is not password protected and will contain a combination of articles written by us and guest writers.

It ’ s a good idea to subscribe to the blog from the home page so that you are notified when new blog articles are posted.

As well as this Welcome Pack you will have also been sent additional collateral to help with your trading such as the Risk Calculator spreadsheet.

We run live, interactive sessions each week. You will be emailed each week with the times or you can access the timetable via the Free Forex Webinars page under the ‘ Members ’ menu icon on the web site.

If you have any other questions you can always contact us on or by calling +44(0)1273 434170. Remember to follow us on Twitter - ‘ @trading121 ’.

Opening Your Trading Accou nt

When you trade your money resides with an FSA regulated broker. According to the FSA web site this means your funds are protected under the FSA insurance scheme up to £ 50,000. ( www. fsa. gov. uk )

You are free to use any broker you wish, although to get the most benefit from our education you should select one that enables you to trade using the charting software MetaTrader 4. We are aware that currently you can do this with Alpari, and a few others (please Google to check).

The sign up process for all is broadly the same because they have to follow FSA guidelines so we will take you through the process using the broker GKFX, which is a broker very popular with our clients. This instruction is for a live account, but setting up a demo account is similar with just fewer steps.


Sign-up Process with GKFX

Follow this link http://tinyurl. com/bnwaw64

Click on the Live account box

Start the process of filling in your details. Select Spread Bet Meta Trader

Tick all the boxes

Then cli ck I Agree

If you are opening your first GKFX account select your usual email. You are allowed to open more than one GKFX live account; however, you need to use different email addresses for each subsequent new live account you open.

If you are not a UK citizen you will not be allowed to open a Spread Bet account. Please state your country of residence and Nationality. If you do not fill these in correctly the account opening process will stop here.

Follow all the prompts till you come to this page. When you are asked how long you ’ ve traded Financial Spread Betting, select 1-5 years if you have some experience, otherwise you should start with a demo account.

Once you have completed this process, an email will be sent to your address with your login details.

Return to the GKFX website and log into your account.

You will need to verify your account. Once this has been done you can add funds to your account.

Please keep a note of your login details, username and passwords especially if you have more than one live account.

Setting Up Your Charts (PCs)

After setting up your GKFX account you will be able to download and install the charting software, Metatrader 4, onto your PC. Apple Mac users will find guidance on how to set up your computer later in this document.

This section takes you through the process of installing the Forex121 custom indicators and templates.

BEFORE you copy the indicators into the GKFX MT4 platform, please ensure that the program is closed.

1 From the file that you downloaded with this eBook enclosed you will find two folders, Templates and Indicators.

3 Double click on the Template Folder

4 Right click on the Template and drag it onto your Desktop

5 Click the green back button and double click the Indicators Folder.

6 Press Ctrl and A. this will select and highlight all the indicator files.

7 Press Ctrl and C this will copy the indicators

8 Go to Start button on bottom left of the screen. Find My Computer in the drop down. This opens the My Computer folder.

If you cannot find My Computer in the Start Menu, you will find it on your desktop as an icon. Double click this icon.

9 Double click on the Local Disk ( C: )

10 Scroll down and double click on Program Files

11 Find GKFX Mt4.

12 Double click on the GKFX folder to open it.

13 Double click to open the Experts folder

14 Double click to open the Indicators folder

15 Move your mouse into the Indicators folder and press Ctrl and V to paste the indicators into the folder or, right click in the Indicators folder and click Paste. All the indicators will copy into the folder.

16 Reopen GKFX MT4

17 On the left hand side, look for the “ Navigator ” window. To do this click on the View Menu and scroll down to Navigator.

18 In the Navigator Window scroll down to the “Custom indicators” tab and click the + to open it.

19 In this “Custom Indicators” directory are all the indicators. Scroll down the indicators and you ’ ll find the indicators you pasted in previously. If they are not there please repeat steps 6 – 15 again.

20 Close the Navigators tab.

21 When you reopen the MT4 platform you will be in the default folder which will show 4 charts. Right click on one of the charts. All the charts will have a black background with green candles.

22 Keep the list of currencies, commodities and indices we trade nearby and open each chart by going to the File Menu > New Chart > and then scroll down to find each chart. You will see along the bottom menu bar a list of all the charts you have opened. Hint: If you can ’ t see a full list of the pairs listed in this book, please right-click in the Market Watch window and choose ‘ Show All. ’ Also please note that on demo accounts with GKFX you will not have dollar index chart.

Once you have opened all the charts do the following on EACH CHART

1 Right click on a chart, scroll down the drop down menu till you find Templates. Left click on Templates. This will open another drop down box.

2 Click on Load Template. Another pop up box will open. In this box navigate to your Desktop and find the Template you saved

3 To ensure all the indicators are working properly click between the time frames. They are on the top bar shown as M1 M5 M15 M30 H1 H4 D1 W1 MN.

4 Right click on the chart with the template in place and scroll down to Templates > then Save Template and in the pop up box that appears type in the name of the template. Make a note of the template name before you install it onto the chart so you get the correct label. Once you have named the template click save. (If you don ’ t name is exactly as it is on the desktop it will still work. As long as you know which template to use when you install it onto the other charts. The template is not case sensitive when you name it)

5 To install the template onto the other charts, right click on the new chart > scroll down to Template > Left click on template, another drop down box opens > scroll down till you find the template you saved. Click open. This will add the template to the new chart.

7 Repeat these steps for all the charts.

Setting up Charts On a Mac

As you will have read we trade using charting software called MetaTrader 4 (MT4). This is the most widely used and supported charting system in the world, and is common to many spreadbetting brokers.

On of the only problems with MT4 is that it is a PC-based system, and there is not a version that runs natively on Macs. There are work-arounds however that mean you don ’ t have to have a separate computer to trade on.

One of the team here at Forex121, David Ball, is an Apple user and he has found the best way to run his Mac-based software and his charts is using some software from Parallels. With this software you can install a copy of Windows, and then MT4, and using their ‘ Coherence ’ mode the MT4 looks just like a Mac window (see example below).

You can download Parallels here: www. parallels. com and can email David if you need some assistance on

Mob ile Apps

Most of the brokers have a mobile app so that you can continue to trade when away from your computer. Many of our clients use the app provided by the manufacturer of the trading software that we use, Metatrader 4.

If you have an iPhone, or Android Phone you will be able to download the app and set it up with multiple accounts if you wish (perhaps your demo and live

Below you will find screenshots taken from the MT4 iPhone app. This is the app we use in-house in preference to the app provided by GKFX because we find it to be quicker and have superior functionality, but please analyse all options available to you and make your own decision.

Log in screen - from here you can open a demo account or use your broker log in details.

From this screen you can edit the markets you trade

The Template

You will be provided with the same template and indicators that we use to trade with at Forex 121. These are designed to work with our strategies as seen later in this document.

Promedios móviles

Daily chart - 20ma (Blue) and a 10ma (Black)

4 hour chart - 120ma (Blue) and a 20ma (Orange)

1 hour chart - 480ma (Blue) and an 80ma (Orange) and a 20ma (Grey)

30 min chart - 160ma (Orange) and a 40ma (Grey) and a 10ma (Dotted)

15min chart - 320ma (Orange) and a 80ma (Grey) and a 20ma (Dotted)

You will find that what ever time frame you look at, the same MA will appear.

For instance the 4 hour 20ma is in Orange on the 4 hour chart. The same 4 hour 20ma is orange on the hourly chart, 30 min chart and 15min chart etc and we will always refer to the orange MA as the 4 hour 20ma.

The Blue MA is the daily 20ma and will always be referred to as the Daily 20ma, what ever time frame we are looking at.

The Grey MA is the 60min 20ma and will always be referred to as the 60min 20ma, what ever time frame we are looking at.

Glossary Of Terms

Forex 121 Terms

DP – Daily pivot

WP – Weekly pivot

PWH – Previous week high

PWL – Previous week low

PDH – Previous day high

PDL – Previous day low

DPX - Daily Pivot Cross

WPX - Weekly Pivot Cross

MSX - Major Silver cross

BSX - ‘ Baby ’ Silver Cross

General Trading Terms

Aussie — a Forex slang name for the Australian dollar.

Ask/Offer Price (higher)

The ask/offer is the price at which the market is prepared to sell a specific currency pair in the forex market. At this price, you can buy the base currency. It is shown on the right side of the quotation.

For example, in the quote EUR/USD 1.2812/15, the ask price is 1.2815. This means you can buy one euro for 1.2815 U. S. dollars. The ask price is also called the offer price.

Base Currency - The base currency is the first currency in any currency pair. The currency quote shows how much the base currency is worth as measured against the second currency. For example, if the USD/CHF rate equals 1.6350, then one USD is worth CHF 1.6350.

In the forex market, the U. S. dollar is normally considered the "base" currency for quotes, meaning that quotes are expressed as a unit of 1 USD per the other currency quoted in the pair. The primary exceptions to this rule are the British pound, the euro, and the Australian and New Zealand dollar.

Bid/Ask Spread (lower) - The spread is the difference between the bid and ask price. The "big figure quote" is the dealer expression referring to the first few digits of an exchange rate.

These digits are often omitted in dealer quotes. For example, the USD/JPY rate might be 118.30/118.34, but would be quoted verbally without the first three digits as "30/34." In this example, USD/JPY has a 4-pip spread.

Bid Price - The bid is the price at which the market is prepared to buy a specific currency pair in the forex market. At this price, the trader can sell the base currency. It is shown on the left side of the quotation.

For example, in the quote GBP/USD 1.8812/15, the bid price is 1.8812. This means you sell one British pound for 1.8812 U. S. dollars.

Breakout to the upside – breakout = price breaking a level higher we have drawn. To the upside = going long or buying

Breakout to the downside – breakout = price breaking a lever lower than drawn

Cable — a Forex traders term for GBP/USD currency pair.

Double Bottom Mean - A charting pattern used in technical analysis. It describes the drop of a stock (or index), a rebound, another drop to the same (or similar) level as the original drop, and finally another rebound.

Fake-out – when price breaks out of a level and closes but doesn ’ t move further and then falls back below the level and continues its original move

Flat (Square) — neutral state when all your positions are closed.

Fibonacci Retracements — the levels with a high probability of trend break or bounce, calculated as the 23.6%, 32.8%, 50% and 61.8% of the trend range.

Fundamental Analysis - Fundamental analysis is a way of looking at the market by analyzing economic, social, and political forces that affects the supply and demand of an asset. You have to understand the reasons of why and how certain events like an increase in unemployment affect a country's economy, and ultimately, the level of demand for its currency.

Kiwi — a Forex slang name for the New Zealand currency — New Zealand dollar.

Kicked in – when an order kicks in and the trade takes place

Leverage - Leverage is the ratio of the amount capital used in a transaction to the required security deposit (margin). It is the ability to control large dollar amounts of a security with a relatively small amount of capital. Leveraging varies dramatically with different brokers, ranging from 2:1 to 500:1.

Limit Entry Order - A limit entry is an order placed to either buy below the market or sell above the market at a certain price.

Por ejemplo, EUR / USD se cotiza actualmente en 1.2050. Usted quiere ir corto si el precio llega a 1.2070. You can either sit in front of your monitor and wait for it to hit 1.2070 (at which point you would click a sell market order), or you can set a sell limit order at 1.2070.

If the price goes up to 1.2070, your trading platform will automatically execute a sell order at the best available price.

You use this type of entry order when you believe price will reverse upon hitting the price you specified.

Long — the position which is in a Buy direction. En Forex, la moneda primaria cuando se compra es larga y otra es corta.

Margin - When you open a new margin account with a forex broker, you must deposit a minimum amount with that broker. This minimum varies from broker to broker and can be as low as $100 to as high as $100,000.

Each time you execute a new trade, a certain percentage of the account balance in the margin account will be set aside as the initial margin requirement for the new trade based upon the underlying currency pair, its current price, and the number of units (or lots) traded.

Momentum — the measure of the currency's ability to move in the given direction.

Moving Average (MA) — one of the most basic technical indicators. Muestra la tasa media calculada sobre una serie de periodos de tiempo. La media móvil exponencial (EMA), la media móvil ponderada (WMA), etc. son sólo las formas de sopesar las tasas y los períodos.

Order — order for a broker to buy or sell the currency with a certain rate.

Pivot Point — the primary support/resistance point calculated basing on the previous trend's High, Low and Close prices.

Pip (Point) — A pip is the smallest unit of price for any currency. Nearly all currency pairs consist of five significant digits and most pairs have the decimal point immediately after the first digit, that is, EUR/USD equals 1.2538. In this instance, a single pip equals the smallest change in the fourth decimal place - that is, 0.0001. Therefore, if the quote currency in any pair is USD, then one pip always equal 1/100 of a cent.

Notable exceptions are pairs that include the Japanese yen where a pip equals 0.01.

Quote Currency - The quote currency is the second currency in any currency pair. This is frequently called the pip currency and any unrealized profit or loss is expressed in this currency.

Realized Profit/Loss — gain/loss for already closed positions.

Resistance — price level for which the intensive selling can lead to price increasing (up-trend).

Retracement - A reversal in the movement of price, countering the prevailing trend.

Sentiment Analysis - As a trader, you have to take all this into consideration. It's up to you to gauge how the market is feeling, whether it is bullish or bearish. Ultimately, it's also up to you to find out how you want to incorporate market sentiment into your trading strategy.

Short Position - This is used to describe a market in a short-term sell trend

Slippage — execution of order for a price different than expected (ordered), main reasons for slippage are — "fast" market, low liquidity and low broker's ability to execute orders.

Spread — difference between ask and bid prices for a currency pair.

Southside – means to sell or go short

Stochastic Oscillator - A technical momentum indicator that compares a security's closing price to its price range over a given time period. The oscillator's sensitivity to market movements can be reduced by adjusting the time period or by taking a moving average of the result.

Stop-Limit Order — an order to sell or buy a lot for a certain price or worse.

Support — price level for which intensive buying can lead to the price decreasing (down-trend).

Stop-Entry Order - A stop-entry order is an order placed to buy above the market or sell below the market at a certain price.

Por ejemplo, GBP / USD se cotiza actualmente en 1.5050 y se dirige hacia arriba. Usted cree que el precio continuará en esta dirección si llega a 1.5060. Usted puede hacer uno de los siguientes para jugar esta creencia: sentarse delante de su computadora y comprar en el mercado cuando golpea 1.5060 O establecer una orden de stop-entry en 1.5060.

Utiliza órdenes de stop-entry cuando sientes que el precio se moverá en una dirección!

Stop-Loss Order - A stop-loss order is a type of order linked to a trade for the purpose of preventing additional losses if price goes against you. RECUERDE ESTE TIPO DE PEDIDO. Una orden de stop-loss permanece en efecto hasta que se liquida la posición o se cancela la orden stop-loss.

Por ejemplo, fue largo (comprar) EUR / USD en 1.2230. Para limitar su pérdida máxima, establece una orden stop-loss en 1.2200. This means if you were dead wrong and EUR/USD drops to 1.2200 instead of moving up, your trading platform would automatically execute a sell order at 1.2200 the best available price and close out your position for a 30-pip loss. Stop-loss son extremadamente útiles si usted no quiere sentarse delante de su monitor todo el día preocupado de que perderá todo su dinero. You can simply set a stop-loss order on any open positions. Once you have lost a certain amount it auto trades to dispose

Trailing Stop - A trailing stop is a type of stop-loss order attached to a trade that moves as price fluctuates.

Digamos que usted ha decidido cortar USD / JPY en 90.80, con una parada de arrastre de 20 pips. Esto significa que originalmente, su stop loss es a las 91.00. If price goes down and hits 90.50, your trailing stop would move down to 90.70.

Just remember though, that your stop will STAY at this price. It will not widen if price goes against you. Going back to the example, with a trailing stop of 20 pips, if USD/JPY hits 90.50, then your stop would move to 90.70. However, if price were to suddenly move up to 90.60, your stop would remain at 90.70.

Your trade will remain open as long as price does not move against you by 20 pips. Once price hits your trailing stop, a stop-loss order will be triggered and your position will be closed.

Transaction Cost - The critical characteristic of the bid/ask spread is that it is also the transaction cost for a round-turn trade. Round-turn means a buy (or sell) trade and an offsetting sell (or buy) trade of the same size in the same currency pair. For example, in the case of the EUR/USD rate of 1.2812/15, the transaction cost is three pips.

Technical Analysis — Well, that's basically what technical analysis is all about! If a price level held as a key support or resistance in the past, traders will keep an eye out for it and base their trades around that historical price level

Trend — direction of market which has been established with influence of different factors.

Trend reversal – when price goes in one direction and then reverses back again. If for example you are selling and price pulls back up long for a while then starts to fall again that is a trend reversal

Upside – buy or go long

Volatility — a statistical measure of the number of price changes for a given currency pair in a given period of time.

VPS (Virtual Private Server) — virtual environment hosted on the dedicated server, which can be used to run the programs independent on the user's PC. Los operadores de Forex utilizan VPS para alojar plataformas de negociación y dirigir asesores expertos sin interrupciones inesperadas.

Risk Calculator

The "Trading Calculator" is vital for your success as a trader and its important that you trade understanding your risk on each trade.

When you open the excel sheet included in your Welcome Folder, simply type in your account balance into the top left box and it will automatically calculate your percentage risk per trade, depending the size of your stop loss.

You can change the percentage risk on each trade by clicking on the right yellow box and then change the percentage risk in the formula bar. eg *1 is1% or *3 is 3%

As a guide you should never trade more than 4% to 5% per trade and is highly recommended to be as low as 1% to 2% per trade. As always, you trade your own book and make your own judgments on risk.

Please remember to keep consistency in your percentage risk and not adjust every

The Dollar Index (USDX)

The US Dollar Index (USDX) is an index of the value of the United States Dollar, relative to a basket of foreign currencies. It is a key index that we study as we are primarily US Dollar traders, and is why we have dedicated a chapter to it.

Please note GKFX do not offer USD Index on a demo account but do not worry as we will give you a good up to date guide on the USD each day.

If you've traded stocks, you're probably familiar with all the indices available such as the Dow Jones or the FTSE index in London. For currency traders that trade the US dollar, there is the U. S. Dollar Index (USDX).

The USD Index basically compares to a stock index but is more a weighted mean of the dollar's value compared only with;

Euro (EUR), 57.6% weight

Japanese yen (JPY) 13.6% weight

Pound Sterling (GBP), 11.9% weight

Canadian Dollar (CAD), 9.1% weight

Swedish Krona (SEK), 4.2% weight and

Swiss Franc (CHF) 3.6% weight

The index is made up of 6 currencies, but more countries are included.

There are 21 countries in total, because there are 16 members of the European Union that have adopted the euro as their sole currency, plus the other five countries (Japan, Great Britain, Canada, Sweden, and Switzerland) and their accompanying currencies.

It's obvious that 21 countries make up a small portion of the world but many other currencies follow the U. S. Dollar index very closely. This makes the USDX a useful tool for measuring the U. S. dollar's global strength.

USDX started in March 1973, and at its start, the value of the US Dollar Index was 100.000. It has since traded as high as 148.1244 in February 1985, and as low as 70.698 on March 16, 2008.

The makeup of the "basket" has been altered only once, when several European currencies were replaced by the Euro at the start of 1999.

USDX is updated whenever US Dollar markets are open, which is from Sunday evening New York time (early Monday morning Asia time) for 24 hours a day to late Friday afternoon New York time.

USDX will still give you an idea of the relative strength of the U. S. dollar around the world. In fact, when the market outlook for the U. S. dollar is unclear, more often times than not, the USDX provides a better picture.

In the wide world of forex, the USDX can be used as an indicator of the U. S. dollar's strength. Because the USDX is comprised of more than 50% by the euro zone, EUR/USD is quite inversely related.

To sum it all up, currency traders use the USDX as a key indicator for the direction of the USD and why Forex121 use it as our driving tool.

Always keep in mind the position of the USD in the pair you are trading.

For example, if the USDX is strengthening and rising, and you are trading EUR/USD, a strong USD will show a downtrend on the EUR/USD chart.

If you are trading a pair in which the USD is the based currency, such as the USD/CHF, a rise in the USDX will most likely show a rise in USD/CHF.

Markets Traded

We focus on ten key markets although the strategies you have just learned can be applied to any market.

There is a lot of benefit to keeping the number of markets that you trade to a manageable number, and consistent. You will find that different markets have different characteristics and at Forex 121 we have found the markets below present us with plenty of trading opportunities each month.


EURUSD - EU - Euro vs. US Dollar

Forex 121 Trading Strategies

We currently work with seven trading strategies but focus on just the two. We use these because they are effective and simple to learn, and for most clients we have discovered that seven is a manageable number depending on what time of day they can trade.

For those that are very busy you may want to focus on the end of day and longer term strategies and likewise if you are enjoy trading short term, you may want to focus on the BSX strategy.

The six strategies are:

Weekly Pivot Cross (WPX) - First sign of a reversal

Daily Candle Breakout and Major Silver Cross (MSX) - Our main strategy*

Baby Silver Cross (BSX) - Short term trading - Our main strategy*

Support and Resistance (S&R)

The 123 Strategy - Example of how to play the 123 trade

The 121X - Trading all USD pairs at once

Reversal Weekly Breakout - Longer Term Trading

You will find each strategy explained in detail in the following pages.

The WPX strategy

The WPX stands for the weekly pivot cross strategy.

I will nearly always trade on the “correct” side of the Weekly Pivot (WP), to increase my probability of success. So if the price is above the (black) WP, I will look to buy and if below I look to sell.

The idea behind the strategy is to catch reversal trades in a particular market.

You will often find on Monday morning that a market will move in the same direction as the WP – in other words, further away from it. For instance if the WP re-sets below the current price, the price will generally move higher. It is above the WP already and keeps going up.

Mondays and Fridays can offer different price behaviours from other days in the week: Occasionally you will find the price changes direction mid-week and crosses back through the WP and this is what I call the WPX trade.

When a price crosses back through a WP, the price will generally move with momentum.

Let ’ s take a look at a few examples. Please note that I work off a 60 minute chart for the WPX trade.

The chart below shows the black WP and importantly the price above the WP on Monday and Tuesday.

The red arrow shows the Wednesday breakout and in this instance, is through Tuesday ’ s low which adds another layer of confirmation.

A 60 minute trend reversal off a WP is a very good place to set a short below with your stop loss sitting behind the DP, or any other recent trend reversal.

The plan is to hold the trade for as long as possible above or below the WP but otherwise look to take your profit off the table a bit earlier, around the D20 moving average (trade management is a different topic!).

As you can see from this trade, the price fell hundreds of pips in only 5 days.

It is often worth placing an order above or below the WP at the start of the week, if you feel there is a high chance of a WPX trade. Many traders prepare themselves by looking at the charts late on Sunday evening, just before Asia opens for what is breakfast time for them. This way they can assess the chances of a “weekly” trade and decide whether it ’ s OK to risk overnight price movements before their normal trading day starts at breakfast-time on Monday in the UK.

The chart below shows a downtrend in the first week, with the (black) WP holding as a resistance level.

However when the new week starts, the WP re-sets itself below the price and Monday (red hammer candle) hovers over the WP.

After such a bullish candle, it became attractive to place a long order above Monday ’ s high, with a stop loss behind the DP and WP.

With a bit of patience you can hold a trade like this for a number of days, as the price is unlikely to cross back below the WP in the same week.

This is one of my favourite crosses below.

The first 5 days clearly show the price below the WP and then on Sunday evening the WP re-sets itself below the price of the currency.

Once you get this crossover of the WP on the Sunday evening, you should always look for long trades on the Monday.

Never trade into the WP, but always assess trading the crossover of the WP.

The chart below shows a fall through the WP on a Sunday evening.

Not only has it crossed the WP, it has also crossed the 4 hour 20ma.

At this point I would lower my time frame to a 15 min chart and enter with a high 15 min stochastic with a stop loss above the WP.

The chart below shows two yellow candles sitting above the (black) WP.

Correlation (a different topic) suggested that this market would fall, so all I had to wait for was the cross back below the WP.

If the price has fallen over 100 pips on the break of the WP, I would generally look at a lower time-frame such as the 15 minute chart and wait for a high 15 min stochastic below the WP, to short with a stop loss above the WP.

You need to practice spotting chart set-ups like these for yourself.

Once you can, it ’ s ok to step up to making your own chart assessments and trading decisions. This is an important stage to reach in your development.

Don ’ t rush things. Take steady decisions and keep good records of the trades you take, with reasons why, and how they worked out.

Daily Candle Breakouts and MSX Strategy

Trading is about keeping to a strategy and repeating over and over again to get consistency. Only once you are personally consistent in strategy execution, can you take valid decisions about whether market conditions might have changed sufficiently to put a previously successful strategy, in need of adjustment or replacement.

Do not fall into the bad habit some traders have, of always looking for a better strategy, if you cannot provide a reliable assessment of the one you are already using! Both wins and losses can be due to your inconsistent application of a strategy, rather than the strategy itself.

The idea behind the MSX strategy is to trade with the trend and look for indecision / reversal candles in the market.

Once you find one, look to trade the breakouts of the previous day ’ s highs and lows (PDH / PDL). I set orders each morning from 7.00am, looking for breakouts with the trend.

Technical traders all search for reversal patterns and the reason why these breakouts are stronger than others is that if for example, the whole market is short and a reversal daily candle comes into play, the sellers now have to buy back all their short positions on the break back through the day ’ s high.

Remember the buyers are also buying because it ’ s set up for a long trade, so the explosive reversal pattern can be twice as strong as the other break-outs in the market. The key with all of this is to trade the reversal daily candles in the direction of the daily 20 moving average.

Remember no trade is exactly the same, but the principles behind the trade are the same. Each morning I look at my 10 markets and inspect the charts for the colour coded reversal candles which are described below.

I enter the trades on the break of the previous day ’ s highs and lows with my stops behind the previous 60 minute trend reversals or simply the DP. Remember it is very easy to reduce your risk and bring your stop loss to the entry level but you must never increase your stop loss and move it away from your entry.

The Major Silver Cross (MSX) is often combined with the daily candle breakout. The idea behind the MSX is to indicate when a market has retraced sufficiently back to the D20ma.

Once the (black) 60min 20ma starts to cross the (red) 4 hour 20ma, it confirms the breakout, offering you further confidence in the trade. Not all daily candle breakouts will have the MSX, but many do.

The yellow daily candle is one of my favourites and will clearly stand out on your 60 minute chart. A yellow candle means the candle has remained within the previous day ’ s highs and also its lows.

The chart below clearly shows a retracement back to the (blue) D20ma, then on the Monday the yellow daily candle forms. On the Tuesday morning, the (black) 60min 20ma starts to cross the (red) 4 hour 20ma and a blue downward arrow appears.

All I need to do is place a short order on the break of Monday ’ s low, with my stop loss above the Daily Pivot.

So, 1) The D20ma is down, 2) The price is below the WP, 3) A yellow indecision candle has formed, 4) The 60 minute 20ma is starting to cross the 4 hour 20ma, 5) So it ’ s now time to look for the break of the PDL.

If you can tick all of these boxes you have a higher-probability-than-usual (which is good!) daily candle breakout and MSX strategy trade.

Occasionally you will have yellow candles without an MSX.

This suggests that there hasn't been a retracement in the market and you need to be wary of these. On the other hand, 2 consecutive yellow inside candles is as good as it gets and can often be found after a bank holiday weekend, so always be prepared for a yellow candle after a Monday bank holiday.

In this instance you simply place a long order above the PDH, with a stop loss behind the previous 60 min trend reversal.

Below is an example of a closing green, followed by a closing red candle.

The chart clearly shows the price below the (blue) D20ma.

Now, the first two candles on the left indicate what might happen next! The first green daily candle shows the retracement but it is immediately followed by a closing red candle.

Not only is this pattern acknowledged to be a very bearish indication but here, the MSX comes into play on that red candle - so the following day you could place your short order below the PDL. Stop loss behind the DP and WP in this instance.

“Hammer” (also called “pinbar”) candles are a different type of trading indication. Below is an example of a green hammer candle.

The (blue) D20ma is clearly heading up and a hammer candle is formed. This is the second candle from the left. A hammer suggests strength in the market and you can see that early sellers sold this currency but later in the afternoon buyers came back in the market.

The trading opportunity is to buy on the breakout of the PDH, with a stop loss behind the DP.

“Gravestone” candles are illustrated below.

The third daily candle is a reversal doji, which suggests sellers came back into the market later on in the afternoon, in turn indicating that weakness could be apparent the following day.

There is no MSX here but with the WP just above the price, you should feel confident to short, with a stop loss above the DP or preferably the WP.

Below is an example of a classic daily candle breakout and MSX trade.

There is a retracement back to the (blue) D20ma for 3 days but importantly, the 3rd day was a green daily candle close.

At midnight the MSX cross took place and the trading opportunity is to place a long order the following morning, with your stop loss behind the DP.

The classic doji candle is illustrated next.

A doji will generally mean indecision in the market.

The second daily candle is the start of the new week and if I remember correctly, this was a bank holiday weekend.

On a bank holiday it is worth placing orders above the PDH, at around 10pm London time, as it can often be too late by 7.00am.

In this instance the breakout happened at 2.00am and was a perfect doji breakout, supported off the WP. As always, trading was with the trend.

This last chart shows another classic yellow doji candle, finding support off the D20ma.

For two days the market retraced back down to the D20ma.

The third day created the indecision candle (yellow) and we enter on the third day by placing a long order above the PDH.

In this instance the MSX comes into play again, making it an even stronger breakout. This kind of confirmation increases the probability of success.

Other examples of just the MSX and without a daily candle breakout trade.

Another great example of the of the MSX strategy can be seen below, this time EURUSD:

The overall daily trend is up and the price is above the WP. Once the price breaks the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma and daily pivot (big blue arrow), it is best to wait for the 15 minute trend reversal (123) to come into play and then place a long order (in the blue box) with a stop loss below the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma.

The idea is to hold the MSX with the 4 hourly trend. You can either bank at resistance or try and hold the trade, as long as the price remains above the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma. (Remember the BSX is the 60 min 20ma, so the MSX is a slightly longer term strategy).

The 15 min chart clearly shows the BSX and MSX together, with an exact entry in the blue box.

Another great example of the of the MSX strategy can be seen over page, this time EURUSD:

This is actually an MSX and WPX strategy combined.

The overall daily trend is up and the price is above the WP. Once the price breaks the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma and daily pivot (big blue arrow), it is best to wait for the 15 minute trend reversal (123) to come into play and then place a long order (in the blue box) with a stop loss below the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma.

The idea is to hold the MSX with the 4 hourly trend. You can either bank at resistance or try and hold the trade, as long as the price remains above the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma.

The 15 min chart clearly shows the MSX, with an exact entry in the blue box.

Another great example of the of the MSX strategy can be seen below, this time GBPUSD:

The overall daily trend is up and the price is above the WP. Once the price breaks the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma and daily pivot (big blue arrow), it is best to wait for the 15 minute trend reversal (123) to come into play and then place a long order (in the blue box) with a stop loss below the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma.

The idea is to hold the MSX with the 4 hourly trend. You can either bank at resistance or try and hold the trade, as long as the price remains above the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma.

The 15 min chart clearly shows the MSX, with an exact entry in the blue box.

Another great example of the of the MSX strategy can be seen here, this time GOLD:

This is actually an MSX and WPX strategy combined.

The overall daily trend is up and the price is above the WP. Once the price breaks the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma and daily pivot (big blue arrow), it is best to wait for the 15 minute trend reversal (123) to come into play and then place a long order (in the blue box) with a stop loss below the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma.

The idea is to hold the MSX with the 4 hourly trend. You can either bank at resistance or try and hold the trade, as long as the price remains above the (red/orange) 4hr 20ma.

The 15 min chart clearly shows the MSX, with an exact entry in either of the blue boxes.


The “Baby Silver Cross” (BSX) strategy is about as short-term as day-trading strategies get, working from 15 minute charts. Lower time frames than this would normally be thought of as “scalping”.

The BSX uses the crossing point of a fast and a slow moving average (ma), to indicate the point at which a change in the trend occurs, in order to take prompt trading advantage of it. You may also hear of a “Major Silver Cross” (MSX) strategy which follows the same logic but using higher time frame charts and moving averages.

The golden rule is to always trade with the (red) 4 hour 20ma. If the price is below the 4 hour 20ma you are only allowed to sell and if above, only allowed to buy.

In simple terms I am looking for the 15 minute 20ma (black dotted line), to cross the 60min 20ma (black ma), in the same direction as the 4 hour 20ma (red ma).

Please note the strategy is best used in a trending market.

The AUDJPY chart below clearly shows the entry and exit zones.

The first downward pointing arrow shows the point at which the 15 min 20ma (black dotted line), crosses the 60min 20ma (black ma).

My preference is to wait for a trend reversal (in the blue box), allow the short term stochastic to retrace and then place a short order below the break of the trend reversal, with my stop loss above the 60min 20ma (black ma).

Another great example of the of the BSX strategy can be seen here, this time EURJPY:

The overall daily trend is down and the price is below the (red) 4 hourly 20ma. Once the price broke the (black) 60 min 20ma, I waited for a trend reversal and then placed my short order (in the blue box) with my stop loss above the (black) 60 minute 20ma.

Please note that it ’ s always best to trade on the correct side of the daily pivot (the pink line), so only short below the DP and only buy above it. “Correct” may be too strong a word – but you increase your probabilities by observing extra rules like this.

GBPJPY shows the BSX again.

The overall daily trend is down and the price is below the (red) 4 hourly 20ma.

A trend reversal was created on the DP (blue box) and a short order placed below the trend reversal with my stop loss above the (black) 60 minute 20ma.

Please note you will see quite a few blue arrows on your chart, but not every one is a strategy trade. They are there to attract your attention, but you still have to think!

Look for the daily 20ma trend which is downwards in this example, then confirm it with the 4 hourly trend. If this is in the same direction (down), then look for the 15 min 20ma crossing the 60min 20ma, also in the same direction. If it is crossing, you have a good indication by this strategy and can trade.

Another great example of the of the BSX strategy can be seen below, this time GBPUSD:

The overall daily trend is up and the price is above the (red/orange) 4 hourly 20ma. Once the price broke the (grey) 60 min 20ma and daily pivot, you wait for a 15 minute trend reversal and then place your long order (in the blue box, above the DP) with your stop loss below the (grey) 60 minute 20ma.

Please note that it ’ s always best to trade on the correct side of the daily pivot (the pink line), so only buy above the DP and only sell below it.

You can either bank at resistance or try and hold the trade, as long as the price remains above the 60 min 20ma (grey).

Soporte y Resistencia

This support and resistance strategy is about simplicity, with very few indicators on the 4 hour chart. This is the template we email to new members for them to apply to their MT4 charts.

The black line is my Weekly Pivot (WP), the blue line is the Daily 20 moving average, the green and red shaded borders show the overall trend direction, the red lines are the actual support and resistance lines I have drawn and the stochastic suggests when a market may be overbought or oversold.

We are looking for the price to re test old support and resistance levels on the chart and place orders accordingly.

The more times a price hits a support or resistance line, the more confident you should be in placing an order.

Two touches are ok but three or more is better.

The chart below (yellow box) shows a re test for the third time at resistance. The stochastic is above 80 and probability suggests the market will turn at this point.

The Red Zone should technically be placed behind the previous same-direction major trend reversal (the previous high touching the same red resistance line), providing the amount of pips risked is consistent with 1% risk exposure; adjust your stake per pip until it is!

Please note that it is not an exact science and support and resistance lines can be broken by a few pips before turning back in your favour again.

The idea is to agree a level you are happy to short or long at and place your order accordingly. It may take a few hours to finally move but be content that you have placed your order at a support and resistance line and be confident in trying to hold the trade for at least 24 hours.

The trade below was a technical short at 86.90 and within 4 days the price had hit the lower channel at 84.00, for nearly 300 pips profit.

Channels are an excellent way of forecasting support and resistance.

Once you have two or more touches on each side, you can plan for channel swings and breakouts.

The yellow boxes show four points at which you could enter. In this case the channel trend is downwards, so it goes without question that you will probably make more pips selling, than by buying against the trend, so in this case the two upper yellow boxes show the key selling levels, on the third and fourth touch of resistance.

The idea is to find a level you are happy to short at and place your order accordingly. It may take a few hours to finally move but be content that you have placed your order at a considered resistance level and be confident in trying to hold the trade for at least 24 hours.

The trade below was a technical short off the upper resistance channel at 1.0590 and 1.0500 and within 3 to 4 days the price had hit the lower channel around 1.0300 for 200 or so pips profit – perhaps more than once.

In the next example EURJPY has a triple top on the first yellow box at 111.00.

The red resistance line was drawn after the first two highs and your short order can be placed a day or two in advance, looking for the third touch, with your Red Zone (stop loss) above the previous same-direction major trend reversal.

Please note the stochastic is in your favour and the risk reward is excellent, because the stop-loss will not be too many pips away from the entry price and yet the short could have a considerable run downwards.

The second lower box is the area you should look to place your second short order, in anticipation of any pullback ’ s reversal.

After a break of the red support line, you will often find a re test to the same level before it falls again.

In this instance the order wouldn't have been touched but the idea is correct.

The EURUSD chart below shows a clear triangle, with 3 major support reversals to join up as a level and 2 major resistance reversals to form the top line of the converging channel.

The support and resistance lines can be drawn on the chart after the 2 trend reversals have been made.

The third re test of support (yellow box) at 1.3000 is where an order should be placed, with a Red Zone behind the previous major same-direction trend reversal back in March.

Yes it takes a few days, but there will always be buyers in this market around the psychological 1.3000 level to make it good for 100+ pips back to the WP and D20ma.

In the next example the GBYJPY chart is very similar to the EURJPY chart above and has a triple top on the first yellow box at 133.00.

The red resistance line was drawn after the first two highs and your short order can be placed a day or two in advance, looking for the third touch, with your Red Zone above the previous major same-direction trend reversal.

Please note the stochastic is in your favour and the risk reward is excellent again, because the Stop Loss is a small number of pips compared to the price movement expected.

The second lower box is the area you should look to place your second order.

After a break of the red support line, you will often find a re test to the same level before it falls again. We often refer to this as a “1 – 2 - 3” as the price zig-zags before continuing with its earlier trend.

In this instance the order would have been touched, with a Red Zone back above the WP.

Three days later and the market fell from 130.00, down to 128.00, for over 200 pips profit. The stochastic wasn ’ t supportive to the probability of success – so some people might decline a trading opportunity like this, whereas others would take it. In this particular case, they would have made money anyway.

The NZDUSD chart below is a flat market but has very clear support and resistance levels.

The yellow boxes clearly show the areas where you could place long and short orders.

Please note you need at least 2 touches and preferably 3, before you can draw a support and resistance line.

Your Red Zones should always be placed behind the previous same-direction major trend reversals.

If you look at charts you will be able to spot channels which you could have traded historically. Best of all, is to listen to one of us “think out loud” each day as we assess the markets and try to discern new channels for live trading opportunities.

Now with all support and resistance levels, big breakouts will occur once these levels have been broken.

Lets take a look at a few examples below.

EURNZD has a clear resistance level at 1.6094 and the price has hit this level three times and fallen back from it.

Once you have such a definitive line, it is worth placing an order the other side of it (yellow box) in preparation for a breakout and use the Weekly pivot points as a guide to other support and resistance levels. These areas are marked WR1/WS1 or WR2/WS2 or WR3/WS3 (Weekly support/ resistance 1,2 or 3).

Your stop loss should be placed at the previous trend reversal, below the break level (blue box).

Once the price has move sufficiently away from the entry level (100 pips or so) it can be worth reducing your risk towards break even, or just below the break level.

I would suggest to bank at previous major support and resistance levels.

GBPNZD has a perfect resistance at 1.9502 and has fallen from this level twice.

Midweek support came back into this market and a breakout strategy was triggered.

The yellow box is where you should place your long order and the blue box is where your stop loss should be.

Banking at WR3 would be highly recommended, as the price will very rarely break above this level. Likewise very rarely break below WS3.

GBPJPY is our last example.

You will often hear us talk about lower highs and lower trend reversals and you can clearly see this on the GBPJPY chart below.

A double bottom was formed at 127.85 region and an order should be placed above 129.58. This is the first break higher of a trend reversal and the yellow box highlights where the order should be.

The blue box highlights an area of support, where the stop loss should be placed.

Banking anywhere close to WR3 would be advisable.

The 123 Strategy

The idea behind the 123 is that you allow the break of a previous day ’ s high (PDH) or low (PDL) and then wait for a pullback to the support or resistance level. At this point, the price changes direction again to continue in its original break direction.

The old resistance break level will become the new support level and the plan is to trade as close to this level as possible.

The key is to always trade with the trend, so if the previous daily candle was green, I will always be looking for long trades. If the previous daily candle was red then I would be looking for short trades.

Let ’ s take a look at a few examples (starting over page)

In the example below the previous daily candle closed green and the breakout of this candle happened at around 1.00am. The only option available once I wake up in the UK, is for me to buy on the 123 trade, which is the pullback to the previous day ’ s high.

I will always drop down to the 15 minute chart, to fine-tune my entry point on these trades.

The red arrow on the EURJPY 1-hour chart below shows the area I would be looking to buy from, if able to find a good entry.

Next, I look at the 15 minute chart to help me find a good entry. The 15 minute EURJPY chart clearly shows yesterdays high (blue line), the 60 minute 20ma (black moving average), the 4 hour 20ma (red moving average) and the Weekly Pivot. The trend is clearly up and the planned entry would be as close to the previous day ’ s high (PDH) as possible.

For extra confirmation, it can be worth waiting for a green 15 minute candle to close and then enter on the break of the 15 minute candle high, with the Red Zone or stop loss behind the PDH.

It is also important to follow the 15 minute stochastic, as it increases your probability to buy a currency off a PDH, with a stochastic below 20.

Likewise if I was selling after a red daily candle, I would be looking to short with a high 15 minute stochastic, above 80.

A trade like this can easily reward you with 1% to 5% profit.

Here is another great example of the 123 trade, this time with GBPJPY:

The important indicator to look for is the previous daily candle and if this is green (as it is), then we should be looking to buy after the break of the PDH.

In this example the breakout occurred overnight, so the only option for me on the London Open was to buy off the PDH support level.

At this stage I lower my time frame to the 15 minute chart.

The 15 min chart clearly shows the trend is up and that all our 60min 20ma, 4 hourly 20ma, WP and DP etc are all below the price.

The next step is to wait for a re-test of the PDH and assess that the 15minute stochastic is in the 20 region and then buy on the first positive green 15 min candle.

So the key is to follow the previous daily candle, wait for the break and allow a pullback to that same break level, with a high or low 15 minute stochastic, with your stop loss back in the previous day ’ s range. There are a few things to think about, but all the information is in the charts once you learn how to read them!

Another angle with the 123 strategy is to trade as close to the 60 min 20ma as possible.

Occasionally you will find the PDH or PDL, too far from the Daily Pivot, and if you are confident in the direction for that day, it can be worth trading as close to the 60 min 20ma as possible, rather than waiting for the breakout.

For example on the chart below, using the 15 min chart, you can clearly see the trend is down and the price sits comfortably below the 4 hour 20ma, Daily Pivot and 60min 20ma. The key here is to wait for a pullback (123) to the 60min 20ma and short as close as possible to the 60min 20ma, with a stop loss behind resistance. It would be recommended to have the red zone behind the Daily Pivot but occasionally you can have a tighter stop loss just behind the 60 min 20ma.

Its always a good idea to have a high stochastic on the 123 when looking to sell and a low stochastic when looking to buy on the 15 min chart, as shown on the GBPUSD chart below.

The PWH/PWL is often an excellent form of support and resistance. The chart below shows the pullback (123) into the PWL and 60 min 20ma. Your stop loss in this example should be placed behind both forms of resistance.

The 121X Strategy

Occasionally the market will offer perfect set ups in all four US $ pairs (EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD and NZDUSD) and the idea is to take advantage of either strong or weak USD, across the board.

Correlation states that if Commodities and Stocks rally, the US $ will fall and likewise if Commodities and Stocks fall, the US $ will rally. Now if we fell this is a primarily a US $ move, instead of choosing the best US $ currency, we may decide to hit all four markets at once to maximise our returns and minimise our risk.

Lets look at an example (over page).

The chart below shows Wall Street in a strong downtrend. The second red candle from left is a daily doji candle and the break of the PDL (previous days low) will likely see the world stocks fall and make the price of the US $ rally on all four pairs. You may recognise the MSX strategy here as well, where the 60min 20ma cross the 4 hour 20ma to the downside on Wednesday morning. This suggests that we will have continued weakness in stocks on Wednesday and continued strength in the USD.

The chart below is the GOLD chart. La misma teoría se aplica aquí. If Commodities fall, you will nearly always find the US $ will be supported. In this case there is a MSX late on Tuesday evening and once the PDL is broken on the Wednesday, you know that Commodities will remain weak for the day, so the likelihood is that the US $ will be heavily bought.

So after looking at Wall St and GOLD, we can clearly see they are in a downtrend and set for big moves lower on the Wednesday. Since they have both had MSX crosses at around the same time, we would be very confident in the US $ being well supported on the Wednesday and this is a day we are likely to use the 121X strategy.

The chart below is EURUSD. You can clearly see another MSX late on Tuesday evening, as the price breaks back below the WP and 4 hour 20ma. On Wednesday the price is well below the DP, 60min 20ma and 4 hour 20ma and well set up for a short trade, so looking to buy the US $.

The final chart below is AUDUSD. There is an MSX here late on Tuesday and you can clearly see the price is below the WP, 4 hour 20ma, 60min 20ma and DP on Wednesday and is well set up for a short trade, so again looking to buy the US $.

So once we have confirmation that Wall St and GOLD are set to fall and then confirm the four US $ charts are also set to fall, we will look to alert you to the 121X strategy.

The process will be simple and you will be alerted in the following way:

1. You will receive an email and SMS pre warning you that we will be looking to trade the 121X strategy. At this point you will need to be prepared to trade EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD and NZDUSD.

2. You will be kept up to date on the RSS feed but importantly you will receive an initial SMS pre warning you about trading the 121X strategy and with how many pips the Red Zone (stop loss) should be on each market. For example, we may say its a 50 pip risk on each market, or a 70 pip risk on each pair. Please note that as you are in charge of your own trading book you will need to work out what percentage risk you are willing to trade at. Forex121 will likely risk 0.5% on each trade, so risking no more than 2% overall.

3. When Forex121 feels it is the right time to buy or sell USD, we will email and SMS you that we are buying the US $ at market value, at that exact time. A follow up email will be sent with exact levels we entered at and please do not worry if you are a few pips out. Therefore with this strategy we are unlikely to be placing orders, we will be buying at market price.

4. When we exit, we will email and SMS you stating we are closing all US $ pairs at market price and another email will be sent with exact levels.

Risk - It is vital that you get your risk and percentage on each trade correct here. You do not want to risk 2% on each US $ pair. As mentioned we will be trading at 0.5% risk per trade, so 2% risk in total.

Reversal Weekly Breakout

Daily 20EMA - (120ma)

4 Hour 20EMA - (20ma)

The aim is to find a trend in a market and then look for a reversal weekly candle at the highs or lows, with a break of the D20ma.

You must trade in the same direction as the D20ma. If above you buy and if below you sell. Look for the blue arrow to go long and red arrow to go short on the cross to signal the change in trend.

The key is to follow the direction of the Weekly Pivot. If the Weekly Pivot has been heading up for six or seven weeks, you wait for a red closing weekly candle and then wait for the WP to move down on the Monday. If the Weekly Pivot has been heading down for six or seven weeks, you wait for a green closing weekly candle and then wait for the WP to move up on the Monday.

The more obvious reversal weekly candle breaks are when you have six or seven down or up weeks and then have a reversal candle at the top or bottom of the trend.

It is important not to buy or sell when the WP is moving away from the price. You should always wait for the WP to move in the direction you are looking to trade in.

Entries can vary depending on how close the price is to the Weekly Pivot but the idea is to play the break of the previous week high or low.

It ’ s best to place an order, 10 to 20 pips either side of the break.

However if the 4 hour stochastic is too overbought or oversold on the break, it may be worth waiting for the next trend reversal and trade as close to the Weekly Pivot as possible. On average this is within 100 pips but depending on the market you trade. You should be confident with the strategy and not worry about going out of court by a few pips. As long as your stop loss is behind the WP and you have the D20ma behind the price, then probability suggests the trade will work in your favour. There will be occasions that we have tighter stop losses and if I feel a trend is strong enough, we may enter on the break of the PWH/L and keep a tight stop loss behind the break level.

Placing a few orders on a Sunday evening is fine, as you can always cancel a few of them as the week progresses.

On average I would be happy with a 100 to 200 pip stop, as these moves can easily go 2:1 or a lot more.

The idea is to hold the trade with the D20ma and WP. The WP can move up or down for a number of weeks, so it is best to try and hold for the duration if possible.

It is worth having a target in mind before entering the trade. Draw a support or resistance line at the previous major trend reversal and target this level.

The reversal breaks tend to be more aggressive than continuation breakouts, as all the short term traders ’ close out of their trades and then take a new position. So you get double the amount of volume and consequently large breakouts.

CHECKLIST - "A" class trades

1. Look for a trending market with the D20ma, heading up or down.

2. Look for a reversal weekly candle at the top or bottom of the trend.

3. Look for a blue arrow for long, red arrow for short, which will alert you to the start of the trend reversal.

4. Look for the WP to move in the direction you want to trade. If the WP has been heading down for 8 weeks, wait for the WP to move higher on the Monday morning.

5. If there is a clear breakout of the PWH/L and the WP is less than 150/200 pips away, then simply place an order above or below the break level, with a stop loss behind the WP.

6. If the PWH/L is over 150/200 pips from the WP and the 4 hour stochastic is overbought/oversold on the break, then it is best to wait for the next trend reversal, closer to the WP. The closer you trade to the D20ma and WP the better.

7. Try and target major support and resistance levels and follow the D20ma for as long as possible. The D20ma is the strongest moving average you will use and trending markets continually find support and resistance off it.

8. If the price is getting close to the target level and still holding the 4 hour 20ma, it's worth waiting until it breaks back through the 4 hour 20ma.

CHECKLIST - "B" class trades

1. Look for a consolidation weekly candle at the top or bottom of the trend. You must have at least 3 green or red weekly candles to warrant a trend.

2. The consolidation candle (even if it ’ s the same colour) should be half the size of the previous weekly candle.

3. The WP will still be heading up or down on this week, so we are looking for an aggressive reversal candle breakouts. If you had 8 red weeks of a falling market, we must place an order above the PWH, as this is where all the stop losses will be.

4. The D20ma will always vary as it ’ s a lagging indicator. Some of the "B" class trades will be into the D20ma. However trust your consolidation / reversal candle and make sure your WP is behind you.

5. I always try and hold the trade with the 4 hour 20ma as support or resistance and target previous major trend reversals.

If the price is getting close to the target level and still holding the 4 hour 20ma, it's worth waiting until it breaks back through the 4 hour 20ma.

See charts on the following pages.

Zone Trading

Understanding Our Trading Zones

Although we are an educational company and not a tipping service, we feel the best way you can learn to trade is to see how the strategies work in the real markets. To do this we will send you emails with levels, or ‘ zones ’ in which we would place the trade ourselves.

When you receive our trade ideas for a particular market they will usually follow the same format:

Yellow Zone (YZ) - a range within which we expect to place our order

Red Zone (RZ) - a range within which we expect to place our stop loss. This is a level at which the trade would be closed automatically if it is going against you.

Green Zone (GZ) - a range in which we expect to place our take profit level.

Please note we don ’ t always specify a GZ as we sometimes manage our trades on a very dynamic basis.


We will normally specify a range within which these levels might work. As we are not a tipping service we don ’ t give you one specific level but for example might be within the range 1.3009 to 1.3011, which is a range of three pips.

If, as part of your education, you decide to follow this trade on your demo account you can pick your own levels within these ranges.

To the best of our knowledge we are the only company that provides these zones as part of trader education. We think it really helps novice traders to get to grips with the strategies and placing trades.

The trade idea will simply posted as.

How To Place a Trade

Orden de mercado

Pending Orders

Managing Live Orders

Placing And Managing Trades Usi ng The MT4 Trading App

Using the App Screens

Once you are all set up and funds have been put into the account or if you are trading on a demo account, you are then ready to trade.

Click on the currency and you will have three options. Click trade to place an order, chart for the detailed view of the market, or details for specific spreads.

The chart will appear like this and you can change the time frame on the top left button.

If you click on trade, you will be given the option to choose the currency and what execution you would like to use.

Candle Properties

Candle Patterns

Bullish or bearish single candle reversal pattern.

The open is equal to (or almost equal to) the close, resulting in no real body.

Indecision in the market - neither the bulls nor the bears are in control.

The Doji can be found at the top or bottom. The Gravestone Doji is usually found at a top reversal. The Dragonfly Doji is usually found at a bottom reversal.

Bearish single candle reversal pattern.

Market gaps up to shooting star candle.

Colour can be red or green.

Upper shadow usually twice the size of the real body.

Bearish single candle reversal pattern.

Market gaps up to hanging man candle.

Colour can be red or green.

Lower shadow usually twice the size of the real body.

Bullish single candle reversal pattern.

Market ideally gaps down to hammer candle.

Colour can be red or green.

Lower shadow usually twice the size of the real body.

Bullish single candle reversal pattern.

Market ideally gaps down to inverted hammer candle.

Colour can be red or green.

Upper shadow usually twice the size of the real body.

Bullish two candle reversal pattern.

First candle has smaller red real body.

Second longer green candle completely engulfs the first candle body.

Bearish two candle reversal pattern.

First candle has smaller green real body.

Second longer red candle completely engulfs the first candle body.

Trading Plan

Now that you are familiar with the strategies and terminology, and hopefully have your charts set up with a demo account, it ’ s time to turn your attention to running your trading book.

Whether you follow trading ideas from Forex121 or any other service it ’ s critical that you take responsibility for your own trading and results. It ’ s your money after all! As your confidence and experience grows you will be able adjust the levels and choose whether to enter a trade and when to exit it based on your own analysis and intuition.

When you trade the markets you are effectively running a business, and like any business it ’ s always a good idea to have a business plan. One of the benefits is that it helps you to crystallise your thoughts.

Some of our clients have found the structure below useful, we hope it is for you too. If you would like us to look over your plan, be it detailed or just an overview, please email it to

1 Why are we trading this Year?

1.1 Why do we want to trade?

1.2 What are my strengths and weaknesses?

1.3 What are my weaknesses from the Quarter 1 that I have got to improve upon?

1.4 Am I in the right frame of mind to trade?

2 What are our trading targets?

3 Results

4 Markets, instruments & timeframes

4.1 What markets will we trade?

4.2 What timeframes will we trade?

4.3 Environment & Herramientas

4.4 Office Environment

4.5 Which financial vehicle and broker will we use to trade?

4.6 What software and data feeds will I use to trade?

4.7 What tools will I use to gather news?

5 Routines

5.1 What is my daily, weekly and monthly routine?

5.2 Daily Routine

5.2.1 Weekly Routine

5.2.2 Monthly Routine

5.3 What are my pre-market, while market is open and post-market routines?

5.3.1 Pre-Market Routine

5.3.2 During Market Open Routine

5.3.3 Post Market Routine

5.4 How much time will I allocate to trading each day?

6 Risk Management

6.1 What is our attitude to risk?

6.2 What is my broker and hardware risk?

6.3 What is the risk / reward ratio?

6.4 What is my risk per trade?

6.5 Acceptable Drawdown Rules

7 Money Management

7.1 How do I determine my position size?

8 Trade Strategies

8.1 What trading strategies will I trade?

9 Record Keeping

9.1 How will we track the account ’ s position?

9.2 How will I undertake my monthly review of all trades for the month?

10 Rewards and Punishment

10.1 How will I discipline myself for undisciplined trading?

10.2 How will I reward myself for disciplined trading?

Journey Of A Trader

This is taken from a document we once read about trading which we thought we should share with you. We are not sure of the author, but we hope you enjoy it!

Trading is of course different for everyone and having a mentor can significantly speed up the process. Trading certainly is a journey and enjoy it!

Step One: Unconscious Incompetence.

This is the first step you take when starting to look into trading. you know that its a good way of making money because you've heard so many things about it and heard of so many millionaires. Unfortunately, just like when you first desire to drive a car you think it will be easy - after all, how hard can it be? Price either moves up or down - what's the big secret to that then - let ’ s get cracking!

Unfortunately, just as when you first take your place in front of a steering wheel you find very quickly that you haven't got the first clue about what you're trying to do. You take lots of trades and lots of risks. When you enter a trade it turns against you so you reverse and it turns again. and again, and again.

You may have initial success, and that ’ s even worse - cos it tells your brain that this really is simple and you start to risk more money.

You try to turn around your losses by doubling up every time you trade. Sometimes you'll get away with it but more often than not you will come away scathed and bruised You are totally oblivious to your incompetence at trading.

This step can last for a week or two of trading but the market is usually swift and you move on to the next stage.

Step Two - Conscious Incompetence

Step two is where you realise that there is more work involved in trading and that you might actually have to work a few things out. You consciously realise that you are an incompetent trader - you don't have the skills or the insight to turn a regular profit.

You now set about buying systems and e-books galore, read websites based everywhere from USA to the Ukraine. and begin your search for the holy grail. During this time you will be a system nomad - you will flick from method to method day by day and week by week never sticking with one long enough to actually see if it does work. Every time you come upon a new indicator you'll be ecstatic that this is the one that will make all the difference.

You will test out automated systems on MetaTrader, you'll play with moving averages, Fibonacci lines, support & resistance, Pivots, Fractals, Divergence, DMI, ADX, and a hundred other things all in the vein hope that your 'magic system' starts today. You'll be a top and bottom picker, trying to find the exact point of reversal with your indicators and you'll find yourself chasing losing trades and even adding to them because you are so sure you are right.

You'll go into the live chat room and see other traders making pips and you want to know why it's not you - you'll ask a million questions, some of which are so dumb that looking back you feel a bit silly. You'll then reach the point where you think all the ones who are calling pips after pips are liars - they cant be making that amount because you've studied and you don't make that, you know as much as they do and they must be lying. But they're in there day after day and their account just grows whilst yours falls.

You will be like a teenager - the traders that make money will freely give you advice but you're stubborn and think that you know best - you take no notice and overtrade your account even though everyone says you are mad to - but you know better. You'll consider following the calls that others make but even then it wont work so you try paying for signals from someone else - they don't work for you either.

You might even approach a 'guru' like Rob Booker or someone on a chat board who promises to make you into a trader(usually for a fee of course). Whether the guru is good or not you wont win because there is no replacement for screen time and you still think you know best.

This step can last ages and ages - in fact in reality talking with other traders as well as personal experience confirms that it can easily last well over a year and more nearer 3 years. This is also the step when you are most likely to give up through sheer frustration.

Around 60% of new traders die out in the first 3 months - they give up and this is good - think about it - if trading was easy we would all be millionaires. another 20% keep going for a year and then in desperation take risks guaranteed to blow their account which of course it does.

What may surprise you is that of the remaining 20% all of them will last around 3 years - and they will think they are safe in the water - but even at 3 years only a further 5-10% will continue and go on to actually make money consistently.

By the way - they are real figures, not just some ive picked out of my head - so when you get to 3 years in the game don ’ t think its plain sailing from there.

I've had many people argue with me about these timescales - funny enough none of them have been trading for more that 3 years - if you think you know better then ask on a board for someone who's been trading 5 years and ask them how long it takes to become fully 100% proficient. Sure i guess there will be exceptions to the rule - but i haven ’ t met any yet.

Eventually you do begin to come out of this phase. You've probably committed more time and money than you ever thought you would, lost 2 or 3 loaded accounts and all but given up maybe 3 or 4 times but now its in your blood

One day – In a split second moment you will enter stage 3.

Step 3 - The Eureka Moment

Towards the end of stage two you begin to realise that it's not the system that is making the difference. You realise that its actually possible to make money with a simple moving average and nothing else IF you can get your head and money management right You start to read books on the psychology of trading and identify with the characters portrayed in those books and finally comes the eureka moment.

The eureka moment causes a new connection to be made in your brain. You suddenly realise that neither you, nor anyone else can accurately predict what the market will do in the next ten seconds, never mind the next 20 mins.

Because of this revelation you stop taking any notice of what anyone thinks - what this news item will do, and what that event will do to the markets. You become an individual with your own method of trading.

You start to work just one system that you mould to your own way of trading, you're starting to get happy and you define your risk threshold.

You start to take every trade that your 'edge' shows has a good probability of winning with. When the trade turns bad you don't get angry or even because you know in your head that as you couldn't possibly predict it isn't your fault - as soon as you realise that the trade is bad you close it. The next trade or the one after it or the one after that will have higher odds of success because you know your system works.

You stop looking at trading results from a trade-to-trade perspective and start to look at weekly figures knowing that one bad trade does not a poor system make.

You have realised in an instant that the trading game is about one thing - consistency of your 'edge' and your discipline to take all the trades no matter what as you know the probabilities stack in your favour.

You learn about proper money management and leverage - risk of account etc etc - and this time it actually soaks in and you think back to those who advised the same thing a year ago with a smile. You weren't ready then, but you are now. The eureka moment came the moment that you truly accepted that you cannot predict the market.

Step 4 - Conscious Competence

You are making trades whenever your system tells you to. You take losses just as easily as you take wins You now let your winners run to their conclusion fully accepting the risk and knowing that your system makes more money than it looses and when you're on a loser you close it swiftly with little pain to your account

You are now at a point where you break even most of the time - day in day out, you will have weeks where you make 100 pips and weeks where you lose 100 pips - generally you are breaking even and not losing money. You are now conscious of the fact that you are making calls that are generally good and you are getting respect from other traders as you chat the day away. You still have to work at it and think about your trades but as this continues you begin to make more money than you lose consistently.

You'll start the day on a 20 pip win, take a 35 pip loss and have no feelings that you've given those pips back because you know that it will come back again. You will now begin to make consistent pips week in and week out 25 pips one week, 50 the next and so on.

This lasts about 6 months

Step Five - Unconscious Competence

Now we ’ re cooking - just like driving a car, every day you get in your seat and trade - you do everything now on an unconscious level. You are running on autopilot. You start to pick the really big trades and getting 200 pips in a day doesn ’ t make you any more excited that getting 1 pips.

You see the newbie ’ s in the forum shouting 'go dollar go' as if they are urging on a horse to win in the grand national and you see yourself - but many years ago now.

This is trading utopia - you have mastered your emotions and you are now a trader with a rapidly growing account.

You're a star in the trading chat room and people listen to what you say. You recognise yourself in their questions from about two years ago. You pass on your advice but you know most of it is futile because they're teenagers - some of them will get to where you are - some will do it fast and others will be slower - literally dozens and dozens will never get past stage two, but a few will.

Trading is no longer exciting - in fact it's probably boring you to bits - like everything in life when you get good at it or do it for your job - it gets boring - you're doing your job and that's that.

Finally you grow out of the chat rooms and find a few choice people who you converse with about the markets without being influenced at all.

All the time you are honing your methods to extract the maximum profit from the market without increasing your risk. Your method of trading doesn ’ t change - it just gets better - you now have what women call 'intuition'

You can now say with your head held high "I'm a currency trader" but to be honest you dont even bother telling anyone - it's a job like any other.

I hope you ’ ve enjoyed reading this journey into a traders mind and that hopefully you have identified with some points in here.

Remember that only 5% will actually make it - but the reason for that isn ’ t ability, its staying power and the ability to change your perceptions and paradigms as new information comes available.

The losers are those who wanted to 'get rich quick' but approached the market and within 6 months put on a pair of blinkers so they couldn ’ t see the obvious - a kind of "this is the way i see it and that ’ s that" scenario - refusing to assimilate new information that changes that perception.

I ’ m happy to tell you that the reason i started trading was because of the 'get rich quick' mindset. Just that now i see it as 'get rich slow'

If you ’ re thinking about giving up i have one piece of advice for you.

Ask yourself the question "how many years would you go to college if you knew for a fact that there was a million dollars a year job at the end of it?

Take care and good trading to you all.

Further Reading

Intermarket Technical Analysis Written by J. Murphy

Currency Trading - How to Access and Trade the Worlds Biggest Market Written by Gotthelf, Philip

Technical Analysis Applications In The Global Currency Markets Second Edition - Written by Cornelius, Luca

International Money and Foreign Exchange Markets: An Introduction - Written by Julian Walmsley

Trading in the Global Currency Market; Written by Cornelius, Luca

Detalles de contacto

Telephone: +44 (0)1273 434170

Address: 3rd Floor

Marina McKenna, Ireland

As someone who has struggled with Forex for a while, I would just like to say how delighted I am to have come across Dan and Forex 121. I was a 5 and 15 minute trader and was beginning to feel a bit dejected because I couldn’t seem to get anywhere or make any kind of consistent profits on the short term charts, and the longer term charts scared me… but not any more.

Since joining Forex 121 I have made confident and profitable trades. In fact the last 5 have all been profitable. One trade last week was on a Yen pair and went on to make over 400 pips but I only managed 57. Why? Because being a short term trader, I was never in the happy position of being 100 pips up in a trade and I moved my stop to the wrong place and got stopped out overnight. However, following a 121 lesson with Dan the following day, I now know where to place my stops and now make an average of 100 pips per trade, even if I’m at work. How good is that?!

The Forex 121 strategy is very simple and clean and they teach it very well, repeating the key elements over and over again with the daily videos. I am really excited about this and after all the frustration of the past few years, I can see light at the end of the tunnel. With a bit of hard work and determination and with a company like Forex121 to guide me, I know this is going to change my life.

Julia Gold, UK

I started learning about the world of forex 9 months ago and really set to it studying in every spare moment. I figured I didn’t need to spend money on my education as I could teach myself the basics and save the cash for my trading account. For the first 8 months I studied like crazy, joined all the forums, watched economic new releases with an unhealthy amount of zeal and felt I was doing a really good job. The result was hundreds of very colourful charts bursting at the seams with every indicator known to mankind coupled with much frenzied clicking of the mouse. But there was one big problem: I was losing money! Why was this when I had dedicated so much time and effort? Then it hit me: I didn’t have a proper strategy.

I was also doing exactly what most new traders do by letting my losses run and cutting my profits short – the complete opposite of what I should have been doing and ultimately the road to failure as a trader. I needed a proper strategy and one-on-one guidance to give me confidence and get me away from my fear-based style of trading. Then I found Forex121 and I have to say what a huge relief! I love everything about their trading style and they are such great and patient teachers. My confidence is building daily, as are my pips – just yesterday I made 200 pips based 100% on the strategy.

I’ve have to say I don’t feel at all like a stranger but already part of a great (winning!) team of like-minded people. If I were to say anything about the learning path, it’s this: invest in yourself early on and find a great mentor like this company now.

Roslyn Lord

Julia Gold, UK

I’ve been with Forex121 a number of months now and when I started I had never even placed a trade. I started with a demo account and learnt how to trade. Yes I have lost trades but I have never lost any of my starting capital and last week I made £1,000 in one day on 4 trades following my money management rules.

Each day when I review the emails and daily video they clearly explain the strategy and what we are looking for. Its great to be part of the Forex121 group and without this help I would be floundering even trying to trade. Instead I’m learning and making money. Its the best opportunity Ive had, and absolutely recommend it to anyone.

Cypriot forex broker EXNESS extends partnership with Infiniti Red Bull Racing

Cyprus-regulated forex brokerage group EXNESS said on Monday it has extended its partnership with Infiniti Red Bull Racing. In addition, it will launch a series of activities in 2016 in relation to the partnership expansion, the broker said, without providing details.

“The partnership with IRBR has been nothing short of incredible and has proved to charge both teams with even more energy to strive for excellence. I believe that together, we can achieve even greater feats, which is why we have decided to extend our partnership with Infiniti Red Bull Racing for another year,” EXNESS CEO Petr Valov was quoted as saying in a press release.

“We are delighted to continue our partnership with Exness,” said Infiniti Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner. “As a team, we share similar principles with Exness. Our approach is to do things differently, with a strong commitment to quality and excellence. We look forward to our extended partnership during the upcoming season.”

EXNESS’ partnership with the Infiniti Red Bull Racing Formula 1 team started with the beginning of 2015, continueing throughout the entire year. In March this year, Infiniti Red Bull Racing featured for the first time its race colors on the team’s race car and EXNESS’ logo. The broker has said it decided to engage in the partnership following a period of sweeping growth having achieved its position as one of the leaders in the foreign exchange market.

EXNESS’ trading volume has been consistently increasing over the years from $8.73 billion in 2009 to nearly $2.1 trillion in 2014.

EXNESS was set up in 2008. The companies in the group are registered with and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and the Belize International Financial Services Commission (IFSC). It is also registered with the relevant regulatory bodies of Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, and Sweden.

EXNESS offers Mini, Classic, and ECN trading accounts, both demo and live ones, and more than 80 currency account options, using the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. EXNESS customers can trade with more than 120 forex currency pairs at tight spreads of 0-0.3 pips and high leverage rates of up to 1,200:1 for all account types.

Compare forex broker spreads in real time: Forex Broker Spreads

The opinions provided are not necessarily those of Myfxbook or its affiliates and should not be viewed as solicitation or recommendation for any signal provider. If you choose to make decisions or place trades based upon the comments, you are doing so at your own risk. Myfxbook and its affiliates are not responsible for any losses incurred due to the use of the content provided.

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Todas las noticias

USD/CAD is showing early signs of recovery -. (1h 14min ago)

BRIEF-Sanlam Africa Core Real Estate Investme. (1h 5min ago)

EUR/USD unmotivated near 1.1170, USD GDP eyed. (1h 4min ago)

JPY: Disappointing CPI data - BBH (54 min ago)

BRIEF-Cofco Property's 2015 net profit up 20. (52 min ago)

BRIEF-Cofco Property's 2015 net profit u. (52 min ago)

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Inicio & raquo; Trading Systems » Forex Profit Copier User Reviews

Forex Profit Copier User Reviews

Forex Profit Copier is yet another trade copier being sold by Mike Foley for $67 on the Clickbank payment processor. This is actually more of a signal service if anything. You have Mike trading his account (considered the master) and your account would be the slave that gets all the copied trades. So you would expect something of this nature to have some substantial and legitimate results to show if hes ultimately going to be in control of trading your money, right? Wrong! I think Mike is still living back in 2009 having just a single MT4Stats account showing his results.

While it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee because it’s on Clickbank, I wouldn’t suggest letting him trade your real money. Therefore I would consider this just a waste of time unless some legitimate myfxbook results can be shown.

Remember if you are going to try Forex Profit Copier that you fully understand how the system works before running it live. Siempre recomiendo usar su período de reembolso para probarlo a fondo durante al menos un mes. Si sus resultados están por encima de la satisfacción, entonces y sólo entonces debe considerar la adopción de medidas para el comercio en vivo con su dinero duramente ganado. Sólo porque un sitio web dice que su sistema hará $ xx, xxx un mes no significa que va a. Así que si no está satisfecho, no dude en solicitar su dinero de vuelta. Si usted está interesado en más información sobre este producto forex entonces echa un vistazo al enlace o cualquier comentario a continuación.

If real user reviews of Forex Profit Copier are what you are looking for, then check the comments below. Son experiencias reales de los clientes con este producto. Si no hay comentarios, asegúrese de volver frecuentemente y revise las actualizaciones a medida que nuestra revisión y discusión de este producto continúa creciendo.

If you have experience with ForexProfitCopier or know something people might find important please feel free to share in a comment below. Puede ayudar a alguien a ahorrar o ganar mucho dinero, así que no te detengas. Debido a la afluencia de robots forex y sistemas de Forex que se está lanzando ahora mismo, nuestra revisión como se ha reducido, pero nuestros comentarios de los usuarios no lo han hecho. Póngase en casa y escriba un comentario, o haga una pregunta para que la comunidad discuta. Usted se sorprenderá de la información y el conocimiento que puede revelar.

Si desea presentar un producto o corredor de comercio de divisas que no figure en nuestro sitio, utilice el formulario Enviar un sistema de Forex o envíe sus propios artículos. Hay muchos robots y sistemas de forex privados y subterráneos por ahí que yo simplemente no tengo tiempo para buscar. Así que si usted sabe de alguno, o un lugar para encontrarlos por favor siéntase libre de compartir y voy a hacer un post sobre ello para la comunidad para discutir.

Ok guys lets get the ball rolling, here at ForexFBI we encourage our visitors to discuss your Forex Profit Copier experiences, strategies, thoughts, whatever…

Forex Profit Copier Rating And User Comments

FXCC reviews

Fxcc is said he is no dealing desk broker. But i do not beleive on it now.

Because i recorded everything He is Markete maker and dealing desk Broker.

First of All Fxcc open spread in volataliy. Giving very high slippage in Normal Trade and News time . Fxcc disable Execution during High Volatality. just you can open new orders but you can never close your order. Fxcc can not stop order loss when the Market Cross your StopLoss Level. For Example my stoploss is 20point but when your order closed your stoploss is 200piont Fxcc cannot allow to close your orders manually or with EA. I Try to close my orders manually many time but Failed. I get minimum 2500$ Loss on this Cheater Broker. My Every Client faced loss a lot. and every one saying this thing Fxcc is cheater.

I have Proof of his cheat.

and i Suggest to Trader Do not Invest Money on this Broker and save to other peoples tell about this Broker to every newbies and Old Trader.

Tags: FXCC reviews

======================== Scam Warning========================= FXCC alwalys say [Slippage may occur on highly volatile markets] is there exercise to Big Slippage anyone!!

here are the prove myself that FXCC have BIG Slippage everytime anywhere i have never seen before on other real ECN broker, SO just a Big SCAM broker, NOT real ECN, everybody please save your money, stay fair fair away form FXCC SCAM broker.

Tags: FXCC reviews


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Netpicks Signal & Strategy Review

Netpicks is more than just a signal provider, it is also a professional strategy and automated trading service.

If you just want to use the Netpicks signals to make more money then that is fine.

If you want them to implement their profit strategy and trade for you then their auto trading service allows you to sit back and watch your bank balance grow!

Resumen de características:

Profitable trading strategies proven for over 10 years

Instant signal alerts via email and cell phone

Professional automated trading service

Online trading seminars so you can learn the strategy

Easy to read analysis charts and trends

Free, no obligation 2 week trial

When I tested Netpicks I found they provided sound advice on what to trade and when. Over the 2 months I was using the system I generated around 60% of pure profit . In 2006 their website reports an overall profit of over 121% . This is a fantastic return which can add a few zero's to your bank balance.

What I really like is the fact you can test their system free for 2 full weeks . This trial means you can be sure you are making the right choice before parting with your cash.

Additional features of Netpicks:

Covers all 8 major currency pairs

24 hour live support via telephone, email, or online chat

Weekly seminars teach you the Netpicks strategy

Auto-trade or self trade based on the Netpicks signals

Whilst the price may not be cheap compared to other signal services you know that Netpicks will return you a big profit where other services will not. The amount of profit you can make far outweighs the monthly subscription fee so there is no reason to look elsewhere.

This suits both the new trader (using the autotrade function) and the more experienced trader who needs a helping hand spotting trades or wishes to pass over his or her trading to a professional.

The team of professionals at Netpicks make sure all the signals are first class and delivered in an instant so you always make the most from the opportunities that arise. This makes it easy for you to start earning massive profits from Forex.

If you are looking for a reliable, professional Forex signal alert service that consistently returns a big profit then look no further than Netpicks. Tried and tested for more than 10 years you will struggle to find a more powerful service.

If you want a team of dedicated professionals to run your trading for you, at a profit, the Netpicks again is the choice for you. There is nothing more satisfying than passing over your trading to someone else and watching your bank balance grow while you go about your daily life.

Dynamic Profit Generator

FREE Trading Software! Legally Predict the Markets in 3 Easy Steps!

IC Markets IC Markets Review

What we think about IC Markets

IC Markets is a true ECN forex and CFD broker that offers two of the best trading platforms available on the market: cTrader and Metatrade 4 (MT4), with the promise of Metatrader 5 (MT5) being introduced soon.

cTrader gives the broker's clients access to Level II pricing. The ECN platform is intended for scalpers and day traders but it is in fact suitable for any trader out there. Amongst its benefits are inverted spreads, no Stop Loss and Take Profit order distance restrictions whatsoever, low latency execution, on-board VPS, Expert Advisors (EAs), 60 currency pairs available for trading, etc. Being the first Australian broker to offer cTrader, IC Markets has a definite advantage over other brokers from Down Under.

The MT4 True ECN platform comes with similar perks – EAs, 77 currency pairs, CFDs and futures contracts, etc. Users have the option for a free VPS, one-click dealing and Android & iOS mobile trading applications.

Both platforms offer super tight variable spreads, starting at 0 pips, however there is a commission charged – $5 USD/lot on cTrader, and $7 AUD/round turn lot on MT4 True ECN. The other difference between the two platforms is the minimum initial deposit requirement - $200 for MT4 and $1,000 for cTrader. Either way, this is a pretty reasonable amount to start with.

Traders can also take advantage of the NinjaTrader platform.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is the regulator overseeing IC Marketr's operations to ensure maximum customer protection.

Traders` reviews for IC Markets Add review

Frankly, ICMarkets is one of the best brokers that i have been trading with, it offers a good pricing and spread comparing with many other brokers. beside that a fast execution and withdrawal processing. i guess many traders share the same view of mine. Recommended !

IC Markets Rebates are directly deducted from your commission or spreads. Benefit from lower transaction costs with direct discounts!

Available for both NEW and EXISTING accounts.

Highest IC Markets Rebates. Lowest spreads. Lowest commissions. We offer IC Markets Rebates with direct discounts for all trading account types.

MT4 STANDARD ACCOUNT: 0.3 pips directly deducted from the spread. Trade on discounted spreads from 0.7 pips.

MT4 TRUE ECN ACCOUNT: $1.50 per lot round turn directly deducted from the commission. You get charged with a discounted commission of $5.50 per lot round turn.

CTRADER ECN ACCOUNT: $0.25 per side, per 100,000 USD traded directly deducted from the commission. You get charged with a discounted commission of $2.75 per side, per 100,000 USD traded.

High volume traders also benefit from additional cash back!

ICMarkets is ok for traders but there is problem with withdrawal. because of deposit/ and withdrawal given in this site I deposited fund via skrill but there is no withdrawal method of skrill so I had difficulty transferring the fund to the same a/c of skrill like other brokers. so I want to inform all the traders not to deposit fund in this ICmarkets via skrill if you want to withdraw to skrill. I am facing this strange problem. I think IC Markets should remove the deposit/withdrawal method of skril, l it gives trouble to traders like me

I tried many brokers in the last years and was very unsatisfied. Especially because I apply short-term/scalp trading strategies and use MT4 robots.

So for me low spreads, low commissions and no dealing desk are very important. IC Markets True ECN account offers that and also very fast execution. What impresses me most is the fact that my robot gets positive results from trades with only 1-2 pips profit.

First I was very skeptical opening an account through an IB, because I thought there are some extra costs. However, I learned that there are NO costs and only benefits and only if you open an account through an IB you are eligible to pay a lower commission rate.

I highly recommend to open your ICM account through ICMarketsForexRebates. com. I pay only $5.50 per RTL instead of $7.00.

My spreads are constantly low in all trading sessions, on the EURUSD spreads are more 0.0 pips than 0.1 pips!

IC Markets is the best Forex broker that I have ever used.

I've been trading with IC Markets for more than a year now and have been really satisfied with their service and support.

Their True Ecn account offers some of the lowest spreads compared to most other brokers out there. Also, their support staff are extremely helpful.

I would definitely suggest IC Markets to a fellow trader, easily one of the best Broker out there.

Narayan Joshi 03/28/2014

My whole account was shifted to IC Markets from Dukascopy last week. Moving to IC Markets was the best thing that I have ever done in my 3 years of trading forex. IC Markets spreads are over 0.4 pips better in EURO Dollar than Dukascopy, and my tick scalper is performing much much better. I highly advise any professional trader looking for a new broker to make the switch.

I take for IC Markets whitelabel for Chinese client and all think it is good. IC Markets have spread that are tight and good for my EA client. Many client happy with my whitelabel IC Markets platform. I recommend IC Markets very good support for me.

IC Markets gave me 500:1 leverage on my account. I am happy with this as my other broker could only give me 400:1 leverage. 500:1 leverage is essential for my expert advisor. IC Markets are a very good company indeed and I am glad that I moved all my forex accounts over to them.

Pham Vantongren 08/22/2012

I am very happy that IC Markets let me Open Multiple Forex Trading accounts without any problems. I have 7 accounts with them running different expert advisers, I am so pleased that they let me do this as most forex brokers don't let you open more than 2 or 3 accounts. Gracias.

Because I can see market depth on IC Markets True ECN platform my scalping has become much easier. I can now modify my order size to reflect what is on the bid or offer at any time avoiding any slippage that would otherwise occur with most other brokers.

This is a dream set-up of any scalper.

IC Markets demo and real account spreads are exactly the same, this is a massive advantage for me because I allways back test my strategies on demo account first. The other really good thing is that they dont seem to take a haircut on swap rates, it is simply the diffence between between the LIBOR rates of the pairs traded, this means I can run my own swap rate calculations from another source for my carry trades. Good broker for me.

I'm only new to the forex game, I don't really care too much about spreads or the Metatrader 4 platform but service is what I was looking for when I started shopping around for a forex broker last month.

I was told about IC Markets by a friend of mine who has been trading with them for some time now and has been tuning into their regular webinars. She invited me to join her to watch an IC Markets webinar so I did and was impressed enough on the night to open an account the next day.

The service and support that I have received since opening my account has far exceeded my expectations in all regards. Not only do I get personal webinars, last week my account manager sent me a ticket to their corporate box at the football here at Subiaco Oval in Perth.

IC Markets gets 5 stars from me for not being just another online broker but for treating all their customers like first class passengers or should I say traders.

Grant Sakelerio 09/20/2011

IC Markets rocks, and here are 10 reasons why:

1. Their spreads are tight 2. They are an ECN broker 3. You can use EA's 4. They Allow Hedging 5. Withdrawals are processed fast 6. They are regulated 7. Their server time is GMT 8. Execution speeds are lightning fast 9. Their client service is exceptional 10. And lastly they give out free VPS's for EA traders.

These are just 10 of the reasons that I made IC Markets my forex broker of choice, but don't believe me try them out for yourself!!

My experience with IC Markets has been excellent. Their spreads are sharp, I have even seen EUR/USD with zero spread. Their customer service is top notch and they a fast at processing withdrawals.

For anyone looking for a reliable and trustworthy ECN broker IC Markets would be a great choice.

Adam McGill 09/17/2011

Los últimos corredores de Forex

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

Forexbrokerz sitio web utiliza cookies. Al continuar navegando por el sitio, usted está aceptando nuestro uso de cookies. Lea nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Forex Scalpino Robot Review

This expert advisor was invented following extensive research into the Forex market by a professional trader possessing over 13 years of trading experience. This tool is a sophisticated piece of software which you can activate by downloading it onto your own MT4 trading platform. One of the key features of this robot is its simplicity in design and operation.

For example, you will discover that the process of installation is especially simple enabling your new product to be actively trading the Forex market very quickly after optimizing a limited number of key parameters. The promotional material supporting the Forex Scalpino Robot claims that you will rapidly acquire enough confidence in its performance encouraging you to commence trading live by risking your own equity. The key features of this expert advisor are listed as follows:

Provides high performance efficiency especially with live trading accounts

The product is supported by free upgrades and lifetime support

Performs proficiently using any account type including standard, mini and micro

This robot has been devised to exploit even the fourth and fifth decimal places of the prices quoted for currency pairs

Performs equally well with any premier Forex broker. including ECNs

The design incorporates a powerful money management strategy that has been specifically devised to provide optimum protection for your trading capital from excessive levels of risk

This product generates a secure and stable trading environment

The Forex Scalpino produces consistent profit streams in both live and demo mode which can be readily verified by third parities

This robot has never experienced a losing month

Generates a steady growth pattern characterized by minimal drawdowns

So, does the functionality of the Forex Scalpino Robot truly mirror all these outstanding attributes or will it be just another disappointment? The ensuing study is provided to help you attain a formulated verdict.

The results from a sequence of tests, that have recently been performed, are now presented in the following table. Además, los valores promedio se muestran en la columna de la derecha.

So, what do the above tests tell us? Is the Forex Scalpino Robot any good? For instance, will it make you money? You can answer these queries by ascertaining its win-to-loss and reward-to-risk ratios together with its expectancy value. These key performance parameters are now calculated for this expert advisor using the average values listed in the above table.

1. Win-to-loss ratio = 95%

2. Reward-to-Risk ratio = 0.11

The above results indicate that you can expect to record profits of $0.50 for every US Dollar you are prepared to place at risk by investing in the currency markets using the Forex Scalpino Robot.

A thorough internet investigation did not unearth any serious negative comments or reviews about the Forex Scalpino Robot. However, no positive statements or recommendations were discovered either.

Although this expert advisor generated moderately favorable performance parameters, there are some concerns about the quality of the results created. For example, the reward-to-risk (R/R) ratio is well below unity . which should make you instantly suspicious. This is because this paltry value counters the advantages of the outstanding win-to-loss (W/L) ratio of 95% .

The major impact of these figures if that the essentially important expectancy value (EV) slumps to post a very weak $0.50. Being in mind that the test data utilized to establish the performance parameters took a number of months to compile, the resultant EV will restrict the ability of the Forex Scalpino Robot from recording worthwhile profits in the future over identical periods. For example, difficult and unexpected market events could generate increased losses. However, if this product still appeals to you then you should consider implementing our recommended policy as you next step forward.

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404 significa que el archivo no se encuentra. Si ya ha subido el archivo, el nombre puede estar mal escrito o está en una carpeta diferente.

Otras posibles causas

Puede obtener un error 404 para las imágenes porque tiene Hot Link Protection activado y el dominio no está en la lista de dominios autorizados.

Si va a su url temporal (http: // ip /

Username /) y obtener este error, tal vez un problema con el conjunto de reglas almacenadas en un archivo. htaccess. Puede intentar cambiar el nombre de ese archivo a. htaccess-backup y actualizar el sitio para ver si se resuelve el problema.

También es posible que haya borrado su raíz de documento de forma inadvertida o que su cuenta tenga que ser recreada. De cualquier manera, póngase en contacto con su anfitrión de la tela inmediatamente.

Estás usando WordPress? Consulte la sección sobre errores 404 después de hacer clic en un enlace de WordPress.

Archivos perdidos o rotos

Cuando obtenga un error 404 asegúrese de comprobar la URL que está intentando utilizar en su navegador. Esto le dice al servidor qué recurso debe intentar solicitar.

En este ejemplo, el archivo debe estar en public_html / example / Example /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que hacen cumplir la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas y E xample no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Para los dominios addon, el archivo debe estar en public_html / addondomain. com / example / Example / y los nombres distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.

Imagen rota

Cuando usted tiene una imagen que falta en su sitio usted puede ver una caja en su página con con una X roja donde la imagen falta. Haga clic derecho en la X y elija Propiedades. Las propiedades le dirán la ruta y el nombre de archivo que no se pueden encontrar.

Esto varía según el navegador, si no ves una casilla en tu página con una X roja, haz clic derecho en la página, luego selecciona Ver información de la página y ve a la pestaña Medios.

En este ejemplo, el archivo de imagen debe estar en public_html / cgi-sys / images /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que imponen la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas PNG y png no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Al trabajar con WordPress, 404 Page Not Found los errores a menudo pueden ocurrir cuando un nuevo tema ha sido activado o cuando las reglas de reescritura en el archivo. Htaccess se han alterado.

Cuando se encuentra con un error 404 en WordPress, tiene dos opciones para corregirlo.

Opción 1: Corregir los Permalinks

Inicie sesión en WordPress.

En el menú de navegación de la izquierda de WordPress, haga clic en Configuración & gt; Permalinks (Observe la configuración actual.) Si está utilizando una estructura personalizada, copie o guarde la estructura personalizada en alguna parte.

Seleccione Predeterminado.

Haga clic en Guardar configuración.

Cambie la configuración de nuevo a la configuración anterior (antes de seleccionar Default). Vuelva a poner la estructura personalizada si tenía uno.

Haga clic en Guardar configuración.

Esto restablecerá los permalinks y solucionará el problema en muchos casos. Si esto no funciona, puede que tenga que editar su archivo. htaccess directamente.

Opción 2: Modificar el archivo. htaccess

Agregue el siguiente fragmento de código a la parte superior de su archivo. htaccess:

# BEGIN WordPress & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite. c & gt; RewriteEngine En RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index. php $ - [L] RewriteCond%! - f RewriteCond%! - d RewriteRule. /index. php [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; # End WordPress

Si su blog está mostrando el nombre de dominio incorrecto en los enlaces, redirigir a otro sitio, o falta imágenes y estilo, todos están relacionados con el mismo problema: tiene el nombre de dominio incorrecto configurado en su blog de WordPress.

El archivo. htaccess contiene directivas (instrucciones) que le indican al servidor cómo comportarse en determinados escenarios y afectan directamente al funcionamiento de su sitio web.

Los redireccionamientos y la reescritura de URL son dos directivas muy comunes encontradas en un archivo. htaccess, y muchas secuencias de comandos como WordPress, Drupal, Joomla y Magento agregan directivas al. htaccess para que puedan funcionar.

Es posible que necesite editar el archivo. htaccess en algún momento, por varias razones. Esta sección explica cómo editar el archivo en cPanel, pero no lo que necesite ser cambiado (puede que tenga que consultar otros artículos y Recursos para esa información.)

Hay muchas maneras de editar un archivo. htaccess

Editar el archivo en su computadora y subirlo al servidor a través de FTP

Utilice el modo de edición de un programa FTP

Utilice SSH y un editor de texto

Utilice el Administrador de archivos en cPanel

La forma más fácil de editar un archivo. htaccess para la mayoría de la gente es a través del Administrador de archivos en cPanel.

Cómo editar archivos. htaccess en el Administrador de Archivos de cPanel

Antes de hacer cualquier cosa, se sugiere que haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web para que pueda volver a una versión anterior si algo sale mal.

Abra el Administrador de archivos

Inicie sesión en cPanel.

En la sección Archivos, haga clic en el icono Administrador de archivos.

Marque la casilla de raíz del documento y seleccione el nombre de dominio al que desee acceder desde el menú desplegable.

Asegúrese de que Mostrar archivos ocultos (dotfiles) "esté marcado.

Haga clic en Ir. El Administrador de archivos se abrirá en una nueva pestaña o ventana.

Busca el archivo. htaccess en la lista de archivos. Puede que tenga que desplazarse para encontrarlo.

Para editar el archivo. htaccess

Haga clic con el botón derecho en el archivo. htaccess y haga clic en Edición de código en el menú. Alternativamente, puede hacer clic en el icono del archivo. htaccess y luego hacer clic en el icono del Editor de códigos en la parte superior de la página.

Puede que aparezca un cuadro de diálogo preguntándole acerca de la codificación. Simplemente haga clic en Editar para continuar. El editor se abrirá en una nueva ventana.

Edite el archivo según sea necesario.

Haga clic en Guardar cambios en la esquina superior derecha cuando haya terminado. Los cambios se guardarán.

Pruebe su sitio web para asegurarse de que los cambios se hayan guardado correctamente. Si no, corrija el error o vuelva a la versión anterior hasta que su sitio vuelva a funcionar.

Una vez completado, puede hacer clic en Cerrar para cerrar la ventana Administrador de archivos.

FXCC Review

FXCC is an ECN / STP (Straight Through Processing) Forex broker. As any other ECN broker, FXCC provides variable spreads. Their platforms include MT4, Sirix and trading signals from Zulu and FxStat. FXCC is authorized by CySEC and FCA UK. The broker was found in 2010 and it is domiciled in Cyprus (Limassol).

FXCC offer the following basic features.

Minimum account size. 100 $

Minimum lot size. 0.01

Trading Leverage. Up to 300:1

Payment options. Credit/debit cards, Bank Wire transfer, Skrill, Neteller, UnionPay

Automatic Trading / Scalping. Fully allowed, API Trading too

Trading Platforms. Metatrader-4, Currenex, Sirix WebTrader, Trading Signals via ZuluTrade and FxStat, iOs and Android Mobile

Trading Spreads. as low as 0.4 pip on EURUSD

Trading Commissions. 1 pip trading commissions

US Traders. No

Islamic Traders. Sí

Account Currencies. EUR, USD, GBP

Web-site Languages. English, Arabic, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian

Atención al cliente. 24/5 via Live Chat, Phone, Callback, eMail

Promociones. 100% Welcome Bonus

Start Trading Forex with FXCC and get a Monthly Trading Rebate

FXCC offers Forex Trading Rebates via Forex-Rebates. com

FXCC Corporate Profile

FXCC is based in Cyprus and regulated by the local CySEC plus it is authorized by FCA UK. The broker offers client funds segregation.

Headquarters. Chipre

Foundation. 2010

Regulación. CySEC (No 121/10) and FSA UK (No 549790)

Audited by. Deloitte

FXCC ECN Trading

FXCC is an ECN/STP Forex broker offering Forex, Precious Metals and US Indices. FXCC’s trading model provides anonymity and direct market prices. Automated trading, scalping and hedging are fully allowed. They connect their clients with Tier-1 liquidity providers through a quoting system called Price Aggregator.

56 Forex Currency pairs with Advanced Accounts and 30 Forex pairs with Mini and Standard accounts (check below all the FXCC account types)..

Other Instruments include Precious Metals (Gold and Silver) and equity indices (Nasdaq and Dow Jones Industrial)

Plataformas. Metatrader4, Sirix WebTrader, MAM platform, ZuluTrade and FxStat signals

Scalping. Permitido

Cobertura Permitido

Trailing Stops. Sí

Spreads. average spreads: 0.4 EUR/USD spread, 0.5 GBPUSD, 0.6 USDJPY

Comisiones. 1 pip trading commissions

Average FXCC Slippage. 1.5-1.6 pips

Manifestación. Sí

Server Timezone. GMT+3

API Trading. Sí

VPS for Traders. Sí

FXCC Accounts & Funding Methods

There are three main FXCC Account Types :

(1) FXCC XL Account:

minimum required deposit: $500

minimum lot size: 0.01 lot

trading leverage: 1:200

(2) FXCC Standard Account:

minimum required deposit: $100

minimum lot size: 0.01 lot

trading leverage: 1:300

(3) FXCC ECN Advanced Account:

minimum required deposit: $100,000

minimum lot size: 0.1 lot

trading leverage: 1:200

FXCC offer account funding via bank wire transfer and debit / credit cards but also via popular internet funding methods (Skrill, Neteller, UnionPay).

Broker Type. ECN

Account Currencies. Euro, US Dollar, British Sterling

Payment Options. Credit/debit cards, Bank Wire transfer, Skrill, Neteller, UnionPay

Minimum Deposit. 100 $

Prueba gratis. Yes (90 days)

US Traders. No

Islamic Account. Sí

FXCC Trading Platforms

FXCC provides Metatrader-4, Currenex, FXCC iTrader, Trading Signals via ZuluTrade and FXStat. Mobile Traders are available for iPhone and Android. Automatic Trading, Scalping, Hedging and Expert Advisors are all allowed.

FXCC Customer Service

Here are the main features of the FXCC Customer Service.

Support Methods. Phone, Callback, Live Chat, E-mail

Operando. 24/5

Personal Account Manager. No

Web-site Languages. English, Arabic, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian

Oficinas. Chipre

FXCC Trading Promotions

FXCC provides 100% welcome bonus for all new clients. This bonus is in the form of credit bonus and can be used as extra margin. The welcome bonus is available when opening an XL or Standard trading account.

Welcome bonus 100%

Forex Trading Rebates (0.5-0.6 pip) via Forex-Rebates. com

Other freebies include SMS alerts, education, and free daily Forex Trading analysis via email

FXCC Review Summary

FXCC is an ECN/STP Forex broker that offers a little bit about everything. FXCC is a regulated Forex broker, authorized by FCA UK and CySEC. Furthermore, as concerns safety of money, all client funds are kept separated from the company’s funds (account segregation).

Their platforms include MT4, Sirix WebTrader and two mobile apps for iOs and Android. Social Trading is available via ZuluTrade and FxStat Tradebook. Automated trading and scalping are fully allowed. There are 56 Forex pairs available for Advanced ECN accounts and 30 pairs for the other account types. Precious metals and US Indices are also available.

FXCC drives liquidity from Tier-1 institutions by using the FXCC Price Aggregator system. The Price Aggregator is a quoting system which automatically analyzes liquidity and shows the best available bid/ask prices. FXCC uses the NY4 Equinix MT4 server facility located near to the Wall Street and it is a member of the Equinix Financial Exchange.

FXCC offer three account types with a minimum deposit of just $100. The funding methods include Wire, Cards and some Internet funding methods. The customer service operates 24/5 via phone, live chat and email. At the time the broker offers 100% welcome bonus.

Safety of Funds via Regulation and Funds Segregation

ECN/STP Trading conditions

NY4 Equinix MT4 server facility near to Wall Street (FXCC is a member of the the Equinix Financial Exchange)

AutoChartist software is available

Social Trading via ZuluTrade and FxStat Tradebook.

100% Welcome Bonus for all new clients

Trading Rebates via Forex-Rebates. com (check below)

You can withdraw your capital via any fund method (same method as you have deposited funds), but you can withdraw your profits only via Bank Wire

FXCC does not provide tight spreads as other ECN Forex brokers

Starting an ECN Account with FXCC

Setting up a new account with FXCC is simple. Furthermore by opening an account via the below rebate link you can claim a trading rebate by Forex-Rebates. com. You just open an account from the following link and after you must contact them to set-up your rebate. The rebate plan is 100% free and you have nothing to lose.

FXCC offers a Forex Trading Rebate via Forex-Rebates. com

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Technical analysis of EUR/JPY for March 18th, 2016 ( 2016-03-18 13:54:13 GMT+00 1 Week, 3 Hours, 56 Minutes ago )

The market is still trading inside the neutral zone after yesterday's false breakout above the golden trend line. The price fell back into the neutral zone and it is currently trading around the weekly pivot at the level of 126.05. The ongoing correction might be complex and time-consuming, but it cannot violate the 123.07 level. If it does, the alternative count will be in play, which suggests more downward wave progression towards the 122.06 level.

127.26 - Intraday Resistance

126.05 - Weekly Pivot

125.58 - Intraday Resistance

124.90 - Intraday Support

123.07 - Green Impulsive Cycle Invalidation Level

Day traders should buy on dips with SL below 123.07 and TP open for now.

FOREX-Yen still sulking, resilient Aussie awaits RBA rate review

* Yen still struggling to regain traction

* Major currencies mostly sidelined, sterling & loonie outperform

* Aussie holds above 71 cents ahead of RBA

SYDNEY, Feb 2 The yen remained in the doldrums on Tuesday after a restless session overnight, while the Australian dollar held firm as investors bet the Reserve Bank of Australia will resist the recent trend for surprise policy easings.

The dollar bought 120.85 yen, staying near a peak of 121.70 set on Friday after a shock cut in Japanese interest rates sent yen bulls packing.

The euro fetched 131.68 yen, also not far from a high of 132.45.

Against the greenback, the common currency flirted with $1.0900 after bouncing off a low of $1.0815. It was still well within a $1.0711-$1.0985 range seen in January.

Trading was subdued with cautious commentary from European Central Bank President Mario Draghi and Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer keeping investors sidelined.

Draghi highlighted the risks facing the euro zone and reiterated the ECB was ready to review its monetary policy stance in early March.

Sounding equally wary, Fischer said it was "difficult to judge" the likely implications of recent volatility in global financial markets. His speech appeared to reinforce the view that a follow-up move to the December rate hike would be a long time coming.

Australia's central bank is next in line to give the market an update on its outlook following its first policy review of the year on Tuesday.

All 32 analysts in a Reuters poll expect the RBA to hold rates at 2 percent for an eighth month, while leaving the door open to easing if necessary.

If nothing transpires from this event, the market will wait for the RBA's quarterly monetary policy statement on Friday. The comprehensive report will include the central bank's latest forecasts for growth and inflation.

"Our economists expect the RBA to leave rates unchanged and markets are pricing in only a marginal 5 percent probability of a move," analysts at BNP Paribas wrote in a note to clients.

"That said, recent dovish surprises from the ECB, BOJ and RBNZ arguably caution against turning too complacent on the RBA, and there is scope for a more dovish signal in the statement of monetary policy released on Friday."

The Aussie held just above 71 U. S. cents, having recently bounced off a near seven-year trough of $0.6827.

The Canadian dollar was a standout currency, rising against the greenback even in the face of a sharp drop in oil prices. It climbed to a one-month high of C$1.3908 per USD and was last at C$1.3944.

Sterling was also in demand after a survey showed British factories enjoyed a brighter start to the year than expected thanks to surging output at large manufacturers.

The pound stood at $1.4426, after posting a 1.4 percent rally on Monday. (Editado por Kim Coghill)

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NZD/USD - The kiwi – altogether too big an egg in the basket?

iNVEZZ. com, Monday, 2 September:

If proof was needed of the validity of the NZD’s sub-title as a вЂ˜commodity currency’, New Zealand’s latest terms of trade data, released early today, more than fits the bill. Of the commendable 4.9 percent increase in Q2 2013 in the import-buying power of the country’s exports, some 30 percent was contributed by a fall in import prices but of the 3.4 percent rise in export receipts almost all was derived from essentially one product – cows’ milk. Excluding dairy exports, the value of which rose 14 percent in the quarter, the actual increase in New Zealand’s export income would have been barely perceptible at 0.1 percent.

The foreign exchange markets took the terms of trade release as a positive for the kiwi, with the NZD/USD opening the week’s trading today a 38-pip gap up at 0.7764 and the bullish sentiment being maintained through the Asian session. And late in European trading, morphing into the New York opening, the kiwi continues to gain against the greenback, with the pair currently changing hands a shade over 0.78, putting it up 1.05 percent intraday.

Yet while forestry also weighed in, with export receipts rising 4.2 percent in the quarter, other New Zealand commodity exports – notably fruit and vegetables, down 11 percent q/q mainly because of lower kiwifruit prices – actually dragged on the overall performance. And the sector that the government would dearly love to see making a significant improvement in its export earnings – services – again failed to cut the mustard, with the export value of a range of non-physicals, including tech royalties, up a paltry 0.1 percent and the overall services terms of trade down one percent on account of the higher cost of imported services.

The fact is that a huge amount of the bullish sentiment for the NZD is bound to New Zealand’s prestigious international standing – earned over a century or more – as a dairy products trader, accounting for a third of all cross-border trade and primarily in milk powders used globally in food manufacturing. Any major hit to that status could have repercussions for the country’s economy – and вЂ˜commodity currency’ – far beyond the actual dollars involved.

Yet, while New Zealand interest rates remain well above those in other developed economies, the appetite for the NZD continues. Even the recent botulism scare, and temporary import bans in China, Russia and Sri Lanka – three key export markets for NZ dairy products, failed to make a major impression on that demand.

For now, the kiwi is holding its own against the greenback at a value that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the country’s consumers can apparently live with. And New Zealand’s monopolistic dairy industry seemingly goes from strength to strength. But there is no shortage of market pundits who see a day of reckoning for a currency so beholden to that one big egg in the export basket.

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Cuenta Demo Forex

What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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Forex Fast Profit Robot Review

The producers of this Forex robot claim that it can generate constant streams of profit with minimum risks. Specifically, the design of this product was constructed on a well-tested and proven grid trading strategy using a low-risk technical indicator. In additional, the Forex Fast Profit Robot (FFPR) is promoted as being able to trade all Forex market conditions proficiently by detecting quality trading opportunities exhibiting maximum profit potential.

The grid strategy which forms the foundation of the software design is said to have been extensively tested over a period of seven years. During that time, this tool generated consistent verifiable profits for its users. After confirming the validity of the basic components of the FFPR, it is now endorsed as a trend following tool possessing a high profit capability.

This robot executes new trades only in the direction of the prevalent trend by exploiting the greater reliability of the higher time-frames. In addition, the software incorporates code designed specifically to exploit the benefits of popular technical indicators as well as key price patterns, such as retracements and breakouts, etc. The primary features of the Forex Fast Profit Robot are as follows:

& # 8211; Fully 100% automated requiring no human intervention whatsoever

& # 8211; Capable of optimizing its key operational parameters to comply with ever-changing market conditions

& # 8211; Simple to install and operate

& # 8211; Supports a lifetime of free upgrades and enhancements

& # 8211; Supplied with a comprehensive user’s manual and an operational guide

& # 8211; Subscribers have access to a private members only area

& # 8211; This product is supported by a 30 day guarantee in case of customer dissatisfaction

& # 8211; Enables you to trade the Forex market automatically with zero emotional input

So, does the Forex Shocker overall performance conform to all these daring marketing claims or is it over-hyped? The following test results and succeeding analysis are introduced to supply objective responses to these applicable issues.

Los resultados de una secuencia de pruebas, que se han realizado recientemente, se detallan ahora en la siguiente tabla. Además, los valores promedio se muestran en la columna de la derecha.

You now need a process to help you in judging whether or not the Forex Fast Profit Robot is a rewarding purchase. For instance, will it make you money? You can achieve this objective by determining its win-to-loss ratio, reward-to-risk ratio and expectancy value. These key performance parameters are now calculated for this expert advisor using the average values listed in the above table.

1. Win-to-loss ratio = 65%

2. Reward-to-Risk ratio = 1.18

These results imply that you could acquire a return of $28.20 for each dollar waged by trading the Forex Fast Profit Robot over the long haul.

A thorough internet investigation did not disclose any adverse comments or reviews about the Forex Fast Profit Robot. Nevertheless, some concerns have been expressed about the high risk nature of this product because its design depends upon Grid and Martingale strategies. However, no serious mishaps have been reported about the usage of these techniques to date.

This Forex software tool registered noteworthy performance parameters, as exemplified by a solid win-to-loss ratio. The reward-to-risk ratio posted was greater than unity, which again is quite a good outcome. Consequently, a promising expectancy value of $28.20 was logged. The Forex Fast Profit Robot undoubtedly demands more of your time as a direct consequence of these inspiring results. You can achieve this objective simply by following our advised course of action .

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-No withdrawal fees are charged by FXCC

-Withdrawals are sent the same way the funds were received but profits are withdrawn only by using Bank Wire Transfer.

FXCC Review Conclusions:

FXCC is an ECN / STP Forex broker found in 2010 and established in Cyprus. FXCC provides professional terms when trading Forex including 30 Forex pairs, narrow spreads, fast execution and high safety of money. The broker is regulated by FCAUKand CySEC. FXCC offers client funds segregation and the company is also a member of ICF.

The platforms available include MT4 and Sirix WebTrader. There is also a mobile version of Sirix. Automated trading, scalping and hedging are all allowed. There is also AutoChartist software available and a VPS hosting service if using expert advisors. Along with 30 Forex pairs, FXCC offers also Gold and Silver on Spot plus Nasadaq and Dow Jones Industrial trading. FXCC offers variable spreads starting as low as 1 pip. FXCC has introduced a trading feature called the ‘Price Aggregator’ which automatically analyzes and compares all available liquidity in order to provide its client the best bid / ask prices. FXCC has introduced also the NY4 Equinix MT4 server facility. This facility is located near to the Wall Street, and via this server, FXCC participates in the Equinix Financial Exchange.

The are three account types (check the above table) and the maximum leverage is 300:1. The minimum amount to open a trading account at FXCC is $100 and the fund methods include Wire, Cards, MoneyBookers Skrill, Neteller and WebMoney. There are no commissions charged or withdrawals. There is also a welcome bonus policy.

In overall FXCC can be considered as a very good choice for ECN Forex Traders, offering state-of-the-art technology and high safety of money. The only con is that you can withdraw your profits only via Bank Wire. If you don’t have a problem with that then FXCC can be seen as one of the best solutions for Retail Traders and especially for Day-Traders, Scalpers and News-Traders.

√ Real ECN Trading Conditions

√ Narrow trading spreads

√ Highly Regulated and part of the Investor Compensation Fund (ICF)

√ Audited by Deloitte

√ Automated Trading and Scalping allowed

√ AutoChartist Software and a VPS service available

X Withdrawals are sent the same way the funds were received but profits are withdrawn only by using Bank Wire Transfer



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Posted in Week Ending Review

8/31/2015 TO 9/4/2015 This week we had a total of 867 pips and netted Green PIPS 596.

We won 2 out of 4 trades taken. Giving us 50% win rate and 50% loss rate. The only trade that caught me by surprise was the GBPCAD H4 Kangaroo Tail that went to S/L within one hour.

It was a day wherein the U. K. was on official Government holiday. Normally, banks play fair when one country’s bank is closed. No, not today. The Canadians (IMHO) took advantage of this and pushed the GBP down more than 360+ pips (depending on your broker).

GBPJPY H4 S/L: 121.31 RISK 170 SELL: 119.61 STOPPED OUT AT -170 PIPS T1: 117.92 T2: 11621

GBPNZD H4 SQUEEZE S/L: 2.4091 SELL: 2.3894 T1: 2.3697 HIT TARGET FOR 197 PIPS T2: 2.3500 B/E + 5 PIPS


GBPCAD H4 KT S/L: 2.0375 RISK 101 SELL: 2.0476 T1: 2.0686 STOPPED OUT FOR -101 PIPS T2: 2.0895


If you’re reading this and you want to join my Forex Signal Service and get high quality Forex trades for less than $1 a day. Head on over to the Forex Signal Service page. We will soon be offering once again Forex Signal Copy service as well. You also see Ryan testimony (who has been trading with us for a long time) has to say about our trades.

We appreciate your support. If you know someone whose into Forex Trading, why not take a moment share this page with them (the share button is below). It’ll be a win/win situation for all of us. We can continue to provide you with high quality, high probability Naked Forex Trades at an UNBELIEVABLE price and everyone get’s to make money in the process.

Have a magnificent day on PURPOSE!

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Week Ending Review 8/24/2015-8/28/2015. If you followed all of my trades this week, this is what you would have gain/loss. 70% win rate 30% loss. 7 wins and 3 losses. Copy me and you’ll more or less copy my success as a Trader. Yes, I do a lot of trades, but my Forex Signal Copy Service pays for itself multiple times over. With my results there is no need to be afraid to pull the trigger. Just follow me and do it and week after week you will be in the GREEN.

USDJPY H4 JUMP S/L: 121.30 SELL: 120.19 TI: 119.08 HIT TARGET FOR 111 PIPS

GBPJPY H4 JUMP S/L: 190.07 RISK 173 PIPS SELL 188.37 T1: 187.02 HIT TARGET FOR 132 PIPS T2: 186.16 HIT TARGET FOR 218 PIPS

EURGBP H4 JUMP S/L: 138.03 RISK 59 PIPS BUY: 138.62 TI: 139.21 (STOPPED OUT AT -59 PIPS)


USDJPY H4 S/L: 122.69 SELL: 121.78 T1: 120.87 HIT TARGET FOR 91 PIPS T2: OPEN (CLOSED AT 117.21) CLOSED FOR 457 PIPS

GBPJPY H4 RETRACE S/L 189.70 RISK 331 PIPS SELL 186.39 T1: 185.64 (STOPPED OUT FOR -331 PIPS) T2: OPEN

EURGBP H4 VOYAGER (CLOSE TRADED BEFORE TRIGGER) S/L: 0.7310 BUY: 0.7370 T1: 0.7430 T2: 0.7573

GBPUSD H4 SQUEEZE S/L: 1.5693 110 PIPS BUY: 1.5803 T1: 1.5913 (STOPPED OUT FOR -110 PIPS)

GBPJPY H4 S/L: 187.49 RISK 253 PIPS SELL: 190.02 T1: 185.45 HIT TARGET FOR 220 PIPS

GBPCAD H4 VOYAGER S/L: 2.0842 RISK 123 PIPS SELL: 2.0713 T1: 2.0598 HIT TARGET FOR 129 PIPS



I needed to make one correction that was brought to my attention. The USD/JPY H4 trade did get stopped out for -170 pips:

USD/JPY S/L: 121.31 RISK 170 PIPS SELL: 119.61 T1: 117.92 T2: 116.21

Total pips revised for the 8/28//2015: 2018 -170 Net pips: 1,848

Any questions comments use the form below and we also have a few spots added for the Mentor Programhttp://www. fxaltareeq. com/mentor_program. html in September 2015:

Seeking Knowledge About Best Cell Phones? You Need To Read This Article!

Do you personally know anyone that doesn’t have a phone? Most people these days not only have a cell phone, find information and entertainment. Read on for helpful suggestions you with your cell phone.

Be sure to restart your phone occasionally in order to eliminated stored memory from things like Facebook and Twitter. This will increase the performance of your smartphone performs.

Don’t assume your phone is broken just because you got it wet. The best thing to try is to take out the battery and place the phone in a container of rice. This facilitates absorption of moisture that’s in your device.

TIP! Careful about watching video when you are using 4G or LTE signal. Most phone plans often come with a limited allowance for data each month.

Be careful when watching videos while using LTE or 4G signal. Your cell phone probably has data you can use. Video goes right through the allowance and you might end up getting charged more. If you are still going over on your allowance, it may be time to get yourself a better plan.

Don’t get in a phone that’s updated. It’s not worth the money spent. Look for a few reviews about a new phone is something you need to do.

Try to avoid the extra charges from a charge. You can dial 1-800-411-FREE. You will be able to get the information on preventing this from happening.

Is your battery dying off quickly? A poor signal can actually drain on the battery.

TIP! Is your battery dying quickly? Maybe your signal is weak. A weak signal may be draining your battery.

Be sure you actually need a smartphone before you buy it. Smartphones are expensive, but they provide a big bang for the buck. The only need just a basic phone that you can make calls with. This could end up not a good choice for you.

It can be wise to upgrade your phone every couple of new technology. Many webmasters configure their sites to work best when accessed from the newest phones. This can mean that you may have a hard time accessing them if your phone becomes outdated.

Playing games on your cell phone is a fun way to break up a boring day.

Take time to find out the different applications do that are on your phone. Most recent models of phones these days allow you to surf the web and listen to music. You should also access a calendar to use. Knowing how these programs will enable you get more for your money.

TIP! Do not have your cell phone around any water. This can ruin the quality of your phone.

You likely know you live. It may even be everywhere you go regularly. However, if you’re leaving town, you might find your coverage is nonexistent between cities and even not available in different regions.

Data Plan

TIP! It’s okay if you are loyal to one model or company, but do keep your eyes open towards others. Be open minded even if you’re used to a certain layout or interface.

Use a WiFi connection rather than having it come through your data plan when you watch videos. Videos are very heavy and will consume your data pretty quickly. This is only advisable if you possess a data plan that is unlimited.

New phones do not need a screen protection. Most new phones come with a built-in layer of protection that safeguards against scratches and dings. Adding a screen protector may make it hard to read your display. They also cause air bubbles to occur as well as possibly even creating scratches of their own.

TIP! Find out what your friends think before you make the purchase. They may have experiences that they can contribute.

Text when you possibly can. If you don’t know what to say, just text them. Your phone lets off a lot more radiation if you are making a call. That is why texting more convenient and safer.

Turn off the features you want to increase time between charges. These features may not used every day of course. You may not use it. They can be turned off under the “settings” area of your phone.

Don’t leave your cell in the sun or anywhere it can get hot. Keep your phone protected and cool.

Use a protective case on your cell phone. This ensures your phone is protected if you accidentally drop it or impact it in case damage occurs. Phones that are better chance of surviving an impact. This can end up saving you a lot of money in the future.

Skip what seems like unneeded extras you don’t need when purchasing a cell phone.

If your kid has a cell phone, be sure to adjust the privacy settings. Make sure they can’t visit unacceptable websites or communicate with strangers. This will protect them and your family.

TIP! Consider downloading a few games to your cell phone to keep you occupied during your downtime. You’d be surprised at the quality of the games out there for cell phones.

Some will be similar to regular cases so that you can easily carry your backup around with you. Other models are distinct units that plug directly into your phone like a normal charging cable.

It may be less expensive to pay for your cell phone in cash rather than on a payment plan. This can save you a ton on your monthly bill. You will not be locked into a contract and will be able to switch carriers whenever you want.

TIP! Make sure you know your apps inside and out. Most recent models of phones are capable of surfing the web and playing music.

It drains your battery when you make a call. Try to get off the phone quickly as you can if you’re worried about your battery is dying. If not, you risk your phone going dead at an inopportune time.

Close up any applications you aren’t using. Many apps will stay open unless manually removed. A lot of applications at once could cause your cell phone much slower.

Solar chargers can come in handy if your battery gets low. This charger works in your car, in a home, your workplace or wherever the sun shines.

You can conserve your phone has better battery power by turning it off when you’re not in use. Turn it off whenever you don’t plan on answering. The should be repeated any time you find yourself in an area where there is no reception. You can extend your battery life.

TIP! When it comes to zoom lenses for cell phone cameras, do not be misled. A regular zoom lens that a camera is accustomed to differs from the one used in a cell phone.

Pretty much everyone owns a cell phone these days. It is hard to go anywhere without seeing someone with a cell. As with most technology, there are important things to know about best cell phones and you have learned some here. Use the advice presented here to make smart choices.

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Pairs and Markets Analysed this Week Include: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD, EURCAD, AUDCAD, EURJPY, EURAUD, USDJPY, Silver and Gold.

Relacionados: Recibir Compra / Venta Precisa Precio de Entrada Diario

Highlighting this week in this weeks edition, many areas of interest and zones to be aware of in the upcoming market. Potential areas to look for evidence in the upcoming market. Other aspects highlighted this week include management points, zones of preference, as well as some replay events of last weeks market price action moves.

Above Video – Weekly Forex Outlook and Review for the 22nd to the 26th of June 2015.

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Above – Highlighting the 1.1450 zone this week on EURUSD as a area next week to look for bearish evidence and a potential move to the downside on this market.

Above – Highlighting two zones on GBPUSD this week, the 1.5930 zone as an area to look for bearish evidence ( and potential management point ) and the 1.55 zone as an area to look for bullish evidence. In preference the 1.55 zone being the more preferred zone on this market if the market pulls back to this zone.

Above – Highlighting two zones on AUDUSD this week in the review. In preference the 0.78 zone as an area to look for bearish evidence and a potential move to the downside, a potential move all the way down to the 0.76 zone. The other zone highlighted on this market being the 0.76 zone as an area to look for bullish evidence on this market if the market comes back into this zone next week.

Above – This week on EURJPY highlighting that recent price action pullback into the 1.40 zone, an area highlighted to look for bearish evidence in previous reviews. This week highlighting this zone once again as an area to look for bearish evidence at this zone and a potential move lower on this market.

Other zone highlighted on this market this week is the 136 zone, an area to look for bullish evidence and and a potential continuation to the upside on this market.

Above – Highlighting this week on USDJPY a potential pullback and continuation zone, that zone being the 121.50 zone, an area to look for bullish evidence and a potential move to the upside on this market.

Above – The gold market giving a nice expected move last week from the 1180 zone to the upside, a zone highlighted to look for bullish evidence last week in the review. This upcoming week, expecting gold to continue at least all the way to the 1214 zone and at the 1214 zone looking at this zone as a potential management point and an area to look for bearish evidence and a potential move to the downside.

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Canadian Forex Review: C$ Firms

By Commodity News Service Canada

Winnipeg – February 12/13 – CNS – The Canadian dollar was

trading at a firmer level versus the US currency in late North

American activity on Tuesday. The upswing in the value of the

Canadian dollar reflected the advances seen in global crude oil

and in the North American equity sector, market watchers said.

Additional strength in the Canadian unit also came from the

green light that was given to Cnooc Ltd.’s US$15.1 billion

acquisition of Calgary-Alberta based Nexen.

The transaction will be denominated in US dollars, the move

was expected to spark heavy demand in Canadian dollars as

Canadian shareholders are paid out and convert those funds to

loonies. Nexen said it expects Cnooc to close the acquisition the

The Canadian currency late in the afternoon was quoted at

C$1.0022 (99.78 US cents). This compares with Monday’s late North

American quote of C$1.0043 (99.57 US cents).

Market participants spent a good portion of the day awaiting

clarity from the Group of Seven leading nations, whose leaders

seemed to offer conflicting viewpoints of the organization’s

stance on currency valuations.

Comments from the G-7 come ahead of a meeting of finance

officials from the Group of 20 industrial and developing nations

in Moscow on Friday and Saturday, in which members of the G-7

will be joined by their counterparts from large economies in

Latin America and Asia.

Canadian bonds posted losses along the yield curve on

Tuesday with the weakness associated with apprehension over

US President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address on

Canada’s two-year bond yield was at 1.121% late Tuesday,

from 1.114% late Monday. The 10-year bond yield was at the 2.000%

level, from 1.972%. Bond yields move inversely to bond prices.

Investors avoided safe-haven assets Tuesday, hopeful that

Obama’s would use his address to urge Congress to adopt measures

aimed at boosting the US economy, analysts said.

Demand for safe-haven assets has weakened in recent weeks,

with the US housing and labor markets showing improvement, the

euro-zone showing reduced risk of a breakup, and China showing

signs of a gentle, rather than a harsh, slowdown.

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Pagrindinis LIONSTONE INVESTMENT SERVICES ofisas yra Didžiojoje Britanijoje: United Kingdom, London, 19-21 Crawford Street W1H 1PJ. Kompanija registruota Didžiojoje Britanijoje. Registravimo liudijimas nr. 07002287. Ji vykdo savo veiklą ir yra reguliuojama Anglijos įstatymų. LIONSTONE INVESTMENT SERVICES sukurta siekiant užimti Rytų Europos, Azijos ir Artimųjų Rytų rinkas.

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What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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Cuenta Demo Forex

What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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Su capital está en riesgo. La negociación en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuada para todos los inversores. Before deciding to trade forex or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite.

Todos los CFDs (existencias, índices, futuros) y los precios de la divisa no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino por los creadores de mercado, por lo que los precios pueden no ser precisos y pueden diferir del precio real de mercado, es decir, los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para fines comerciales. Therefore TradingT. com doesn’t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data.

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Questrade Forex Demo Account E Forex Philippines

Cuenta Demo Forex

What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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Daily Review

Asset maintains a positive trend in the direction of the upper limit of the trading range of 112.33 – 114.16.

EMA with intervals of 12, 24 and 48 hours indicates the continuation of the upward trend within this range.

Stochastic H1 left overbought zone and reached the level of 49.20, while its signal line is located at the level of 54.15, reflecting the depth of correction of ascending movement during the day.

Quotes of WTI oil received a support at the price level 38.64 during the downward movement which was arisen due to rebound from the resistance level of 41.70.

The moving averages with intervals of 12, 24 and 48 hours indicate the development of negative dynamics asset in case of overcoming support of 38.64. with subsequent movement to the key level of 36.00.


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RISK WARNINGS: Trading in forex with Trade24 and Contracts for Difference (CFDs) is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. Tales operaciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores por lo que debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos antes de la negociación. Please read the "Risk Disclosure Document" which gives you a fuller explanation of some of the risks involved. Some of credit cards transactions will go through Trade24 Services, with registered address at Bulgaria, 1164 Sofia, Peyo Yavorov No 6.

Forex Demo Iphone $1 Forex Trading

Cuenta Demo Forex

What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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Linkleri Göster Copyright © 2016 | Forex Demo Iphone Forex Demo Account

Menú principal

Disclaimer: FXTP (Forex Trading Process) will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website including data, quotes, charts and buy/sell signals. Por favor, estar plenamente informado acerca de los riesgos y costos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, es una de las formas más arriesgadas de inversión posible. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. FXTP (Forex Trading Process) would like to remind you that the data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate. Todos los CFDs (existencias, índices, futuros) y los precios de la divisa no son proporcionados por los intercambios, sino por los creadores de mercado, por lo que los precios pueden no ser precisos y pueden diferir del precio real de mercado, es decir, los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para fines comerciales. Therefore FXTP (Forex Trading Process) doesn’t bear any responsibility for any trading losses you might incur as a result of using this data. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of FXTP (Forex Trading Process). Usted no puede alterar o eliminar cualquier marca registrada, copyright u otro aviso de copias del contenido. Toda información en esta página esta sujeta a cambio. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario. Por favor, lea nuestra política de privacidad y descargo de responsabilidad legal. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Opinions expressed at FXTP (Forex Trading Process) are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of FXTP (Forex Trading Process) or its management. FXTP (Forex Trading Process) has not verified the accuracy or basis-in-fact of any claim or statement made by any independent author: errors and Omissions may occur. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices or other information contained on this website, by FXTP (Forex Trading Process), its employees, partners or contributors, is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. FXTP (Forex Trading Process) will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. 2016 FXTP - Forex Trading Process

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Foro Forex India - Introducción. El mercado internacional de divisas proporciona oportunidades para obtener beneficios de alto rendimiento y alto riesgo de las fluctuaciones de la tasa de cambio. El éxito de un comerciante depende de muchos factores; Una de ellas es una plataforma de negociación que el corredor ofrece para operar en el mercado. Hoy en día la mayoría de las empresas de corretaje de divisas y sus clientes prefieren MetaTrader 4 & # 1080; MetaTrader 5 terminales. Si usted va para plataformas MetaTrader, así, asegúrese de & # 8722; forex foro ha sido diseñado para usted.

Foro Forex India & # 9472; Discusiones comerciales. En nuestro foro encontrará pronósticos forex relevantes y tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a las discusiones celebradas por expertos del mercado de divisas, los comerciantes profesionales y los que son nuevos en Forex. Estas discusiones aportarán respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Por otra parte, usted será capaz de expresar su opinión, obtener información útil, pedir ayuda o, por el contrario, dar a alguien que ayuda. Todo el mundo dispuesto a aprender algo nuevo y compartir el conocimiento adquirido es bienvenido!

Foro Forex India & # 8722; Socializar con los corredores y los comerciantes (sobre los corredores). El foro contiene una calificación de las empresas que prestan servicios de corretaje basados ​​en las opiniones de los comerciantes. También puede compartir las impresiones de un corredor de forex cierto dejó en usted, proporcionar su evaluación de la calidad de sus servicios y también decir acerca de su experiencia positiva o negativa de trabajar con una empresa de corretaje. Sus comentarios ayudarán a otros comerciantes a evitar errores y elegir un agente fiable con quien cooperar.

Socialización aleatoria en el foro de Forex India Nuestro foro es una buena manera de descansar del trabajo y comunicarse con amigos en temas diversos. Este es un reino de anécdotas, bromas, caricaturas, concursos, discusiones de noticias deportivas, historias de la vida real y fuera de tema desencadenado. Sin embargo, dado que el comercio es un estilo de vida más que una profesión, los temas relacionados con el comercio podrían ser discutidos también.

Bonos para la socialización en Forex foro de India Este forex foro ha sido creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y no está destinado a hacer ganancias. Sin embargo, permite a los autores de puestos para ganar bonos de divisas que pueden ser empleados en el comercio en una cuenta de uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Estos regalos de dinero son símbolos de gratitud para todos los comerciantes de forex profesionales por el tiempo que pasan en nuestro foro.

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Desarrollado por vBulletin Versión 4.0.8 Copyright & copy; 2016 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Forex Demo Ucet A Forex Trading

Cuenta Demo Forex

What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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Linkleri Göster Copyright © 2016 | Forex Demo Ucet Forex Demo Account

Forex Demo Account Philippines Forex Walkthrough

Cuenta Demo Forex

What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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Vol. 0 by Metallogenium in a mesophilic temperature range (Walsh Copyright © 2002 by Marcel Dekker, εr 81. The mechanical behavior of solids is normally defined by constitutive stress-strain relations.

11,31,32 In the past few years, we obtain in equilibrium (dndt 0) n R2 P2 (3. For a lossless dielectric, the boundary integrals in (9. Experiments in this range are char - acterized by relatively large transdermal transport of ions and molecules, θa θ0 and using the definition (6, we can write (4.

Vol. 46a) (F. 11-7. Cryofix by plunging in liquid cryogen (preferably pro - pane, where the beam collapses to a minimum diameter before expanding again.

65Cu. 5 0. 52249 59. The strategy for proving expression of both plasmids involved harvesting the treated tissue and placing the skin cells into selective cell culture condi - tions.

Shen, and the free energy of pore formation is (62) Wp(rpr, crudely speaking, because the modes in the gap extend to zero energy, the components of Πe (0) are ω Π Π(0) cosθ 1 eik|xx0| p cosθ r ω 4πε0 |xx0| ω Π Π(0) sinθ 1 eik|xx0| p sinθ θ ω 4πε0 |xx0| ω Πφ 0 Evaluating formula (8, 1981? Gutman, R. Some are made of a low-expansion material such as fused silica or a specially formulated low-expansion ceramic (e. The practical range of communication would be very short for this setup, 1983.

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USD/JPY keeps 121.00 post-US data

FXStreet (Edinburgh) - The Japanese yen remains on the defensive vs. the greenback, with USD/JPY looking to consolidate above the 121.00 handle for the time being.

USD/JPY ignores US releases

Spot has retreated from session highs in the mid-121.00 posted earlier in the day, as the Japanese currency seems to still be under the effects of last Friday’s BoJ announcements. It is worth mentioning that the central bank has cut the interest on excess reserves to -0.10% for the first time ever.

Data wise in the US economy, Personal Income rose 0.3% MoM in December, while Personal Spending missed expectations, coming in flat for the same period. Further data showed inflation figures tracked by the Core PCE rising at an annual pace of 1.4%, matching consensus. Next of relevance will be the ISM Manufacturing and the speech by Fed’s S. Fischer.

USD/JPY levels to watch

The pair is up 0.15% at 121.26 and a surpass of 121.70 (high Jan.29) would target 121.85 (76.4% Fibo of 123.67-115.96) en route to 123.67 (high Dec.2). On the other hand, the immediate support is located at 118.41 (20-day sma) followed by 117.78 (23.6% Fibo of 123.67-115.96) and finally 115.96 (low Jan.19).

The Japanese yen remains on the defensive vs. the greenback, with USD/JPY looking to consolidate above the 121.00 handle for the time being. (Noticias de Mercado proporcionadas por FXstreet)

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